The end of the month is almost here. That means it’s time for another “Bake Together – The Baking Surprise” with Andrea from Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte. This month is all about “autumn pies”. I mean autumn is here. Seems quite logic to make pies that are fall themed, right? ;P The chances we gonna take the same route are quite slim this time I guess. There are so many pies you can make… so I am really excited to see what Andrea did this time. I decided to bake this veeeery delicious Damson Plum Pie here. If you like damson plums and simple cakes like a Plum Tray Bake you probably love this pie here ;)

If you’ve been here before, you might have seen our “Bake Together” already. Once a month, Andrea and I pick a theme and start baking. It could be a certain kind of fruit or veggie, a certain type of pastry, or whatever comes to our mind ;) Unfortunately, we live far away from each other, so the “baking together” is more in spirit or maybe virtually. Not in person ;P Well… that actually helps with the “surprise” part, cause we don’t know what the other one is doing until we both publish our articles and recipes. Alway exciting and fun. For over 5 years already. This means there are a lot of “Bake Together” recipes available on our blogs already. Check the menu if you want to know what we did so far…
So today is pie day. Autumn edition ;) Many of you probably think of apple pie first when it comes to an autumn pie. I do too. That’s why there are already several apple pie recipes here on the blog available. Since there are not that many fruits and berries available in fall, I immediately thought about doing something with plums. They are all over the place right now and I really like damson plums. Never made a pie with plums until now but I have to say I really loved the result. If you like those purple little fellas, you will love this pie for sure. It’s basically bursting with delicious plums ;)

Some of you might know that I am trying to reduce the use of sugar wherever possible in my recipes. For quite some time already. That does not mean I am not baking sweet stuff anymore, but instead of regular sugar I often use a replacement like xylitol*. It’s easy to use and ended up in the dough for this pie, as well as in the filling. Plums can be sour sometimes so some sugar (or xylitol) is a good idea ;) If you don’t have to keep an eye on your sugar consumption or don’t have xylitol at hand just use regular sugar. Both works fine.
About those plums… the pie is packed with them. They still have a bit of a “bite”, means they are not overly soft. I like them this way. If you prefer your filling really soft I recommend baking this pie a bit longer. About 20-30 minutes more should do the trick. You might have to cover the pie with some aluminum foil towards the end of the baking time so it does not burn, but the longer baking time is acutally no problem at all ;)
So what about the bake Andrea made? Should the check what She did?

For the dough:
2 cups (260g) all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. xylitol* (or sugar)
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
5.3 oz. (150g) cold butter
1 large egg
For the filling:
42 oz. (1,2kg) damson plums
1/4 cup (50g) xylitol* (or sugar)
4 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract
50g sliced almonds, toasted
50g butter, in small cubes
1 medium egg yolk
some water
1-2 tbsp. coarse sugar
Für den Teig:
260g Mehl (Type 405)
1 EL Xylit* (oder Zucker)
1/4 TL Zimt
1 Prise Salz
150g kalte Butter
1 Ei (L)
Für die Füllung:
1,2kg Zwetschgen (oder Pflaumen)
50g Xylit* (oder Zucker)
4 EL Speisestärke
1 TL Zimt
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
50g Mandeln, gehobelt & geröstet
50g Butter, in kleinen Stücken
1 Eigelb (M)
etwas Wasser
1-2 EL grober Zucker

1. Add the flour, xylitol (or sugar), cinnamon, and salt for the dough to a large bowl and mix until well combined. Add the cold butter in small cubes and cut with a pastry blender* into pea-sized pieces. Add the egg and mix in. Knead until the dough starts coming together. Form into a ball, flatten and wrap in plastic wrap. Place in the fridge for about 1 hour (or overnight).
2. Lightly grease a 9 inches (23cm) pie dish and set it aside. Roll out half of the dough slightly larger than the pie dish, transfer to the dish, and press to the bottom and sides. Cut off overlapping dough, but keep a border of about 0.6 inches (1,5cm). Place in the fridge until needed.
3. Roll out the remaining dough and cut into 0.8 inches (2cm) wide strips for the lattice topping. Place in the fridge until needed. Toast the sliced almonds in a dry pan until fragrant and slightly browned. Set aside and let cool down a bit.
4. For the filling wash and dry the damson plums. Remove the stones and quarter the plums. Place in a large bowl. Mix the xylitol (or sugar) with cornstarch and cinnamon. Add together with the vanilla extract to the bowl and mix to combine. Add the toasted almonds and the butter in very small cubes and mix in. Transfer to the pie dish. Try to press the filling down a bit to compact it. Place the dough strips on top of the filling and create a lattice. Press the edges together and create a nice crimped edge. Place the pie in the fridge while the oven is heating up.
5. Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C) including a baking sheet sitting in the lower third of the oven. Mix the egg yolk with some water and brush the dough lattice and the edge of the pie. Sprinkle everything with some coarse sugar and place the pie on the hot baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350°F (180°C) and continue baking for 45-50 minutes. The pie should have a nice golden brown color and the filling should bubble nicely. If the pie is getting too dark, cover towards the end of the baking time. Take out of the oven and let cool down for at least 4 hours (or overnight) before slicing. Serve with some whipped cream or ice cream.
1. Für den Teig das Mehl mit Xylit (oder Zucker), Zimt und Salz in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. Die kalte Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und dann mit einem Teigmischer* in etwa erbsengroße Stücke zerteilen. Das Ei dazugeben und alles zu einem Teig verkneten. Sollte der Teig noch ein paar trockene Stellen haben, dann ist das OK. In Klarsichtfolie eingeschlagen und für etwa 1 Stunde (oder über Nacht) in den Kühlschrank legen.
2. Eine 23cm (9 inches) Pie-Form leicht einfetten und zur Seite stellen. Die Hälfte des Teiges etwas größer als die Form ausrollen und dann in die Form legen und am Boden und den Seiten festdrücken. Den Überhang abschneiden, dabei aber einen etwa 1,5cm (0.6 inches) breiten Rand stehen lassen. Den Boden mit einer Gabel mehrmals einstechen und dann bis zur weiteren Verwendung wieder in den Kühlschrank stellen.
3. Den restlichen Teig ausrollen und etwa 2cm (0.8 inches) breite Streifen für das Teiggitter auf dem Pie zurechtschneiden. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank legen. Die gehobelten Mandeln in einer trockenen Pfanne rösten, bis sie duften und etwas Farbe bekommen haben. Zur Seite stellen und etwas abkühlen lassen.
4. Für die Füllung die Zwetschgen waschen und trocknen. Die Steine entfernen, vierteln und in eine große Schüssel geben. Xylit (oder Zucker) mit Stärke und Zimt mischen. Zusammen mit dem Vanille Extrakt in die Schüssel dazugeben und alles vermengen. Die gerösteten Mandeln und die Butter in sehr kleinen Würfeln dazugeben und unterheben. Die Füllung in die vorbereitete Form geben und ein wenig zusammendrücken, damit eine etwas kompaktere Masse entsteht. Die Teigstreifen gitterförmig auf die Füllung legen. Den Überhang vom Boden über die Streifen klappen und zusammendrücken, dann diesen etwas dickeren Rand mit den Fingern in Form bringen – eine Zickzack- bzw. Wellenform passt hier prima. Den Pie noch einmal in den Kühlschrank stellen, während der Ofen vorheizt.
5. Den Ofen auf 220°C (425°F) mitsamt Backblech im unteren Drittel des Ofens vorheizen. Das Eigelb mit etwas Wasser verquirlen und dann den Teig des Pies (Gitter und Rand) damit bestreichen. Alles mit etwas grobem Zucker bestreuen. Den Pie auf das heiße Backblech setzen und für etwa 20 Minuten backen, dann die Temperatur auf 180°C (350°F) herunterregeln und den Pie weitere 45-50 Minuten fertig backen. Der Pie sollte eine schöne goldbraune Farbe bekommen haben. Die Füllung darf hier und da ruhig etwas übergelaufen sein. Sollte der Pie zu dunkel werden, mit etwas Backpapier oder Alufolie abdecken und weiterbacken. Den Pie aus dem Ofen holen und vor dem Anschneiden mindestens 4 Stunden (oder über Nacht) abkühlen lassen. Mit etwas Sahne oder Eiscreme servieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Damson Plum Pie
- Prep Time: 00:25
- Cook Time: 01:20
- Total Time: 07:00
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Pies
- Cuisine: America
- Diet: Vegetarian
Simple and easy – this Damson Plum Pie with lattice topping is the perfect sweet treat in autumn.
For the dough:
2 cups (260g) all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
5.3 oz. (150g) cold butter
1 large egg
For the filling:
42 oz. (1,2kg) damson plums
1/4 cup (50g) xylitol (or sugar)
4 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract
50g sliced almonds, toasted
50g butter, in small cubes
1 medium egg yolk
some water
1. Add the flour, xylitol (or sugar), cinnamon, and salt for the dough to a large bowl and mix until well combined. Add the cold butter in small cubes and cut with a pastry blender* into pea-sized pieces. Add the egg and mix in. Knead until the dough starts coming together. Form into a ball, flatten and wrap in plastic wrap. Place in the fridge for about 1 hour (or overnight).
2. Lightly grease a 9 inches (23cm) pie dish and set it aside. Roll out half of the dough slightly larger than the pie dish, transfer to the dish, and press to the bottom and sides. Cut off overlapping dough, but keep a border of about 0.6 inches (1,5cm). Place in the fridge until needed.
3. Roll out the remaining dough and cut into 0.8 inches (2cm) wide strips for the lattice topping. Place in the fridge until needed. Toast the sliced almonds in a dry pan until fragrant and slightly browned. Set aside and let cool down a bit.
4. For the filling wash and dry the damson plums. Remove the stones and quarter the plums. Place in a large bowl. Mix the xylitol (or sugar) with cornstarch and cinnamon. Add together with the vanilla extract to the bowl and mix to combine. Add the toasted almonds and the butter in very small cubes and mix in. Transfer to the pie dish. Try to press the filling down a bit to compact it. Place the dough strips on top of the filling and create a lattice. Press the edges together and create a nice crimped edge. Place the pie in the fridge while the oven is heating up.
5. Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C) including a baking sheet sitting in the lower third of the oven. Mix the egg yolk with some water and brush the dough lattice and the edge of the pie. Sprinkle everything with some coarse sugar and place the pie on the hot baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350°F (180°C) and continue baking for 45-50 minutes. The pie should have a nice golden brown color and the filling should bubble nicely. If the pie is getting too dark, cover towards the end of the baking time. Take out of the oven and let cool down for at least 4 hours (or overnight) before slicing. Serve with some whipped cream or ice cream.
Enjoy baking!
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