If you are into low-carb recipes and counting calories for a living – you might want to skip this one here. This Salted Caramel White Chocolate Fudge is neither good for you nor for me to be honest. We should both walk away and leave it to people who can handle the sweetness and the extra calories. This is something for the caramel fanatics and gym addicts on cheat day only ;P

Just kidding! Everyone is allowed to grab a piece of this fudge. But be warned. This stuff is sweet and will cause spikes in your blood sugar… and probably settle down immediately on your hips. Even though we all want to deny the fact that stuff like this is not good for your body… it is not good for your body. At least not in large quantities. A small piece here and there is ok ;)
I recommend you better do not do this fudge only to enjoy it by yourself. Share this delicious sweet treat with friends and family. That’s what I do. I really love making sweet stuff like this and treat myself to a small piece once in a while – but to make sure I don’t eat too much I always give away almost all of it. As quickly as possible after it has cooled down ;P People around me appreciate this behavior I guess. At least I never heard any complaints when giving the stuff out for free ;P

Homemade fudge is a great gift for friends and family. Not only around Christmas. Wrap the individual pieces in some paper and add those to a nice little box. People will love it!
Note: the recipe asks for “salted caramel chocolate candy”. This can be anything to be honest – a salted caramel candy bar, plain salted caramel chocolate, salted caramel m&m’s, or similar stuff. I bet there is a lot of salted-caramel-flavored chocolate out there you can use. It actually doesn’t matter what it is – you just want something to give the fudge some texture and some additional flavor… which probably all of the above are good for. You can also not use any of it and just make the fudge without it ;P
1 can (400g) condensed milk
1/2 cup (120ml) water
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
2 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2.1 oz. (60g) butter
100g white chocolate, chopped
50g Salted Caramel Chocolate Candy, chopped
some flaky sea salt (optional)
1 Dose (400g) gezuckerte Kondensmilch
120ml Wasser
100g Zucker
2 EL brauner Zucker
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
60g Butter
100g weiße Schokolade, gehackt
50g Salted Caramel Schokolade o.ä., gehackt
einige Meersalzflocken (optional)

1. Line a 7 inches (18cm) square baking dish with baking parchment and grease with some oil or baking spray. Chop the chocolate and chocolate candy and set everything aside.
2. Add the condensed milk, water, both sugars, vanilla extract, and butter in a saucepan and mix until well combined. Bring to a boil, then cook over medium-high heat while stirring constantly for about 12-17 minutes. The mix should have thickened nicely and look golden brown in color (but not too dark). Remove from the heat, add the chopped chocolate and chocolate candy and stir in. Pour into the prepared baking dish and smooth out the top if necessary. Sprinkle with some flaky sea salt (optional). Let cool down for at least 2 hours at room temperature. After that, the fudge should also get some time in the fridge – also at least another 2 hours.
3. Remove the cooled fudge from the baking dish and cut it into 36 pieces (or 25 pieces if you like them bigger). I recommend smaller pieces because that stuff is quite sweet ;P
1. Eine quadratische Backform (18x18cm) mit Backpapier auslegen und mit etwas Öl oder Backspray einfetten. Die Schocolate grob hacken und zur Seite stellen.
2. Kondensmilch, Wasser, beide Zucker, Vanille Extrakt und Butter in einen Topf geben und gut verrühren. Die Mischung aufkochen lassen und dann bei mittlerer Hitzezufuhr unter ständigem Rühren etwa 12-17 Minuten kochen lassen. Die Mischung sollte schön eingedickt und eine goldbraune Farbe haben (aber nicht zu dunkel). Vom Herd ziehen und die gehackte Schokolade unterheben. Die Mischung In die vorbereitete Backform gießen und die Oberfläche ggf. glatt streichen. Mit ein paar Meersalzflocken bestreuen (optional). Den Fudge mind. 2 Stunden lang bei Zimmertemperatur abkühlen lassen, dann noch mal für mindestens 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen.
3. Den abgekühlten Fudge aus der Form lösen und in 36 Stücke schneiden – wer es größer mag, schneidet das Ganze in 25 Stücke. Ich empfehle kleinere Stücke, weil das Zeug schon recht süß ist ;)

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Salted Caramel White Chocolate Fudge
- Prep Time: 00:03
- Cook Time: 00:17
- Total Time: 04:20
- Yield: 36 1x
- Category: Sweets
- Cuisine: America
- Diet: Vegetarian
Not for the faint of heart: Salted Caramel White Chocolate Fudge. Really delicious but you might need more than one sweet tooth here ;P
1 can (400g) condensed milk
1/2 cup (120ml) water
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
2 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2.1 oz. (60g) butter
100g white chocolate, chopped
50g Salted Caramel Chocolate Candy, chopped
some flaky sea salt (optional)
1. Line a 7 inches (18cm) square baking dish with baking parchment and grease with some oil or baking spray. Chop the chocolate and chocolate candy and set everything aside.
2. Add the condensed milk, water, both sugars, vanilla extract, and butter in a saucepan and mix until well combined. Bring to a boil, then cook over medium-high heat while stirring constantly for about 12-17 minutes. The mix should have thickened nicely and look golden brown in color (but not too dark). Remove from the heat, add the chopped chocolate and chocolate candy and stir in. Pour into the prepared baking dish and smooth out the top if necessary. Sprinkle with some flaky sea salt (optional). Let cool down for at least 2 hours at room temperature. After that, the fudge should also get some time in the fridge – also at least another 2 hours.
3. Remove the cooled fudge from the baking dish and cut it into 36 pieces (or 25 pieces if you like them bigger). I recommend smaller pieces because that stuff is quite sweet ;P
Enjoy baking!
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