It is 2020 and everything is slightly different his year. For example, no Christmas markets in Germany right now. Due to COVID regulations and social distancing rules Christmas markets were not allowed to open in many cities this year. You can still find a booth for mulled wine here and there, but that is only a fraction of the usual Christmas frenzy here in Germany. It’s a bit sad. I don’t mind not being able to drink mulled wine or eat sugar-coated almonds on a Christmas market – that’s something I can’t drink and eat anyway anymore. But not being able to eat a hot dish of Grünkohl mit Pinkel (Kale with Smoked Knockwurst)… that’s a real bummer! Well… I guess that means I have to make it myself at home ;P
Kale is a typical winter veggie. You can only get it in the stores or on the farmers market once the kale got some frosty days on the field. That also means only then you can get that popular kale dish with sausages here in Germany on a Christmas market. The sausage used in this dish is quite special. It’s called “Pinkel” and has its origins from the area around Bremen (up in the North), so getting it here in Berlin at a butcher’s shop is pretty difficult or better said almost impossible.
Even though you can get it on a Christmas market here in stores you get weird looks if you ask for it. ;) Luckily, you can replace the “Pinkel” easily with a smoked knockwurst – which I did here too. That means you can make this dish in every corner of the world where you can get kale and any kind of smoked sausage. ;P But if you ever get the chance to try the real thing, you should definitely give it a try!
Whether you get the real deal or a replacement – I love kale with sausage and potatoes. As a welcome change from all the cookie recipes that you see everywhere right now. Here in our home, I am the only one that likes kale though. That’s why I normally make only half of the recipe and then eat two days kale and sausage for lunch. I love it. My boyfriend is from Spain and not used to that kind of food. Same for sauerkraut… he hates it. I don’t understand how you can NOT like these classic German dishes ;)
Anyway. Here in Germany you can buy already cooked kale in stores, but that stuff is overcooked normally. Making it at home with fresh kale is 1000 times better! Just saying ;) I guess everybody that hates kale only tried that pre-made stuff… and then I am not surprised they don’t like it ;)
If you like German classics, you might want to take a look at these two recipes as well – my Braised Mushroom, White Beans & Leek Stew is prepared in the oven and a fairly uncomplicated dish that requires only little attention. A family favorite and loved by everyone – Classic German Roulades (aka. Rinderrouladen) with Fried Potatoes. So good!
Very well then. I hope you all have a great Christmas season even though it is different to previous years… stay safe and healthy! :)
(4 servings)
50 oz. (1,4 kg) kale
3.5 oz. (100g) bacon, diced
3 large onions, diced
2-3 garlic cloves, diced
1.4 oz. (40g) lard
8.5 fl. oz. (250ml) vegetable broth
8.5 fl. oz. (250ml) water
8 Bremer Pinkel (or smoked knockwurst)
32 oz. (900g) small, waxy potatoes
some fat for frying
salt, pepper
1-2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
3 tbsp. rolled oats
(4 Portionen)
1,4kg Grünkohl
100g Speck, gewürfelt
3 große Zwiebeln, gewürfelt
2-3 Knoblauchzehen, gewürfelt
40g Schweineschmalz
250ml Gemüsebrühe
250ml Wasser
8 Bremer Pinkel (oder Rauchenden)
900g kleine, festkochende Kartoffeln
etwas Fett zum Anbraten
Salz, Pfeffer
1-2 EL Dijon Senf
3 EL Haferflocken
1. Pluck the kale leaves from the stalks, wash and drain them, then roughly chop em. Dice the bacon finely. Peel and chop the onions and garlic cloves. Set aside.
2. Add the lard to a large pot and heat up. Add the diced bacon and fry until browned nicely. Add the diced onions and garlic and cook until soft and glossy. When everything got some color add the kale and mix to combine. Cook until the kale lost most of its volume, then add the veggie broth and water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover, and let the kale simmer for about 1 hour. Stir once in a while and add the sausages after about 30 minutes so they can cook through together with the kale.
3. While the kale is simmering, boil the potatoes in salted water until they are done – takes about 20 minutes. Take the potatoes out of the water, let some cold water run over them, and then peel them. Heat up a pan with some fat and fry the potatoes until nicely browned all around. Season with some salt and pepper.
4. Add the mustard and the oat flakes to the kale and stir in. Season with salt and pepper to your liking. Serve the kale with the sausages and fried potatoes on the sides.
1. Grünkohl von den Stängeln abrupfen, waschen, abtropfen lassen und dann grob hacken. Speck fein würfeln. Zwiebeln und Knoblauch schälen und würfeln.
2. Das Schweineschmalz in einem großen Topf erhitzen. Die Speckwürfel dazugeben und kurz auslassen, dann Zwiebeln und Knoblauch dazugeben und mit anschwitzen. Wenn alles etwas Farbe bekommen hat, den gehackten Grünkohl dazugeben und alles verrühren, bis der Grünkohl auf etwa 1/3 zusammengefallen ist. Gemüsebrühe und Wasser dazugeben, kurz aufkochen lassen und dann abgedeckt für etwa 1 Stunde köcheln lassen. Zwischendurch immer wieder einmal umrühren. Nach etwa 30 Minuten können die Würste mit in den Topf zum Durchgaren.
3. Während der Grünkohl köchelt, die Kartoffeln in Salzwasser kochen, bis sie gar sind – dauert etwa 20 Minuten. Die fertigen Kartoffeln abgießen, abschrecken und dann pellen. Etwas Fett in einer Pfanne erhitzen und die Kartoffeln darin rundum braun anbraten. Mit etwas Salz und Pfeffer würzen.
4. Unter den fertig gegarten Grünkohl den Senf und die Haferflocken unterrühren und dann mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Grünkohl mit Kartoffeln und Würsten auf Tellern anrichten und servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintGrünkohl mit Pinkel (Kale with Smoked Knockwurst)
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: 01:00
- Total Time: 01:30
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Lunch
- Cuisine: Germany
Classic German dish in winter – kale with smoked knockwurst aka. Grünkohl mit Pinkel (at least in Bremen)
50 oz. (1,4 kg) kale
3.5 oz. (100g) bacon, diced
3 large onions, diced
2–3 garlic cloves, diced
1.4 oz. (40g) lard
8.5 fl. oz. (250ml) vegetable broth
8.5 fl. oz. (250ml) water
8 Bremer Pinkel (or smoked knockwurst)
32 oz. (900g) small, waxy potatoes
some fat for frying
salt, pepper
1–2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
3 tbsp. rolled oats
1. Pluck the kale leaves from the stalks, wash and drain them, then roughly chop em. Dice the bacon finely. Peel and chop the onions and garlic cloves. Set aside.
2. Add the lard to a large pot and heat up. Add the diced bacon and fry until browned nicely. Add the diced onions and garlic and cook until soft and glossy. When everything got some color add the kale and mix to combine. Cook until the kale lost most of its volume, then add the veggie broth and water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover, and let the kale simmer for about 1 hour. Stir once in a while and add the sausages after about 30 minutes so they can cook through together with the kale.
3. While the kale is simmering, boil the potatoes in salted water until they are done – takes about 20 minutes. Take the potatoes out of the water, let some cold water run over them, and then peel them. Heat up a pan with some fat and fry the potatoes until nicely browned all around. Season with some salt and pepper.
4. Add the mustard and the oat flakes to the kale and stir in. Season with salt and pepper to your liking. Serve the kale with the sausages and fried potatoes on the sides.
Enjoy cooking!