Happy World Vegan Day! Today we are going to skip meat, eggs, and dairy products and make something delicious vegan: a Low-Carb Veggie Lasagna! One of my favorite vegan dishes and really easy to prepare. No need to incorporate any ingredients that are coming from animals ;)
Are you vegan or just looking for a vegan recipe for a little change in your diet? Veganism has become quite popular in recent years – even the big “old-fashioned” food production companies jumped on the bandwagon and offer many “veganized” products that are traditionally made with meat. I am talking about sausages, burgers, and all that stuff that is now made with veggies instead of meat. A big butcher’s business that is selling its goods all over Germany added many vegan products to their portfolio some time ago and is stelling now more vegan products than conventional meat. Seems a bit strange that a butcher does vegan stuff, but hey… why not?!
Something is happening. This does not mean that everybody “converts” to veganism, though. The majority of the new vegan food lovers are probably all “flexitarians” and those that just want to try the new stuff because everybody does it. I would call myself a flexitarian – we eat a lot of veggies but sometimes also meat – much less than in the past.
I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan of the “fake meat” stuff though. Just because it is vegan, it is not automatically healthy ;) Those products are often highly industrially processed, they have loads of additives so they look and taste like the real stuff… It’s always a good idea to look at the ingredients list of those products and maybe not buying it even though it is trendy right now… just sayin’! ;)
Well… this vegan low-carb lasagna is made with fresh ingredients that are all-natural. Except for the cheese. If you want to make a dish vegan that normally uses dairy products, you have to find an alternative for dairy products, so someone got creative and turned almonds, starch, and coconut oil into something that looks and behaves like cheese ;)
Anyway. If you don’t want or need this ingredient in your lasagna, you can of course leave it out – the lasagna will be still very delicious without the vegan cheese. In case you want to make a veggie lasagna, because you don’t want to use meat, but you don’t have a problem with dairy products, feel free to use regular cheese instead. The lasagna is not vegan anymore in that case but still vegetarian (IF you don’t use parmesan – that is neither vegan nor vegetarian…). I am pretty sure you will come up with something that suits your taste ;)
Alright. I think you should start preparing the veggies now so they can go into the oven asap, right?! In case this is your first veggie lasagna – enjoy it! I am pretty sure you will like it…
(4 servings)
For the bolognese sauce:
1 red onion
1 medium-sized carrot
1 stalk celery
some olive oil for frying
5.3 oz. (150g) black beluga lentils
2 tbsp. tomato paste
3.4 fl. oz. (100ml) dry red wine
6.8 fl. oz. (200ml) vegetable broth
1 can (14 oz. /400g) diced tomatoes
2-3 garlic cloves, pressed
1 tsp. dried oregano
salt, pepper
plus some more water if needed
For the lasagna:
2 large zucchini
2 large eggplants
some salt
3-4 tbsp. olive oil
5.3 oz. (150g) vegan cheese, grated (or parmesan cheese if not vegan)
1 bunch of basil
(4 Portionen)
Für die Bolognese Sauce:
1 rote Zwiebel
1 mittlere Karotte
1 Stangensellerie
Olivenöl zum Anbraten
150g Beluga Linsen
2 EL Tomatenmark
100ml trockener Rotwein
200ml Gemüsebrühe
1 Dose (400g) gestückelte Tomaten
2-3 Knoblauchzehen, gepresst
1 TL Oregano, getrocknet
Salz, Pfeffer
plus ggf. etwas Wasser
Für die Lasagne:
2 große Zucchini
2 Auberginen
etwas Salz
3-4 EL Olivenöl
150g veganer Streukäse (oder Parmesan für Nicht-Veganer)
1 Bund Basilikum
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line two (better three) baking sheets with baking parchment and set aside. Peel and dice the onion finely. Wash and dry the carrot and celery – dice the celery finely and grate the carrot coarsely. Wash and dry the basil and remove the leaves from the stems. Set aside.
2. Add some olive oil to a large dutch oven (or regular large pot) and heat up. Add the diced onion and cook until glossy. Add the diced celery and grated carrot and cook/fry with the onion for some time. Rinse the lentils and drain, then add to the pot and mix well – let cook for 1-2 minutes. Add the tomato paste and mix in. Let cook for a moment and then deglaze with the red wine and the veggie broth. Add the diced tomatoes. Press the garlic cloves and add to the pot. Season with the dried oregano, salt, and pepper. Cover the pot and reduce the heat to low – let the sauce simmer for about 30-45 minutes. Check from time to time – if the lentils suck up too much of the liquid add some additional water to the pot and continue cooking.
3. While the sauce is cooking wash and dry the zucchini and eggplant. Cut lengthwise into thin slices and place those slices on the prepared baking sheets – very close to each other to fit everything. Sprinkle with some salt and brush with olive oil. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. Take out of the oven and let cool down for a moment. Do not turn off the oven.
4. Brush the bottom of a large casserole with some oil and place the first layer of zucchini and eggplant slices inside the casserole. Add some of the lentil bolognese, sprinkle with a good amount of the cheese and add some basil leaves on top. Repeat the layers of veggie slices, sauce, cheese, and basil – finish with sauce and cheese. Bake for 20-25 minutes until you got a nice crust with the melted cheese. Take out of the oven and let cool down for a moment, then slice and serve.
1. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Zwei (besser drei) Backbleche mit Backpapier auslegen und zur Seite stellen. Zwiebel schälen und fein würfeln. Karotte und Stangensellerie waschen und trocknen – die Selleriestange ebenfalls fein würfeln, die Karotte grob raspeln. Alles zur Seite stellen. Basilikum waschen, trocknen und dann die Blätter abzupfen. Zur Seite legen.
2. Etwas Olivenöl in einem großen Topf (z.B. Gußeisentopf) erhitzen und die Zwiebel glasig anschwitzen, dann die Selleriewürfel und Karottenraspeln dazugeben und kurz mit anbraten. Die Beluga Linsen kurz spülen und etwas abtropfen lassen, dann zum Topf dazugeben – alles für 1-2 Minuten unter rühren anbraten. Das Tomatenmark dazugeben und noch einmal unter rühren alles kurz anbraten lassen. Mit dem Rotwein und der Gemüsebrühe ablöschen und die gestückelten Tomaten dazugeben. Die Knoblauchzehen pressen und in den Topf geben, ebenso den Oregano. Mit Salz und Pfeffer gut würzen. Deckel auf den Topf setzen, die Temperatur auf ein Minimum reduzieren und die Linsen Bolognese für etwa 30-45 Minuten köcheln lassen. Zwischendurch checken – sollten die Linsen zu viel Flüssigkeit aufgenommen haben, noch etwas Wasser dazugeben und weiterköcheln lassen.
3. Während die Bolognese kocht die Zucchini und Auberginen waschen, putzen und längs in 3–4 mm dünne Scheiben schneiden. Die Scheiben eng zueinander auf die vorbereiteten Bleche legen, etwas salzen und mit Olivenöl bestreichen. Für etwa 20 Minuten im vorgeheizten Ofen garen. Die Gemüsescheiben aus dem Ofen holen und kurz abkühlen lassen – den Ofen nicht ausschalten.
4. Den Boden einer großen Auflaufform mit etwas Öl bestreichen. Die gebackenen Zucchini- und Auberginenscheiben abwechselnd mit der Linsen Bolognese in die Form schichten – jede Bolognese Schicht dabei mit Käse bestreuen und ein paar Basilikum Blätter darauf verteilen – mit Käse abschließen. Die Lasagne für etwa 20-25 Minuten backen, bis sie eine schöne Kruste hat. Aus dem Ofen holen und etwas abkühlen lassen, dann in Stücke schneiden und servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintVegan Veggie Lasagna (low-carb)
- Prep Time: 00:20
- Cook Time: 00:45
- Total Time: 01:30
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Dinner
- Cuisine: International
Delicious and rich in flavors – this Vegan Veggie Lasagna has it all! It’s also low-carb and a great diabetic-friendly recipe.
1 red onion
1 medium-sized carrot
1 stalk celery
some olive oil for frying
5.3 oz. (150g) black beluga lentils
2 tbsp. tomato paste
3.4 fl. oz. (100ml) dry red wine
6.8 fl. oz. (200ml) vegetable broth
1 can (14 oz. /400g) diced tomatoes
2–3 garlic cloves, pressed
1 tsp. dried oregano
salt, pepper
plus some more water if needed
For the lasagna:
2 large zucchini
2 large eggplants
some salt
3–4 tbsp. olive oil
5.3 oz. (150g) vegan cheese, grated (or parmesan cheese if not vegan)
1 bunch of basil
Enjoy cooking!
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