This week is all about vegan recipes. Andrea from Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte and I decided to extend our monthly “Bake Together” and show you vegan recipes for a whole week. Sometimes baked and sometimes cooked – always delicious! Well… today I got a nice dessert for you: Vegan Coconut Chocolate Mousse. Definitely super delicious! ;)

If you have been here on this blog before, you might have noticed that every last Sunday of the month is “Bake Together – The Baking Surprise” Sunday. Andrea and I are baking something together but far away from each other, so the “together” is actually more virtually than real ;) When finished we publish our recipes and surprise each other with the results. Some years ago we noticed we publish similar recipes at the same time here and there, so we decided we could actually do it on purpose and make a little challenge out of it… see if we get more matches ;)
Well… this week is a bit different. Even though we have a topic for this whole week there will be probably no matches this time. It’s all about vegan recipes this week and that means a lot can be made. We also decided on different types of dishes for each day of the week, but that’s it. So an actual match this time would come as a surprise for me. There are just too many nice vegan dishes out there you could make ;)
For today we agreed on making something sweet and vegan – something to finish the menu that has been served this week. Kind of. We had soup, something to snack, a main dish and now a sweet dessert. When it comes to desserts we love everything that involves chocolate in our house. There is nothing better than a nice and rich chocolate mousse aka. Mousse au Chocolat. Heavy stuff but sooo delicious! Regular chocolate mousse is made with heavy cream and eggs – both ingredients you will not find in vegan recipes. So what can you use instead? Well… most of you probably know already ;)

Aquafaba is the magic word or better said ingredient ;) Aquafaba is the liquid you will find in canned chickpeas. The stuff you normally throw away because you only want the chickpeas for your salad or whatever. Next time you open a can of chickpeas save the liquid and just try to whip it up – you will see it will turn into something similar to stiff egg whites. It takes a bit longer but you will get almost the same result. Cream of Tartar* helps a bit to get the job done faster and the result will be more stable… then you can use it in recipes that are asking for whisked egg whites – Macarons for example. I have to admit that is actually one of the more complicated recipes to use Aquafaba but you could try. This chocolate mousse is definitely easier to get fluffy with it ;P
The chocolate mousse is very rich and chocolaty. To balance the dessert there is also some coconut cream involved. That is basically just coconut cream from a can (separated from the more liquid part of the coconut milk) whipped up with some confectioners’ sugar. You can get it quite fluffy if the coconut cream/milk has the right amount of fat and is chilled well.
About the chocolate… normally good quality semi-sweet chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa is considered vegan since there should not be any dairy product involved. To make sure it is really vegan you might want to keep an eye on the label of the chocolate. Since milk chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate are sometimes produced next to each other chocolate manufacturers can’t guarantee that there is not some kind of “cross-contamination” possible. But as I said – semi-sweet chocolate is normally free from dairy and such.

14 oz. (400g) coconut cream, chilled
7 oz. (200g) semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup (120ml) chickpea liquid (aquafaba)
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar*
pinch of salt
3 tbsp. coconut blossom sugar
3 tbsp. confectioners’ sugar
some chocolate shavings
some coconutg flakes
400g Kokosnusscreme (1 Dose), gekühlt
200g Zartbitterschokolade, gehackt
120ml Aquafaba
1/4 TL reiner Weinstein*
Prise Salz
3 EL Kokosblütenzucker
3 EL Puderzucker
einige Schokoladenraspel
einige Kokosraspel

2. Chop the chocolate and add to a heatproof bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of the coconut cream (keep the rest in the fridge until needed) and the 2 tablespoons of coconut water to the bowl. Place over a pot with simmering water and melt the chocolate – stir until smooth. Remove from the heat and let cool down a bit.
3. Add the chickpea liquid with the cream of tartar, and salt to a bowl and mix on high speed until stiff peaks form – takes about 6-7 minutes. Add the coconut blossom sugar gradually, one tablespoon after another, to the bowl while still mixing. When added, whisk another 2-3 minutes so the sugar can dissolve completely. Add a bit of the aquafaba to the melted chocolate and carefully fold in. Gradually add more aquafaba and fold in – try to be as gentle as possible so you keep all the volume you whisked into the aquafaba ;) Divide the chocolate mousse between four serving glasses and place them in the fridge for at least 2 hours to set and cool down.
4. Add the cold coconut cream you scraped out of the can to a large (cold) bowl, add the confectioners’ sugar and whisk until the coconut cream is fluffy. Divide the cream between the four glasses and decorate with some chocolate shavings and coconut flakes.
2. Die Schokolade grob hacken und in eine hitzebeständige Schüssel geben. Zwei Esslöffel von der Kokoscreme und die zwei Esslöffel Kokoswasser mit in die Schüssel geben und dann auf einen Topf mit köchelndem Wasser setzen. Die Schokolade vorsichtig schmelzen und alles glatt rühren. Vorm Herd nehmen und etwas abkühlen lassen.
3. Die Flüssigkeit der Kichererbsen zusammen mit dem Weinstein und Salz in eine große Schüssel geben und auf höchster Stufe aufschlagen, bis sich das Volumen vervielfacht hat und das Aquafaba steif ist – dauert etwa 6-7 Minuten. Den Kokosblütenzucker nach und nach dazugeben und dabei weiter aufschlagen, bis sich der Zucker komplett aufgelöst hat – dauert noch einmal etwa 2-3 Minuten. Von der Aquafaba-Masse ein wenig zur geschmolzenen Schokolade geben und vorsichtig unterheben. Nach und nach mehr Aquafaba-Masse in die Schüssel geben und wirklich sehr vorsichtig unterheben – ihr wollt so viel Volumen wie möglich erhalten, damit die Mousse schön luftig wird. Die entstandene Schokoladenmousse auf vier Serviergläser aufteilen und dann für mindestens 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen.
4. Die gekühlte Kokoscreme, die im Kühlschrank wartet, in eine große (gekühlte) Schüssel füllen, den Puderzucker dazugeben und dann auf höchster Stufe luftig aufschlagen. Die Creme dann auf die Gläser aufteilen und mit Schokoraspel und Kokosraspel dekorieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.

Vegan Coconut Chocolate Mousse
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: -
- Total Time: 12:00
- Yield: 4
- Category: Dessert
- Cuisine: American
If you are looking for a nice vegan dessert you are right here: Vegan Coconut Chocolate Mousse. Delicious & sweet!
Enjoy cooling!
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