New Year’s resolutions can be made not only at the start of a new year. Promising yourself to make a change is something you can do anytime ;P We decided some time ago to include more veggies in our diet and eat less meat. Something that is working quite well so far. These delicious Vegan Summer Rolls with Tofu are one of our new favorite dishes – that can be served all year round and not only on hot summer days. The name is a bit limiting, right? Should be All-Year-Round Rolls ;P

Anyway. We’ve never been the biggest meat lovers here. I mean a burger now and then is fine, of course, but our diet has actually always included quite a lot of veggies. What we make and eat is not always vegan, but that is slowly changing as well. There are soooo many delicious vegan recipes out there and so much we want to cook and try ;)
The vegan/vegetarian cuisine really has a lot to offer. Especially in Asia, there is an abundance of delicious dishes made completely without meat or dairy products. So many delicious salads, curries, and other plant-based meals and snacks… you could try something new every day and would probably be busy for a lifetime. There is no end ;P
We love these summer rolls here because they are really easy to prepare. The veggies are chopped quickly, the tofu is easy to marinate and cooked relatively quickly. Well and the rolling is really fun (as soon as you get the hang of it)! If you ever want to cook together with friends, this is definitely a great dish to do. Not much preparation needed, you can chat, drink and prepare the rolls all together. A spring roll rolling party ;P

Vegan cooking recipes are really easy in most cases. Same for vegan baking – also quite simple. Many people think that baking without eggs or dairy products is challenging… but it’s actually not (that much). Take a look at my vegan recipes, and you will see it’s all really easy. I don’t have a lot of vegan recipes, but the numbers are steadily growing ;)
By the way, these summer rolls are inspired by a vegan Vietnamese restaurant that opened in our neighborhood some time ago. They serve the best vegan summer rolls in my opinion ;) The perfect snack in summer. You will be full after two rolls, but they won’t make you feel stuffed. Well… maybe there is still some room for dessert afterward ;P
(10-12 summer rolls)
For the summer rolls:
9 oz. (250g) tofu
5-6 tbsp. soy sauce
olive oil for frying
(50g) glass noodles
1 carrot, julienne
1/2 cucumber, julienne
salad leaves
fresh cilantro
fresh mint leaves
10-12 spring roll rice papers
For the peanut sauce:
1/2 cup (120ml) water
3 tbsp. crunchy peanut butter
1 1/2 tbsp. agave syrup
3 tbsp. soy sauce
2 cloves garlic, pressed
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
(10-12 Sommerrollen)
Für die Sommerrollen:
250g Tofu
5-6 EL Sojasoße
Olivenöl zum Anbraten
50g Glasnudeln
1 Karotte, gestiftelt
1/2 Gurke, gestiftelt
frischer Koriander
frische Minze
10-12 Reispapierblätter
Für die Erdnußsoße:
120ml Wasser
3 EL Erdnußbutter (crunchy)
1 1/2 EL Agavendicksaft
3 EL Sojasoße
2 Knoblauchzehen, gepresst
1/4 TL gemahlener Ingwer

1. Press the tofu between some paper towels to remove liquid. Cut into roughly 0.6×1.2 inch (1,5x3cm) pieces. Place in a bowl, add the soy sauce and mix – the tofu should be covered completely. Let soak for 1 hour (mix occasionally).
2. Add the glass noodles to a bowl with cold water and let soak for 10 minutes. Heat up a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Take from the heat. Add the soaked noodles and let heat up for a minute. Take out and let drain. Set aside.
3. Wash the salad and let drain. Peel the carrot and cut into thin stripes (julienne), cut the cucumber into thin stripes as well – no need to peel here, just wash it before you cut it.
4. Heat up the olive oil in a frying pan or wok. Add the (drained) tofu and fry until golden brown. Take out of the pan and place on paper towels.
5. Add the ingredients for the peanut sauce to a microwave-safe bowl and heat up on high for 30-45 seconds. Take out and mix. If it is not coming together, heat up again for 30-45 seconds and mix again – you should get a smooth mixture. Set aside.
6. To assemble the summer rolls take a spring roll rice paper and let it soak in cold water for a moment (e.g. on a plate with water). Place in front of you (if it sticks too much on your working surface, use a wet kitchen towel as your working surface) and place first some noodles on the rice paper, some carrots, cucumber, salad, two pieces of tofu and finish with some cilantro and mint leaves. Now fold the sides over that package– left, right, then the short side over that and then roll up. The first one is probably a bit weird looking, but you will find out how to roll up best pretty quick. Repeat until all ingredients are used (it depends on the size of the spring roll rice paper how much you get). Place the rolls on a plate. Serve with the peanut sauce.
1. Den Tofu zwischen etwas Küchenpapier ausdrücken, damit so viel Flüssigkeit wie möglich heraustritt. In Stücke schneiden, die in etwa 1,5x3cm (0.6×1.2 inch) groß sind. In eine Schüssel geben und mit der Sojasoße vermischen. Für etwa 1 Stunde ziehen lassen und gelegentlich umrühren, damit der Tofu gut marinieren kann.
2. Die Glasnudeln in eine Schüssel mit kaltem Wasser legen und für 10 Minuten einweichen lassen. Wasser in einem kleinen Topf zum Kochen bringen und dann vom Herd nehmen. Die eingeweichten Nudeln für 1 Minute ins heiße Wasser legen und ziehen lassen. Herausnehmen und dann abtropfen lassen.
3. Den Salat waschen und abtropfen lassen. Karotte und Gurke in dünne Stifte schneiden (Julienne) – Karotte kann man vorher schälen, bei der Gurke ist das nicht nötig – nur kurz abwaschen.
4. Olivenöl in einer Pfanne oder Wok erhitzen. Den abgetropften Tofu darin goldbraun anbraten. Auf Papiertüchern abtropfen lassen.
5. Alle Zutaten für die Erdnusssoße in eine mikrowellengeeignete Schüssel geben und auf höchster Stufe für 30-45 Sekunden erhitzen. Herausnehmen und zusammenrühren. Sollte sich die Soße noch nicht gut verrühren lassen, noch einmal 30-45 Sekunden erhitzen und erneut verrühren. Zur Seite stellen.
6. Für den Zusammenbau der Sommerrollen ein Reispapier nehmen und auf einem Teller mit Wasser kurz einweichen lassen. Vor sich hinlegen (sollte das Reispapier auf der Arbeitsfläche zu sehr kleben, kann man das Ganze auch auf einem feuchten Küchenhandtuch machen) und erst ein paar Glasnudeln, dann Karotten- und Gurkenstreifen, Salat und zwei Stücke vom Tofu auf das Reispapier stapeln. Nach Belieben Koriander und Minzblätter dazu und dann zuerst die Seiten über das Paket schlagen, dann die kurze Seite darüber und zur noch offenen Seite aufrollen. Die erste Rolle sieht meistens etwas verunstaltet aus, aber man bekommt den Dreh schnell raus. Mit den restlichen Zutaten weitere Rollen zubereiten (die Menge hängt davon ab, wie viel Zutaten man reinpackt). Auf einer Platte oder einem Teller mit der Erdnusssoße servieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Vegan Summer Rolls with Tofu
- Prep Time: 00:45
- Cook Time: 00:00
- Total Time: 01:20
- Yield: 12 1x
- Category: Snacks
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegan
It may not be summer yet, but this delicious vegan summer rolls might bring you some sun on your plates and a smile to your face :P
For the summer rolls:
9 oz. (250g) tofu
5–6 tbsp. soy sauce
olive oil for frying
(50g) glass noodles
1 carrot, julienned
1/2 cucumber, julienned
salad leaves
fresh cilantro
fresh mint leaves
10–12 spring roll rice papers
For the peanut sauce:
1/2 cup (120ml) water
3 tbsp. crunchy peanut butter
1 1/2 tbsp. agave syrup
3 tbsp. soy sauce
2 cloves garlic, pressed
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
1. Press the tofu between some paper towels to remove liquid. Cut into roughly 0.6×1.2 inch (1,5x3cm) pieces. Place in a bowl, add the soy sauce and mix – the tofu should be covered completely. Let soak for 1 hour (mix occasionally).
2. Add the glass noodles to a bowl with cold water and let soak for 10 minutes. Heat up a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Take from the heat. Add the soaked noodles and let heat up for a minute. Take out and let drain. Set aside.
3. Wash the salad and let drain. Peel the carrot and cut into thin stripes (julienne), cut the cucumber into thin stripes as well – no need to peel here, just wash it before you cut it.
4. Heat up the olive oil in a frying pan or wok. Add the (drained) tofu and fry until golden brown. Take out of the pan and place on paper towels.
5. Add the ingredients for the peanut sauce to a microwave-safe bowl and heat up on high for 30-45 seconds. Take out and mix. If it is not coming together, heat up again for 30-45 seconds and mix again – you should get a smooth mixture. Set aside.
6. To assemble the summer rolls take a spring roll rice paper and let it soak in cold water for a moment (e.g. on a plate with water). Place in front of you (if it sticks too much on your working surface, use a wet kitchen towel as your working surface) and place first some noodles on the rice paper, some carrots, cucumber, salad, two pieces of tofu and finish with some cilantro and mint leaves. Now fold the sides over that package– left, right, then the short side over that and then roll up. The first one is probably a bit weird looking, but you will find out how to roll up best pretty quick. Repeat until all ingredients are used (it depends on the size of the spring roll rice paper how much you get). Place the rolls on a plate. Serve with the peanut sauce.
Enjoy rolling!
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