As soon as the first berries are available from local farmers I love to make this Baked Rice Pudding with Berries. It’s a great dessert to show off the first berries of the season ;P Also an absolutely easy treat to prepare and all in all super delicious! It brings back childhood memories every time I make it! This rice pudding with a (tiny) mountain of whipped cream and fresh berries is not only very tasty, but it’s also a great option if you got guests coming over. Give everyone a spoon and let them dive in! ;P

I really think that baked rice pudding is hands down one of the best desserts you can make. Not only because it’s delicious – it is also extremely easy to prepare. Something you can’t always say about cakes or other desserts. This one here is so easy to do you could actually let a toddler do the job. With a little help when it comes to the preparation step that involves the oven ;P But everything else…? Super easy. Barely an inconvenience ;P
Really. So easy. All you have to do is mix the ingredients in the oven dish and then let the oven do the work. Two hours later you got a delicious dessert ready to eat. The two hours you have to wait for the rice pudding to be ready is probably the only drawback of this recipe. After a short time in the oven, you can already smell the rice pudding in the oven and imagine how good it will taste… that’s a bit of a torture TBH ;P

If you are normally into elaborated cakes and desserts you can still try this easy rice pudding here. It’s all about the flavors. Not the looks. I have to admit it looks a bit weird when you take it out of the oven ;P Anyway. Try it!
For all of you out there who like rice pudding no matter what – I might have some more treats for you on the blog. Two of my favorite recipes with rice pudding to be exact. They are a bit more difficult to prepare but not impossible to do. Definitely worth the extra work ;P
(4 servings)
1 tbsp. butter for greasing
20 fl. oz. (600ml) regular milk
6.8 fl. oz. (200ml) heavy cream
3.2 oz. (90g) rice pudding rice
3 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
1 vanilla bean pod
1 bay leaf
some freshly grated nutmeg
some strawberries & raspberries to serve (optional)
some whipped heavy cream to serve (optional)
(4 Portionen)
1 EL Butter, zum Einfetten
600ml Milch
200ml Schlagsahne
90g Milchreis
3 EL Xylit (oder Zucker)
1 Vanilleschote
1 Lorbeerblatt
etwas frische Muskatnuss, gerieben
Erdbeeren & Himbeeren zum Servieren (optional)
etwas Schlagsahne zum Servieren (optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C). Grease a pie dish or casserole dish (similar size) with the butter and set aside.
2. Add the milk, heavy cream, rice, and xylitol (or sugar) to a bowl and mix to combine. Scrape the seeds out of the vanilla bean pod, add the seeds and the scraped pod, as well as the bay leaf to the bowl, and mix. Pour this mixture into the greased dish and sprinkle with some freshly grated nutmeg. Bake for about 2 hours – the top should have some dark brown spots and the rice should be cooked and soft.
3. Take out of the oven, remove the bay leaf and vanilla pod, and serve with fresh strawberries, raspberries and/or some whipped cream (optional).
1. Den Ofen auf 150°C (300°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Eine Pieform oder Auflaufform ähnlicher Größe mit der Butter einfetten und zur Seite stellen.
2. Milch, Sahne, Reis und Xylit (oder Zucker) in eine Schüssel geben und vermischen. Das Mark der Vanilleschote auskratzen und dann zusammen mit der Schote und dem Lorbeerblatt zur Schüssel dazugeben. Einmal alles gut vermischen und dann in die vorbereitete Form umfüllen. Für etwa 2 Stunden backen – die Oberfläche sollte einige dunkle Flecken bekommen haben und der Reis sollte durchgekocht und weich sein.
3. Form aus dem Ofen holen, das Lorbeerblatt und die Vanilleschote entfernen und dann nach Belieben mit den Erdbeeren, Himbeeren und/oder etwas Schlagsahne servieren (optional).

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Baked Rice Pudding with Berries
- Prep Time: 00:05
- Cook Time: 02:00
- Total Time: 02:10
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Desserts
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegetarian
A classic dessert everybody loves: delicious Baked Rice Pudding with Berries. So easy to prepare and sooo good! Hard to stop after one serving ;P
1 tbsp. butter for greasing
20 fl. oz. (600ml) regular milk
6.8 fl. oz. (200ml) heavy cream
3.2 oz. (90g) rice pudding rice
3 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
1 vanilla bean pod
1 bay leaf
some freshly grated nutmeg
some strawberries & raspberries to serve (optional)
some whipped heavy cream to serve (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C). Grease a pie dish or casserole dish (similar size) with the butter and set aside.
2. Add the milk, heavy cream, rice, and xylitol (or sugar) to a bowl and mix to combine. Scrape the seeds out of the vanilla bean pod, add the seeds and the scraped pod, as well as the bay leaf to the bowl, and mix. Pour this mixture into the greased dish and sprinkle with some freshly grated nutmeg. Bake for about 2 hours – the top should have some dark brown spots and the rice should be cooked and soft.
3. Take out of the oven, remove the bay leaf and vanilla pod, and serve with fresh strawberries, raspberries and/or some whipped cream (optional).
Make something amazing in the kitchen!
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