Hi and Hello from my Home Office! I guess many out there do the same thing right now – working from home! Well.. let’s make the best out of that situation. Let’s have a nice slice of cheesecake. A nice Baklava Cheesecake with Nuts, Honey and a little bit of Ritter Sport chocolate – just enough to make the flavors of this cheesecake perfect ;) Does anybody want some?! Line up and we will see how long it lasts…
With all that chaos all over the world, I felt I needed something sweet again. A delicious dessert that lets you forget everything and sends you (at least in your imagination) to foreign countries… the only thing you can do right now since actual traveling is almost impossible. Well – close your eyes, open that mouth fo yours, take a bite of that delicious cheesecake and then enjoy and dream a bit ;)
You can see on the pictures (and I mentioned it before) some chocolate of my favorite chocolate “dealer” aka. Ritter Sport* ended up in this cheesecake. Ritter Sport just recently released three new chocolate flavors/varieties – all of them kind of aiming for the wanderlust we all experience right now. Coincidentally they call it the “Fernweh Edition” aka. the “Wanderlust Edition”. Did they know we would be stuck at home for a while? Probably also just a coincidence ;)
“Hula Hula” Kokoswaffel*, “Buenos Días” Weiße Mango Maracuja* and “Marhaba” Joghurt Honig Nuss* – these are the new flavors and the last one actually made it into this cheesecake – I guess you knew that already ;)
This delicious little Baklava Cheesecake is basically a reincarnation of the “Marhaba” chocolate – or is it the other way around?! Both have more or less the same ingredients – yogurt, honey, nuts and of course chocolate. A perfect combination of flavors and textures. Sweet, nutty, creamy and crunchy – all at the same time.
Anyway. If you have the chance you should try the different chocolate flavors – one of them will probably become one of your new favorite chocolate flavors ;) Besides the “Marhaba” chocolate, the “Hula Hula” chocolate with coconut waffle is also very popular in our house. Maybe I should make something with that one too someday…
About that cheesecake…. working with filo pastry can be a bit tricky. The dough sheets are extremely thin – they tend to dry out when exposed to air for too long. Make sure you cover them with a damp clean kitchen towel while working on the cake.
If you ever made “real” Baklava, you probably noticed that there is a lot of melted butter involved. You basically drench the filo dough sheets in butter when assembling baklava ;) This cheesecake also needs some butter spread over the filo dough sheets, but you should not use too much. You need some to get the filo dough crunchy and nicely browned during baking, but if you add too much there is a risk of creating a soggy and fatty crust. Nobody wants that ;) As for the filling – due to the honey used both of the fillings it can be quite sweet for some people. If you like it less sweet, just leave out the honey in the cheesecake filling – there is still some in the nut filling and probably enough for most people ;)
1.8 oz. (50g) hazelnuts, chopped
1.8 oz. (50g) walnuts, chopped
1.8 oz. (50g) Ritter Sport Marhaba Joghurt Honig Nuss, chopped
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp. butter, melted
For the cheesecake filling:
14 oz. (400g) cream cheese
7 oz. (200g) Greek yogurt
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
1 tbsp. honey
3 medium eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3 tbsp. all-purpose flour
For the base/crust:
10 filo dough sheets
4-5 tbsp. butter, melted
For the decoration:
some Ritter Sport Marhaba Joghurt Honig Nuss, chopped
some chopped nuts
some honey (optional)
50g Haselnüsse, gehackt
50g Walnüsse, gehackt
50g Ritter Sport Marhaba Joghurt Honig Nuss, gehackt
1 TL Zimt
2 EL Honig
2 EL Butter, geschmolzen
Für die Käsekuchen-Füllung:
400g Frischkäse
200g griechischer Joghurt
100g Zucker
1 EL Honig
3 Eier (M)
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
3 EL Mehl (Type 550)
Für den Boden:
10 Filoteigblätter
4-5 EL Butter, geschmolzen
Für die Dekoration:
etwas Ritter Sport Marhaba Joghurt Honig Nuss, gehackt
ein paar gehackte Nüsse
etwas Honig (optional)
2. Add the chopped and toasted nuts (keep some for decorations) to a bowl. Chop the chocolate and mix with the nuts. Add the ground cinnamon, honey, and 2 tablespoons melted (and cooled) butter and mix until well combined. Set aside.
3. For the cheesecake filling add the cream cheese, Greek yogurt, sugar, and honey to a large bowl and mix at very low speed until combined. Add the eggs and vanilla extract and mix in – again very slowly to avoid air bubbles in the filling. Sprinkle the flour on top and mix in until well incorporated.
4. Wrap an 8 inches (20cm) springform tin with aluminum foil and place in a larger pan. The cheesecake will bake in water later on, so wrap the tin tight. Grease the tin lightly. Brush your filo dough sheets with the butter and place them in the springform tin – rotate the sheets each time you add one on top of the other, so the filo is overlapping the sides of the tin on all sides slightly. When all filo sheets are placed in the tin, add some of the filling on the bottom, then add about half of the nut filling on top of that and spread evenly. Pour half of the remaining cheesecake filling on top, then add the remaining nut mixture on top and finish with the remaining cheesecake filling – try to cover the nuts completely. Add hot water to the pan – it should go about halfway up the sides of the wrapped springform tin. Place the pan and tin in the center of the oven, reduce the heat to 320°F (160°C) and bake the oven for 55-60 minutes. The filling should be firm but still a bit jiggly in the center if you tap the tin. Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside for another 30 minutes, then take out and let cool down completely. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
5. To decorate the cheesecake add some chopped chocolate and nuts on top. Drizzle with honey if you like (optional).
2. Die gehackten und gerösteten Nüsse (ein paar für die Dekoration zurückbehalten) in eine Schüssel geben. Die Schokolade hacken und mit den Nüssen vermischen. Zimt, Honig und geschmolzene und abgekühlte Butter (2 EL) dazugeben und alles gut vermischen. Zur Seite stellen.
3. Für die Käsekuchenfüllung den Frischkäse mit dem Joghurt, Zucker und Honig in eine große Schüssel geben und auf niedrigster Stufe verrühren. Die Eier und den Vanille Extrakt zugeben und unterrühren – rührt hier wirklich langsam, es soll so wenig Luft wie möglich in die Füllung eingearbeitet werden. Das Mehl dazugeben und gut unterrühren.
4. Eine 20cm (8 inches) Springform mit Aluminiumfolie einschlagen und in eine Fettpfanne mit hohem Rand setzen. Der Käsekuchen soll später in einem Wasserbad backen, also die Form gut und dicht einpacken. Die Form leicht einfetten. Die Filoteigblätter mit der geschmolzenen Butter bestreichen und in die Form legen. Die Teigblätter jedes Mal ein wenig drehen, damit überall Teig über den Rand hinausragt. Wenn alle Filoteigblätter benutzt wurden, etwas von der Käsekuchenfüllung auf den Boden geben, dann die Hälfte der Nussmischung darauf verteilen. Die Hälfte der Käsekuchenmischung in die Form schütten, dann noch einmal die Nüsse darauf verteilen und dann mit der restlichen Käsekuchenmischung abschließen – die Nüsse sollten nach Möglichkeit komplett bedeckt sein. Die Fettpfanne mit heißem Wasser auffüllen – das Wasser sollte die eingepackte Springform etwa bis auf halbe Höhe umschließen. In die Mitte des Ofens schieben, die Temperatur auf 160°C (320°F) verringern und dann für 55-60 Minuten backen. Die Füllung sollte fest geworden sein, aber in der Mitte noch etwas wackeln, wenn man an der Form rüttelt. Den Ofen ausschalten und den Käsekuchen für 30 Minuten im ausgeschalteten Ofen stehen lassen, dann herausholen und komplett abkühlen lassen, danach für mindestens 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen.
5. Für die Dekoration des Käsekuchens etwas gehackte Schokolade und ein paar gehackte Nüsse auf dem Kuchen verteilen. Nach Belieben mit etwas Honig beträufeln (optional).
Btw. some of my blogger colleagues also created recipes with these new chocolate flavors – take a look: Andrea von “Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte” used the “Buenos Días” chocolate and made a good looking Mango-Skyr-Cheesecake and Jasmin from “Küchendeern” created a recipe for a White Chocolate Tart with Mango & Passion Fruit. Sounds both really delicious, doesn’t it? The recipes on that page are only available in German though – but uncle Google is probably willing to help and translate everything for you ;))
Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Baklava Cheesecake
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: 01:00
- Total Time: 05:00
- Yield: 1
- Category: Cheescake
- Cuisine: International
Sweet and delicious cheesecake inspired by a classic Arabian bake: Baklava Cheesecake. Cheesecake meets honey, nuts and chocolate – wrapped in thin and crunchy filo dough sheets.
Enjoy baking!
*I have partnered with Ritter Sport to bring you this delicious cheesecake. That’s why I have to declare this here in Germany as Advertising. All I wrote in this article is still based on my own opinion and has not been affected by anybody :)