Blame the Corona Virus… From now on you will find cooking recipes here besides all that baked stuff you already know. It all started two weeks ago with a recipe for The Best Bolognese Sauce *EVER* and in more ore less regular (irregular) intervals you will find recipes here on the blog which have been tried and tested many times in my kitchen. Today I got a dish that is served like this (or let’s say similar) a bit further down south: Turkish Köfte aka. meatballs with a warm lentil salad.
The world is still upside down somehow. The situation here on the blog is not much different. Last several weeks I didn’t really bake often. In contrast to many others that did not happen due to missing ingredients – I’m actually well equipped in my kitchen and always got everything I needed… even if it sometimes took several attempts or I had to wait a little bit until the supermarket around the corner was restocked. I have problems getting rid of baked goods ;) I just don’t have anyone to serve my cakes right now. In a normal world, as it used to be before Covid-19, my cakes usually ended up in my friend’s office or friends dropped by for coffee and cake. In times of “social distancing”, this is all impossible. Everybody works from home and friends cannot drop by due to official regulations. This is the reality right now. That’s why I’ve been focusing more on cooking in the last few months. Everything I cook is for two people and even if it can feed more than two, you can eat the leftovers the next day ;)
Well… things will change again soon. At least I hope so ;) I will probably keep the cooking recipes though. I enjoy cooking and since I hardly eat sweets anymore because of my diabetes, cooking got much more important for me anyway. So be prepared for more cooking recipes in the future. You will probably find many dishes we like to cook ourselves at home, classics that my mother or grandma taught me, and maybe some “fancy” stuff from our favorite restaurants that we recreated at home. The recipes will probably mostly fit the category “quick and easy” though. With some exceptions here and there I guess… it shouldn’t get boring in any case ;)
So today I got some Köfte aka. Turkish meatballs with a warm lentil salad for you. Legumes are often used in Turkish recipes and are a good choice if you are on a restricted diet. Compared with pasta lentils are much better for your blood sugar level since they take longer do digest and do not raise your blood sugar as quickly as pasta would do. If you are not into lentils you can serve these Köfte with some rice or bulgur, of course. This recipe also works fine as a meal prep recipe – you can easily keep the meatballs and salad in your fridge for days and reheat everything in the microwave. Hassle-fee lunch or dinner ;)
I’d say you have to see for yourself what kind of combination works best for you – lentil salad, rice or bulgur… you should like cumin though. Without the cumin, Köfte are not Köfte, just simple meatballs ;)
For the lentil salad:
1 large carrot
2 garlic cloves
1-2 tbsp. olive oil
5.3 oz. (150g) red lentils
1 1/2 tsp. vegetable broth powder
1 1/2 cups (360ml) water
2 tbsp. sweet chili sauce
salt, pepper
1 red pepper
1 spring onion
For the Köfte (meatballs):
1 garlic clove
14 oz. (400g) ground beef
1 tsp. cumin powder
1/4 tsp. paprika powder
some tabasco
salt, pepper
wooden skewers
1-2 tbsp. oil for frying
For the yogurt sauce:
5.3 oz. (150g) plain yogurt
1 organic lemon
salt, pepper
Für den Linsensalat:
1 große Karotte
2 Knoblauchzehen
1-2 EL Olivenöl
150g rote Linsen
1 1/2 TL Gemüsebrühe-Pulver
360ml Wasser
2 EL Sweet Chili Sauce
Salz, Pfeffer
1 rote Paprika
1 Frühlingszwiebel
Für die Köfte:
1 Knoblauchzehe
400g Rinderhackfleisch
1 TL Kreuzkümmel, gemahlen
1/4 TL Paprikapulver
etwas Tabasco
Salz, Pfeffer
1-2 EL Öl zum Anbraten
Für die Joghurtsoße:
150g Joghurt
1 Bio-Zitrone
Salz, Pfeffer
2. While the lentils are cooking you can prepare the meatballs. Peel the garlic and dice finely. Add the ground beef, diced garlic, cumin powder, and paprika powder to a bowl and mix well. Season with Tabasco, salt, and pepper. Divide into four portions and shape into little logs/sausages and “impale” them with the wooden skewers ;) Heat up a frying pan with some oil and fry the Köfte from all sides until nicely browned – about 5-6 minutes.
3. For the yogurt sauce wash the lemon with hot water and dry again. Zest and juice the lemon. Season the yogurt to your liking with the lemon zest, lemon juice as well as salt and pepper.
4. Add some of the warm lentil salad on each plate, place two Köfte on top and decorate with the spring onion rings. Serve with the yogurt sauce.
2. Während die Linsen köcheln die Köfte zubereiten. Die Knoblauchzehe schälen und fein würfeln. Das Rinderhack zusammen mit den Knoblauchwüfel, Kreuzkümmel und dem Paprikapulver in eine Schüssel geben, mit Tabasco, Salz und Pfeffer würzen und dann alles gut vermischen. Die Masse in vier Portionen teilen und zu länglichen Würsten formen und dann je einen Schaschlikspieß hineinstecken. Eine Pfanne mit etwas Öl erhitzen und die Köfte rundum scharf anbraten – etwa 5-6 Minuten.
3. Für die Joghurtsoße die Zitrone heiß abwaschen und trocknen. Die Schale abreiben und den Saft auspressen. Den Joghurt nach belieben mit dem Abrieb und Zitronensaft verrühren und mit etwas Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.
4. Zum Anrichten den Linsensalat auf die Teller verteilen, zwei Köfte darauf legen und mit den Frühlingszwiebelröllchen dekorieren. Den Joghurt dazu servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintWarm Lentil Salad with Köfte/Kofta (Turkish Meatballs)
- Prep Time: 20m
- Cook Time: 20m
- Total Time: 40m
- Yield: 2
- Category: Dinner
- Cuisine: Turkish
Delicious lunch or dinner recipe – warm lentil salad with Turkish meatballs aka. Köfte. Great flavor combination!
Enjoy cooking!