It’s Gugelhupf time! Haven’t baked a bundt cake aka. Gugelhupf for quite some time to be honest – even though they are so easy to prepare… and most of the time delicious ;) Bundt cakes is something even my mom managed to bake even though she was no great baker. I think she would like this (Tyrol) Nut Gugelhupf with that thick layer of chocolate on top. Maybe I should send her a piece :P

Tyrol nut cake is a type of cake coming from Tyrol of course, but you can make it in many different ways. Easy and simple baked in a springform tin, served only with some confectioners’ sugar on top, or you can make a loaf cake and add some chocolate coating on top. I decided to go for the Gugelhupf shape this time. It just looks better with that chocolate coating even though it’s basically all the same :P
For the batter, you don’t need a big kitchen machine. I used a handheld mixer called EasyPrep* from Russell Hobbs* – they were so kind to give it to me to test it. For a cake batter like this one here a handheld mixer is the right choice I’d say. Easy to work with, easy to clean and if you have a good one, quite powerful (I was a bit surprised when I compared it with my old one) ;) If you do not have much space in the kitchen, one of those is the right choice anyway. The big machines take a lot of space and a handheld mixer is normally small enough to fit in one of your drawers.

I use this kind of handheld mixers mostly for whipping egg whites or heavy cream. Dunno why, but I don’t trust my big kitchen machine to do that job right on their own :P Whipped cream turns quite fast into butter if you whip it too much – which can happen if you use a big machine. With the small ones I never have that problem…
Well – for this cake I recommend whipping the egg whites really good. The batter needs some volume to bake well. If you don’t have enough air bubbles in your batter, it will be very dense and probably not bake all the way through.
The cake is packed with nuts, so everybody with a nut allergy – sorry! I used almonds and hazelnut brittle, but you can use regular chopped hazelnuts if you like. The apricot jam is important for the flavor of the cake – do not skip that one thinking “there will be chocolate on top anyways” ;) The jam in combination with the nuts and chocolate gives the cake the perfect flavor combination and also prevents it from getting dry. So brush the cake with it before you finish the cake with the chocolate coating.

About the chocolate coating… you don’t have to add it on top. The cake is already nice with the apricot jam and some confectioners’ sugar on top. But if you want to make the cake like I did, you definitely need a silicone baking mold. The whole thing will not work with a regular bundt cake or Gugelhupf tin. To get that smooth surface, you have to add the melted chocolate to the mold, place the cake into the mold in the same position as it was before when baking and then wait until the chocolate sets and gets hard. With a regular tin you would end up with a cake that never comes out of the tin again ;) The silicone mold can be basically “peeled off” of the cake ;)
Second note regarding the chocolate coating: the amount of chocolate used creates a thick layer of chocolate to make sure the whole cake is covered completely. You can use a bit less and the cake will still be covered… but maybe with some spots where the cake is shining through. If you don’t care and want less chocolate on your cake, you can do that. Everybody else should enjoy the thick chocolate layer when eating the cake :P
6 medium eggs
7 oz. (200g) butter
1 1/4 cups (250g) sugar
2 tsp. hazelnut liquor (optional)
1 cup (130g) all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
3.5 oz. (100g) ground almonds
5.3 oz. (150g) hazelnut brittle
1 tsp. lemon zest
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. salt
7 oz. (200g) semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
For the glaze:
1.7 oz. (50g) apricot jam (without pieces)
10.5 oz. (300g) semi-sweet chocolate
1 tbsp. coconut oil
6 Eier (M)
200g Butter
250g Zucker
2 TL Haselnussbrand (optional)
130g Mehl
1 TL Backpulver
100g Mandeln, gemahlen
150g Haselnusskrokant
1 TL Zitronenabrieb
1/2 TL Zimt
1/4 TL Salz
200g Zartbitterschokolade, gehackt
Für die Glasur:
50g Aprikosenmarmelade (ohne Stücke)
300g Zartbitterschokolade
1 EL Kokosöl

2. Divide the eggs, add the egg whites to a bowl and beat on high speed until stiff peaks form. Set aside. Add the butter and sugar to a second bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks one after another and mix well after each addition. Add the hazelnut liquor (optional) and mix in.
3. Mix the flour with baking powder, ground almonds, hazelnut brittle, lemon zest, cinnamon, and salt. Add to the bowl with the egg-butter mixture in small batches and mix until just combined. Carefully fold in the stiff egg whites. Fold in the chopped chocolate. Pour the batter into the greased baking form and bake for 50-60 minutes. Check from time to time if the top gets too dark and cover with some aluminum foil if necessary. The cake is done when a wooden skewer inserted in center comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit inside the baking form, then remove carefully and transfer to a cooling rack. Brush the still warm cake with the apricot jam and let cool down completely.
4. Clean and dry the silicone baking form. Chop the chocolate for the glaze and melt together with the coconut oil in a bowl over a pot with simmering water (or in the microwave) – you should get a nice and smooth chocolate sauce. Fill the chocolate into the silicone form and brush the sides so everything is coated with chocolate. Press the cooled Gugelhupf back into the silicone form – the chocolate should come up on the sides and cover the cake completely. Place in the fridge and let cool down for 2-3 hours. When the chocolate is cooled and firm, remove the cake from the silicone form.
2. Die Eier trennen und das Eiweiß in eine Schüssel mit hohem geben und steif schlagen. Zur Seite stellen. Die Butter mit dem Zucker in einer zweiten Schüssel hell und luftig aufschlagen. Die Eigelbe einzeln zugeben und jeweils gut unterrühren. Den Haselnussbrand zugeben und unterrühren (optional).
3. Das Mehl mit Backpulver, gemahlenen Mandeln, Haselnusskrokant, Zitronenabrieb, Zimt und Salz vermischen und dann nach und nach zur Ei-Butter-Masse dazu geben und nur kurz unterrühren. Das steif geschlagene Eiweiß vorsichtig unter die Masse heben. Die gehackte Schokolade ebenfalls vorsichtig unterheben und dann die Masse in die gefettete Form füllen und für 50-60 Minuten backen. Zwischendurch checken, ob der Kuchen oben nicht zu dunkel wird und ggf. mit Alufolie abdecken. Mit einem Holzspieß testen, ob noch Teig kleben bleibt und erst aus dem Ofen nehmen, wenn das Stäbchen sauber herauskommt. In der Form etwas abkühlen lassen, dann vorsichtig herauslösen und auf ein Kuchengitter stürzen. Den noch warmen Kuchen mit der Aprikosenmarmelade bestreichen und abkühlen lassen.
4. Die Silikonform spülen und gut abtrocknen. Die Schokolade für die Glasur grob hacken und dann zusammen mit dem Kokosöl entweder über einem Topf mit köchelndem Wasser oder in der Mikrowelle langsam schmelzen und glattrühren. Die Schokolade in die Silikonform füllen und ggf. die Seiten mit der Schokolade bestreichen. Den Gugelhupf passend wieder in die Form stürzen und in die Schokolade drücken – die Schokolade wird automatisch nach oben gedrückt. Für 2-3 Stunden im Kühlschrank abkühlen lassen und dann erneut vorsichtig aus der Form lösen – die Schokolade sollte eine schöne, glatte Oberfläche gebildet haben.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.

(Tyrol) Nut Gugelhupf
- Prep Time: 30
- Cook Time: 60
- Total Time: 300
Delicious bundt cake aka. Gugelhupf with loads of nuts and chocolate.
For the dough
- 6 medium eggs
- 7 oz. (200g) butter
- 1 1/4 cups (250g) sugar
- 2 tsp. hazelnut liquor (optional)
- 1 cup (130g) all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 3.5 oz. (100g) ground almonds
- 5.3 oz. (150g) hazelnut brittle
- 1 tsp. lemon zest
- 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 7 oz. (200g) semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
For the glaze
- 1.7 oz. (50g) apricot jam (without pieces)
- 10.5 oz. (300g) semi-sweet chocolate
- Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Grease a silicone Gugelhupf baking form (about 9 inches/22cm) and set aside. Chop the chocolate and set aside.
- Divide the eggs, add the egg whites to a bowl and beat on high speed until stiff peaks form. Set aside. Add the butter and sugar to a second bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks one after another and mix well after each addition. Add the hazelnut liquor (optional) and mix in.
- Mix the flour with baking powder, ground almonds, hazelnut brittle, lemon zest, cinnamon, and salt. Add to the bowl with the egg-butter mixture in small batches and mix until just combined. Carefully fold in the stiff egg whites. Fold in the chopped chocolate. Pour the batter into the greased baking form and bake for 50-60 minutes. Check from time to time if the top gets too dark and cover with some aluminum foil if necessary. The cake is done when a wooden skewer inserted in center comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit inside the baking form, then remove carefully and transfer to a cooling rack. Brush the still warm cake with the apricot jam and let cool down completely.
- Clean and dry the silicone baking form. Chop the chocolate for the glaze and melt together with the coconut oil in a bowl over a pot with simmering water (or in the microwave) – you should get a nice and smooth chocolate sauce. Fill the chocolate into the silicone form and brush the sides so everything is coated with chocolate. Press the cooled Gugelhupf back into the silicone form – the chocolate should come up on the sides and cover the cake completely. Place in the fridge and let cool down for 2-3 hours. When the chocolate is cooled and firm, remove the cake from the silicone form.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 12
*I have partnered with Russell Hobbs to bring you this delicious Gugelhupf. That is why I have to declare this here in Germany as Advertising. All I wrote in this article is still based on my own opinion and has not been affected by anybody :)
Vielen Dank für den tollen Tipp mit der Silikonform! Ich hatte mich schon gefragt, wie Du nur die Glasur so gleichmäßig hinbekommen hast. Ich habe schon ewig keinen Nusskuchen mehr gebacken, aber Dein leckerer Gugelhupf ist sehr inspirierend. Vielen Dank für’s Rezept.
Hallo Julia,
ich mag Nusskuchen auch sehr gerne – wenn man noch Schokolade mag, ist der hier genau richtig;)
LG, Marc
I love your site. What company makes the silicone Gugelhupf mold in this recipe? I want to buy a similar one, however in America most of the choices on Amazon are made in China and some reviewers say they are too thin or flimsy to handle.
Thank you!
Hi Lore,
that particular one was from Birkmann – a German company, but not sure where they are producing their stuff. Could be also China ;)
Picture and description can be found on Amazon
Thank you for the recipe; I just made it and it’s delicious
During travels, I have visited Tyrol and adored the cake; that taste stayed with me and hunted me
Now I can bake my own
Diana, Wales
Happy I could bring back some memories :D
Hallo, vielen Dank für das schöne Rezept. Habe zu Weihnachten eine Silikonform bekommen und sie nun mit deinem Rezept getestet.
Der Kuchen ist so lecker! Ich habe nur 175g Zucker genommen, weil ich nicht mehr im Haus hatte. Für uns aber gerade die richtige Suesse. Leider hatten wir auch keine Aprikosenmarmelade, so musste Orangenmarmelade dran glauben. Ein echt schöner Kuchen den es bei uns jetzt öfters mal geben wird.
Gruß aus Georgia, !
Freut mich, dass alles geklappt hat – weniger Zucker ist gut :)
VG Marc
one question, please – I have not baked it yet:
you write “Chop the chocolate for the glaze and melt together with the coconut oil…” –
How much coconut oil shouls I use? It doesn’t say…..
Thank you!
The amount of coconut oil is listed in the recipe ;)