I know… a heart-shaped cake is quite obvious and not very innovative when it comes to Valentine’s Day. It’s something everyone expects, right? Well… if you prefer a square cake, you can definitely make this No-Bake Raspberry Cheesecake Heart in a square baking pan. The result will be just as delicious and will probably look good as well… just a bit “boxy” ;P

As for Valentine’s Day, I’m really not a big advocate of hearts and stuff like that. I’m ok with surprising someone (by someone I mean a loved one) with a cake or something like that, but that does not necessarily have to be heart-shaped. Cake is always good though. Raspberries too. But a heart on the serving plate…? Hm. I could go without it ;P
“He just said he does not need a heart cake, then he makes a heart cake! Really?!” Hahaha ;)
Well… I have had a heart-shaped baking frame lying around in my kitchen for a while now (several years actually). I used it only once so far. Because of that, I decided to bake a heart-shaped cake today and use the baking frame for a second time! Wait… I did not bake it – it’s a no-bake cheesecake. It’s only been in the fridge. That’s all ;P

Valentine’s Day is a day for lovers. Another thing I think is a little bit problematic. You should not pay attention to a loved one only one day throughout the year. Any day of the year can be Valentine’s day. A day where you do something nice for a loved one (or just a friend), surprise someone, bake a cake or something like that. Right?!
Feel free to use this cake here as an inspiration – no matter if you make it heart-shaped, round, or square – and surprise someone with it. Make someone happy. Not only on February 14th… but maybe also on March 23rd, June 30th, or November 8th… or any other day of the year ;P
6 oz. (170g) cookies (e.g. butter cookies or chocolate chip cookies).
1/4 cup (60g) butter, melted
For the filling:
6 gelatin sheets
14 oz. (400g) cream cheese
10.6 oz. (300g) Greek yogurt
7 oz. (200g) frozen raspberries (defrosted)
3.5 oz. (100g) xylitol (or sugar)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3.5 oz. (100g) heavy cream
For the raspberry sauce:
7 oz. (200g) frozen raspberries (defrosted)
1 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
2-3 tsp. instant gelatine*
some fresh raspberries (optional)
some sprinkles (optional)
170g Kekse (z.B. Butterkekse oder Chocolate Chip Cookies)
60g Butter, geschmolzen
Für die Creme:
6 Blatt Gelatine
400g Frischkäse
300g griechischer Joghurt
200g TK-Himbeeren (aufgetaut)
100g Xylit (oder Zucker)
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
100g Schlagsahne
Für die Himbeersauce:
200g TK-Himbeeren (aufgetaut)
1 EL Xylit (oder Zucker)
2-3 TL Sofort-Gelatine*
einige frische Himbeeren (optional)
einige bunte Streusel (optional)

2. Bring a heart baking frame* into shape and seal with plastic wrap, baking paper, or aluminum foil. My baking frame had slits on the sides that needed to be taped so nothing would leak. Place on a board or plate that can fit in the fridge.
3. Crush the cookies in a blender until you get fine crumbs (alternatively you can do that with a freezer bag and a rolling pin). Add the melted butter, mix well, transfer to the prepared baking frame and press down to create one even layer. Place in the fridge until needed again.
4. Let the gelatin leaves soak in cold water for about 8 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the cream cheese with the yogurt, mashed raspberries, xylitol (or sugar), and vanilla extract in a large bowl. If you have an immersion blender*, you can use it to give everything a good mix.
5. Add the soaked gelatin leaves to a small saucepan and heat up gently. When the gelatin has dissolved completely, add 2-3 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture and stir in. If the gelatin re-solidifies because of the colder temperature of the cream cheese mixture, just put it back on the stove and warm it up again slightly. Stir until you get a smooth mix without any lumps. I usually add a little more cream cheese mixture here to get everything to the same temperature. Pour this mix into the large bowl and mix everything until well combined. Transfer to the prepared heart-shaped baking frame and smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
6. For the raspberry sauce, puree the thawed raspberries and pass them through a fine-mesh sieve to get rid of the seeds. Mix the puree with the xylitol (or sugar). Stir about 2 teaspoons of the instant gelatin into the raspberry puree. The sauce should thicken quite quickly. If the mixture still seems too liquid, stir in a little more of the instant gelatin until you get the right consistency – you don’t want it to be too runny.
7. Remove the cheesecake from the mold with a knife and place it on a serving plate. Pour the raspberry sauce on top before serving and decorate with a few fresh raspberries and sprinkles if desired (optional).
2. Einen Herz-Backrahmen* in Form bringen und mit Klarsichtfolie, Backpapier oder Alufolie abdichten – mein Backrahmen hatte Schlitze, die man abkleben musste, damit nichts ausläuft. Auf ein Brett oder eine Platte setzen, die mit in den Kühlschrank kann (und passt).
3. Die Kekse im Mixer zu feinen Bröseln verarbeiten (geht alternativ auch in einem Gefrierbeutel mit einem Nudelholz). Die geschmolzene Butter dazugeben, alles gut vermischen, dann in den vorbereiteten Backrahmen füllen und zu einer kompakten Schicht zusammenpressen. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen.
4. Die Gelatine für etwa 8 Minuten in kaltem Wasser einweichen lassen. Währenddessen den Frischkäse mit dem Joghurt, den zerdrückten Himbeeren, Xylit (oder Zucker) und Vanille Extrakt in einer großen Schüssel verrühren. Wer einen Pürierstab* hat, kann damit alles einmal ordentlich durchmixen.
5. Die eingeweichte Gelatine in einen kleinen Topf geben und auf dem Herd vorsichtig erwärmen. Wenn sich die Gelatine vollständig aufgelöst hat, etwa 2-3 EL der Frischkäsemischung dazugeben und alles gut verrühren. Sollte sich die Gelatine wieder verfestigen, weil die Frischkäsemischung zu kalt war, einfach noch einmal auf den Herd stellen und unter Rühren etwas aufwärmen, bis die Mischung glatt und ohne Klümpchen ist. Ich gebe hier meist noch etwas mehr Frischkäsemischung dazu, um die Temperatur weiter anzugleichen. Die Masse aus dem Topf dann in die Schüssel umfüllen und alles gut verrühren. Die Sahne steifschlagen und dann unter die Frischkäsemasse unterheben. In die vorbereitete Herzform füllen, die Oberfläche glatt streichen und dann für mindestens 4 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen.
6. Für die Himbeersauce die aufgetauten Himbeeren pürieren und durch ein feines Sieb streichen, um die Kerne zu entfernen. Das Püree mit dem Xylit (oder Zucker) verrühren. Etwa 2 TL der Sofort-Gelatine in das Himbeerpüree einrühren – die Masse sollte recht zügig andicken. Wenn die Masse noch zu dünn wirkt, noch etwas mehr Sofort-Gelatine unterrühren, bis die Konsistenz dickflüssig ist.
7. Den Käsekuchen mit einem Messer aus der Form lösen und auf eine Servierplatte setzen. Die angedickte Himbeersauce vor dem Servieren darauf verteilen und ggf. mit ein paar frischen Himbeeren und bunten Streuseln dekorieren (optional).

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
No-Bake Raspberry Cheesecake Heart
- Prep Time: 00:25
- Cook Time: 04:00
- Total Time: 05:00
- Yield: 10 1x
- Category: Cheesecake
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegetarian
This No-Bake Raspberry Cheesecake Heart is not only for lovers – this cake is for everyone that deserves a delicious treat! ;)
For the base:
6 oz. (170g) cookies (e.g. butter cookies or chocolate chip cookies).
1/4 cup (60g) butter, melted
For the filling:
6 gelatin sheets
14 oz. (400g) cream cheese
10.6 oz. (300g) Greek yogurt
7 oz. (200g) frozen raspberries (defrosted)
3.5 oz. (100g) xylitol (or sugar)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3.5 oz. (100g) heavy cream
For the raspberry sauce:
7 oz. (200g) frozen raspberries (defrosted)
1 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
2–3 tsp. instant gelatine
some fresh raspberries (optional)
some sprinkles (optional)
1. Before you start you should take the cream cheese and yogurt out of the fridge and let it get to room temperature. Allow the raspberries to thaw and mash them.
2. Bring a heart baking frame* into shape and seal with plastic wrap, baking paper, or aluminum foil. My baking frame had slits on the sides that needed to be taped so nothing would leak. Place on a board or plate that can fit in the fridge.
3. Crush the cookies in a blender until you get fine crumbs (alternatively you can do that with a freezer bag and a rolling pin). Add the melted butter, mix well, transfer to the prepared baking frame and press down to create one even layer. Place in the fridge until needed again.
4. Let the gelatin leaves soak in cold water for about 8 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the cream cheese with the yogurt, mashed raspberries, xylitol (or sugar), and vanilla extract in a large bowl. If you have an immersion blender*, you can use it to give everything a good mix.
5. Add the soaked gelatin leaves to a small saucepan and heat up gently. When the gelatin has dissolved completely, add 2-3 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture and stir in. If the gelatin re-solidifies because of the colder temperature of the cream cheese mixture, just put it back on the stove and warm it up again slightly. Stir until you get a smooth mix without any lumps. I usually add a little more cream cheese mixture here to get everything to the same temperature. Pour this mix into the large bowl and mix everything until well combined. Transfer to the prepared heart-shaped baking frame and smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
6. For the raspberry sauce, puree the thawed raspberries and pass them through a fine-mesh sieve to get rid of the seeds. Mix the puree with the xylitol (or sugar). Stir about 2 teaspoons of the instant gelatin into the raspberry puree. The sauce should thicken quite quickly. If the mixture still seems too liquid, stir in a little more of the instant gelatin until you get the right consistency – you don’t want it to be too runny.
7. Remove the cheesecake from the mold with a knife and place it on a serving plate. Pour the raspberry sauce on top before serving and decorate with a few fresh raspberries and sprinkles if desired (optional).
Enjoy baking!
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