I like a good and simple stew or soup. This Potato Soup with Sausages (Wieners) is one of our favorite dishes in winter. Not everyone likes this dish though. Too basic, boring, and loaded with carbs ;P Well… I could not disagree more. Ok, loads of carbs is true, but definitely not basic nor boring. It has been one of my favorite dishes since my childhood. However, preparing this soup myself… is something “relatively” new for me. I was in my mid-30s when I started making this soup myself ;P
Soups and stews are dishes you either like… or hate. If you hate them you are missing out on something – for sure ;P I might be a bit biased here. Haha. I really love me a steaming hot pot of veggies. Well… and the sausages are also nice to have in there ;P
To be honest, it took a while for me to turn into a fan of soup. I always liked to eat it – that was never the problem – but making dishes like that at home took a while. I was much more interested in all the other dishes the world has to offer. As you probably know there is a lot out there to try ;P
In recent years I’ve been paying a bit more attention to what I eat. We are all not getting younger and have to keep an eye on what we eat and what it does to our bodies. This means we are eating more veggies and legumes. Much more actually. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to create a nice dish with vegetables. All you need is a big pot where you throw everything in, you fry it shortly to get some flavors, and then you add some liquid like a veggie broth, and shortly after you got a delicious dish ;) The most simple way to sneak a good amount of veggies into your diet. No need to be a “top chef” for that ;P
A top chef/celebrity chef would certainly have one or two special herbs and several exotic ingredients added as well, but that’s not needed. Your grandma did not have all of that and still created the most delicious dishes in the world, right?! ;) That’s why “basic” is sometimes not “basic” ;P
By the way – I got more (very) tasty dishes like this one here on the blog. How about (not so classic) Caldo Verde from Portugal, for example, or this classic Lentil Stew with German Sausages? If you like that kind of dish you should definitely give it a try! They are really good and packed with flavors!
In case you want to make this soup here without any kind of meat or dairy products – no problem. You can leave out the bacon and season instead with some smoked paprika powder and/or cayenne pepper. The sausages are also not really needed but there you got opinions actually – there are many veggie alternatives out there you can use instead of the meaty version. I would not mind using the vegan alternative, to be honest ;)
some oil for frying
3.5 oz. (100g) bacon, in strips or cubes
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 medium carrots, diced
1 small parsnip, diced
1 piece of knob celery, diced
1/2 leek, in rings
35 oz. (1 kg) potato (mainly waxy), diced
17 fl. oz. (500ml) vegetable stock
34 fl. oz. (1 l) water
1 bay leaf
1-2 tsp. mustard
salt, pepper
fresh nutmeg
4-5 wieners (or similar sausages), cut into slices
some chopped parsley
etwas Öl zum Anbraten
100g Speck/Bacon, in Streifen oder Würfeln
1 mittelgroße Zwiebel, gehackt
2 Knoblauchzehen, gehackt
2 mittelgroße Karotten, gewürfelt
1 kleine Pastinake, gewürfelt
1 Stück Knollensellerie, gewürfelt
1/2 Lauch, in Ringen
1 kg Kartoffel (vorwiegend festkochend), gewürfelt
500ml Gemüsebrühe
1 l Wasser
1 Lorbeerblatt
1-2 TL Senf
Salz, Pfeffer
4-5 Wiener, in Scheiben geschnitten
etwas gehackte Petersilie
2. Add some oil to a large pot and heat up. Add the bacon and fry until browned and crispy. Add the onion and garlic and continue frying until the onion dices are soft and translucent. Add the diced veggies (except for the potatoes) and fry everything for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly so that nothing burns. Add the potatoes and continue frying/cooking for 6-8 minutes while stirring from time to time so the veggies can brown a bit. Deglaze with the vegetable stock and water. Bring everything back to a boil, add the bay leaf, and let simmer for about 30 minutes – stirring every now and then to make sure nothing burns.
3. Puree a small portion of the soup with an immersion blender or mash with a potato masher until the soup has a creamy consistency. It should not get too thick though, you want still many pieces of potato and the veggies to be intact. Season with mustard, salt, pepper, and fresh nutmeg. Add the sliced wiener sausages and let simmer for another 10 minutes or so. Serve the soup hot and decorate with some chopped parsley to your liking.
2. Etwas Öl in einem großen Topf erhitzen und dann den Speck bzw. Bacon darin etwas auslassen. Zwiebel und Knoblauch dazugeben und kurz mit anbraten, bis die Zwiebeln glasig sind. Das gewürfelte Gemüse (bis auf die Kartoffeln) dazugeben und für 2-3 Minuten anbraten – dabei immer wieder umrühren, damit nichts anbrennt. Die Kartoffeln dazugeben und weitere 6-8 Minuten alles unter rühren anbraten, damit sich ein paar Röstaromen entwickeln können. Das Gemüse dann mit Gemüsebrühe und Wasser ablöschen. Alles erneut zum Kochen bringen, das Lorbeerblatt dazugeben und dann bei reduzierter Hitzezufuhr für etwa 30 Minuten köcheln lassen – immer wieder mal umrühren, damit nichts anbrennt.
3. Einen kleinen Teil der Suppe mit einem Pürierstab pürieren oder mit einem Kartoffelstampfer zerdrücken, bis die Suppe von der Konsistenz her sämig, aber nicht zu dickflüssig ist. Es sollten noch genügend Kartoffel- und Gemüsestücke intakt bleiben. Mit Senf, Salz, Pfeffer und Muskatnuss würzen, dann die in Scheiben geschnittenen Wiener dazugeben und alles weitere 10 Minuten köcheln lassen. Die Suppe heiß servieren und nach Belieben mit etwas gehackter Petersilie dekorieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintEasy Potato Soup with Sausages (Wieners)
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: 00:50
- Total Time: 01:20
- Yield: 5 1x
- Category: Soup
- Cuisine: Germany
The perfect dish if have to cook for a larger crowd – an easy potato soup with wieners to feed them all. Not only in fall or winter – all year round delicious!
some oil for frying
3.5 oz. (100g) bacon, in strips or cubes
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 medium carrots, diced
1 small parsnip, diced
1 piece of knob celery, diced
1/2 leek, in rings
35 oz. (1 kg) potato (mainly waxy), diced
17 fl. oz. (500ml) vegetable stock
34 fl. oz. (1 l) water
1 bay leaf
1–2 tsp. mustard
salt, pepper
fresh nutmeg
4–5 wieners (or similar sausages), cut into slices
some chopped parsley
1. Cut the bacon into cubes or thin strips. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Peel the carrots, parsnip, and knob celery and cut them into small cubes. Wash the leek well and cut into rings. Peel the potatoes and cut them into not too small cubes. Set everything aside.
2. Add some oil to a large pot and heat up. Add the bacon and fry until browned and crispy. Add the onion and garlic and continue frying until the onion dices are soft and translucent. Add the diced veggies (except for the potatoes) and fry everything for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly so that nothing burns. Add the potatoes and continue frying/cooking for 6-8 minutes while stirring from time to time so the veggies can brown a bit. Deglaze with the vegetable stock and water. Bring everything back to a boil, add the bay leaf, and let simmer for about 30 minutes – stirring every now and then to make sure nothing burns.
3. Puree a small portion of the soup with an immersion blender or mash with a potato masher until the soup has a creamy consistency. It should not get too thick though, you want still many pieces of potato and the veggies to be intact. Season with mustard, salt, pepper, and fresh nutmeg. Add the sliced wiener sausages and let simmer for another 10 minutes or so. Serve the soup hot and decorate with some chopped parsley to your liking.
Enjoy cooking!
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