Ooops I did it again…
Don’t worry – I’m not gonna dance in a red rubber/leather or whatever catsuit like Britney in her video – I am talking about my collaboration with Arla ;)
Today I have the second recipe from the Nimm dir mehr vor* campaign for you. If you are reading this blog on a regular basis, you probably seen the Popsicles with Skyr already. Today I’m going to bake again. No freezer needed this time ;) Today on the menu: delicious Cookie Cups with Skyr. Perfect for #CookieFriday of course
Arla asked some bloggers to create recipes with Skyr and the result is a nice collection of recipes that support you, if you want to eat a bit healthier. The Popsicles I made the other week were a good fit for that – hardly any fat or sugar but loads of protein and vitamins. I cannot guarantee that same “lightness” today, but still – much less sugar and fat you would normally find in my bakes ;) The coconut blossom sugar I used is actually pretty good when it comes to blood sugar levels – not giving you the sugar rush you normally get from refined sugars.
I used one of my already good working oatmeal cookie recipes (btw. also very delicious) and adapted it here and there… since the cookie cups get a filling of Skyr, I wanted them to last longer (just in case you want to store the cups for some time), so I brushed the insides with some melted white chocolate. That is up to you – works fine without. But you know – better safe than sorry ;P
The complete collection of recipes can be found here: Blogger Recipe E-Book* – you can go through all of them online. Take a look – there are really nice ones included (not only mine) ;))
For the cups:
1 egg
2 tbsp. coconut blossom sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla paste
1 1/2 cups (120g) rolled oats
1/2 cup (40g) coconut flakes
1/3 cup (75g) butter, melted
1/4 cup (30g) spelt flour
For the filling:
1.7 oz. (50g) white chocolate, melted (optional)
3 cups Skyr with fruits (e.g. apricot/sea buckthorn, cherry or blueberry)
fresh apricots or berries
Für die Cups:
1 Ei
2 EL Kokosblütenzucker
1/2 TL Vanillepaste
120g Haferflocken
40g Kokosnussflocken
75g Butter, geschmolzen
30g Dinkelmehl
Für die Füllung:
50g weiße Schokolade, geschmolzen (optional)
3 Becher Skyr mit Frucht (z.B. Aprikose & Sanddornbeere, Kirsche oder Heidelbeere)
Frische Früchte oder Beeren
2. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180°C). Line the cookie cups with a small piece of baking parchment each and fill with baking beans. Bake for 16-19 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit in the muffin tin, then remove carefully with a sharp knife and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
3. If you want the cookie cups to stay longer crunchy, I recommend to brush them with melted chocolate – that keeps the filling from soaking the cookie. Melt the chocolate glaze in a bowl over a pot with simmering water (or carefully in a microwave) and brush the insides of the cookie cups and let dry.
4. The skyr cups with fruits have two layers – one with the pure skyr on top and the bottom filled with a fruit layer. Remove the top part and leave the fruit filling in the cups. Cut the fruits into small dices and fill into the cups. Add the fruit filling on the fresh fruits and top with the regular skyr. Decorate with some fresh fruits and serve.
2. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) vorheizen. Die Cookie Cups jeweils mit einem kleinen Stück Backpapier auslegen und mit Backbohnen auffüllen. Im vorgeheizten Ofen für etwa 16-19 Minuten backen – die Ränder sollten eine goldbraune Farbe bekommen haben. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und etwas abkühlen lassen, dann vorsichtig mit einem Messer aus den Formen lösen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett auskühlen lassen.
3. Wenn die Cookie Cups etwas länger durchhalten sollen, dann empfehle ich, sie Innen mit etwas geschmolzener Schokolade einzupinseln – dazu die weiße Schokolade schmelzen (über heißem Wasserbad oder vorsichtig in der Mikrowelle) und dann mit einem Backpinsel die Innenseiten der Cups bestreichen. Dieser Schritt ist nicht zwingend notwendig – die Cookie Cups kann man auch ohne die Schokolade servieren.
4. Von den Bechern mit dem Skyr jeweils vorsichtig die oberste Schicht Skyr mit einem Löffel herauslöffeln – die Fruchtschichten in den Bechern lassen und jeweils kurz umrühren. Die Kirschen und Aprikosen in kleine Stücke schneiden und zusammen mit den Blaubeeren auf die Cookie Cups verteilen, die Fruchtfüllung der Skyr Becher auf die Früchte verteilen und dann mit dem restlichen Skyr toppen. Mit frischen Früchten verzieren und servieren.
Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Cookie Cups with Skyr and Berries
- Prep Time: 30
- Cook Time: 19
- Total Time: 90
- Yield: 6 1x
For the cups
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp. coconut blossom sugar
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla paste
- 1 1/2 cups (120g) rolled oats
- 1/2 cup (40g) coconut flakes
- 1/3 cup (75g) butter, melted
- 1/4 cup (30g) spelt flour
For the filling
- 1.7 oz. (50g) white chocolate, melted (optional)
- 3 cups Skyr with fruits (e.g. apricot/sea buckthorn, cherry or blueberry)
- fresh apricots or berries
- In a large bowl mix coconut blossom sugar with the egg and vanilla paste on high speed until light and fluffy – takes about 4-5 minutes. Add the rolled oats, coconut flakes and the melted butter to the bowl and mix until well combined. Add the flour on top and mix in as well – the dough will be quite sticky. Let rest for about 5 minutes. Grase a muffin tin and divide the batter into 6 equal amounts and press into the muffin tin to the bottom and sides to get a nice crust for the cups. If the dough is still too sticky, make your fingers a bit wet – that should help. Place the muffin tin with the dough in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180°C). Line the cookie cups with a small piece of baking parchment each and fill with baking beans. Bake for 16-19 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit in the muffin tin, then remove carefully with a sharp knife and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
- If you want the cookie cups to stay longer crunchy, I recommend to brush them with melted chocolate – that keeps the filling from soaking the cookie. Melt the chocolate glaze in a bowl over a pot with simmering water (or carefully in a microwave) and brush the insides of the cookie cups and let dry.
- The skyr cups with fruits have two layers – one with the pure skyr on top and the bottom filled with a fruit layer. Remove the top part and leave the fruit filling in the cups. Cut the fruits into small dices and fill into the cups. Add the fruit filling on the fresh fruits and top with the regular skyr. Decorate with some fresh fruits and serve.
- Enjoy baking!
*I worked together with Arla to bring you the recipe for this popsicles. That is why I have to declare this here in Germany as Advertising. All I wrote in this article is still based on my own opinion and has not been affected by anybody :)