You asked for more savory dishes – well – no cake, no cupcakes or cookies today. It’s pizza time! Let’s heat up the oven and start with the sauce! ;)
I would say pizza is one of my weak points. I could eat it a lot. Unfortunately… bad carbs :P But sometimes you can do it (or should do it). But make it yourself – forget the re-made stuff. It is not much work – it takes some time, that is true – but that is mostly waiting. You can prepare the tomato sauce for the topping in advance and store it in the fridge for a couple days or even freeze it – less work every time you have a craving for carbs ;)
This version here is made with chorizo and fresh tomatoes – the recipe is from Sarahs Blog “Das Knusperstübchen” – some time ago she was celebrating her blog birthday and some bloggers including me were preparing some of her recipes to celebrate with her. By first thought back then was making this pizza cause she is also a big pizza fan ;) BUT since it was a birthday I decided to go with a birthday cake – much better idea for that ;)
The recipe is very nice and the pizza really delicious, so I thought I should still share it with you! I mean: PIZZZZZAAAAA! :P
For the tomato sauce:
1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil
2 small onions, diced finely
6 garlic cloves, diced finely
3.5 oz. (100g) tomato paste
3/4 cup (180ml) red wine
3/4 cup (180ml) passata
7 oz. (200g) fresh diced tomatoes
1 tsp. instant vegetable broth (powder)
salt, pepper
pinch of sugar
pinch of cinnamon
For the dough:
0.9 oz. (25g) fresh yeast
1 tsp. honey
1 cup (240ml) lukewarm water (plus more if needed)
3 1/2 cups (450g) all-purpose flour
1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil
1 tsp. salt
For the topping:
9 oz. (250g) mozzarella
2 oz. (60g) parmigiano cheese, grated
fresh cherry tomatoes
chorizo, sliced
fresh basil (optional)
Für die Tomatensoße:
60ml Olivenöl
2 kleine Zwiebeln, fein gehackt
6 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
100g Tomatenmark
180ml Rotwein
180ml Passata (passierte Tomaten)
200g Tomaten, gewürfelt
1 TL Gemüsebrühepulver
Salz, Pfeffer
Prise Salz
Prise Zimt
Für den Teig:
25g frische Hefe
1 TL Honig
240ml lauwarmes Wasser (plus ggf. etwas mehr)
450g Mehl (Type 550)
60ml Olivenöl
1 TL Salz
Für den Belag:
250g Mozzarella
60g geriebener Parmesan
frische Cherrytomaten
Chorizo, in Scheiben
Frischer Basilikum (optional)
2. For the pizza dough mix the fresh yeast with honey in a large bowl until combined. Add the lukewarm water and mix until the yeast has dissolved. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise for about 10 minutes. Add the flour, olive oil and salt to the bowl and knead (with a kitchen machine) until you get a nice smooth dough – if the dough is too dry, add some more water. Take out of the bowl and knead for some time with your hands. Spread some oil in the bowl and place the ball of pizza dough back in that bowl. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise for about 50 minutes in a warm place.
3. Preheat the oven to 425˚F (220°C) – the baking sheet should stay inside the oven to heat up too (if you have a pizza stone, use that one). Divide the dough into four equal pieces and roll out on a floured surface. Place on baking parchment and add some tomato sauce on top – spread all over the dough. Add chorizo, sliced tomatos and mozzarella and sprinkle with some grated parmigiano (or do any other toppins you like). Place on the hot baking sheet (or pizza stone) and bake for abotu 15-18 minutes. Serve hot.
2. Für den Pizzateig den Honig mit der Hefe in einer großen Schüssel verrühren, bis eine homogene Masse ensteht. Das lauwarme Wasser zugeben und so lange rühren, bis sich die Hefe komplett aufgelöst hat. Mit einem Küchentuch abdecken und ca. 10 Minuten gehen lassen. Das Mehl, Olivenöl und Salz zugeben und alles zu einem glatten Teig verkneten (mit der Küchenmaschine) – sollte der Teig zu fest sein, noch etwas Wasser einarbeiten. Den Teig aus der Schüssel nehmen, noch einmal mit den Händen etwas durchkneten und eine Kugel formen. Die Schüssel einölen und den Teig zurück in die Schüssel legen. Mit einem Küchentuch abdecken und für ca. 50 Minuten an einem warmen Ort gehen lassen.
3. Den Ofen auf 220°C (425°F) vorheizen – das Backblech (oder besser noch einen Pizzastein) mit aufheizen. Den Teig in vier Portionen teilen und jeweils auf einer bemehlten Fläche rund und dünn ausrollen. Die Teigkreise auf Backpapier legen und mit etwas Tomatensoße bestreichen und nach Wunsch mit Chorizo, Tomaten und Mozzarella belegen – mit etwas geriebenem Parmesan bestreuen und dann auf das heiße Blech (Pizzastein) legen und 15-18 Minuten backen. Heiß servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Chorizo Pizza
- Prep Time: 40
- Cook Time: 40
- Total Time: 120
For the tomato sauce
- 1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil
- 2 small onions, diced finely
- 6 garlic cloves, diced finely
- 3.5 oz. (100g) tomato paste
- 3/4 cup (180ml) red wine
- 3/4 cup (180ml) passata
- 7 oz. (200g) fresh diced tomatoes
- 1 tsp. instant vegetable broth (powder)
- salt, pepper
- pinch of sugar
- pinch of cinnamon
For the dough
- 0.9 oz. (25g) fresh yeast
- 1 tsp. honey
- 1 cup (240ml) lukewarm water (plus more if needed)
- 3 1/2 cups (450g) all-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil
- 1 tsp. salt
For the topping
- 9 oz. (250g) mozzarella
- 2 oz. (60g) parmigiano cheese, grated
- fresh cherry tomatoes
- chorizo, sliced
- fresh basil (optional)
- Peel the onions/garlic and dice finely. Add the olive oil to a saucepan and heat up. Add the diced onions and cook until soft and opaque. Add the diced garlic and let cook as well. Add the tomato paste and let cook while stirring constantly – let it develop some flavors. Deglaze with the red wine and let cook a bit. Add the passata, diced tomato and the instant vegetable broth – mix well. Season with salt, pepper, sugar and cinnamon and let simmer for about 20 minutes. If you don’t like tomato pieces in your sauce, mix it with an immersion blender to get a smooth sauce. You can make the sauce ahead of time and store it in the fridge or even freeze it to have it at hand whenever you want to make pizza :)
- For the pizza dough mix the fresh yeast with honey in a large bowl until combined. Add the lukewarm water and mix until the yeast has dissolved. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise for about 10 minutes. Add the flour, olive oil and salt to the bowl and knead (with a kitchen machine) until you get a nice smooth dough – if the dough is too dry, add some more water. Take out of the bowl and knead for some time with your hands. Spread some oil in the bowl and place the ball of pizza dough back in that bowl. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise for about 50 minutes in a warm place.
- Preheat the oven to 425˚F (220°C) – the baking sheet should stay inside the oven to heat up too (if you have a pizza stone, use that one). Divide the dough into four equal pieces and roll out on a floured surface. Place on baking parchment and add some tomato sauce on top – spread all over the dough. Add chorizo, sliced tomatos and mozzarella and sprinkle with some grated parmigiano (or do any other toppins you like). Place on the hot baking sheet (or pizza stone) and bake for abotu 15-18 minutes. Serve hot.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 4
Sieht super lecker aus! *__* Vielleicht kann ich das ja mal mit vegetarischer Chorizo nachmachen! :>
Vegetarische Chorizo? Sachen gibts – man lernt nie aus! ;)
Schmeckt bestimmt auch nur mit Gemüse lecker :)