Tortilla is something I only recently started to really like. I have made it several times already, but I was never really satisfied with the result. Taste was great, but the looks needed definitely some improvement! I had big problems with the coordination of my arms, eyes and the pan when it was time to turn the tortilla. It is almost as bad as making a big Rösti… ok that is actually much worse ;P
The egg-potato mix has to be almost cooked completely and it has to come off quite easily from the coated pan (don’t even try it without a coated pan) – then the chances are pretty good everything turns out fine. I guess I was always too worried to burn it so I tried to turn it too early – with a bad result ;)
¡Buen provecho!
4 eggs
1/2 onion, chopped
pepper (optional)
1/2 – 1 cup (120-240ml) olive oil for frying
4 Eier
1/2 Zwiebel, gehackt
Pfeffer (optional)
120-240ml Olivenöl zum Frittieren
2. While the potatoes are cooking whisk the eggs in a bowl and season with salt and pepper (optional). Drain the potatoes to remove almost all of the oil (keep some of the oil for later). Add to the the whisked eggs and mix well.
3. Add 2-3 tablespoons of the oil to the coated pan again and heat up. Add the potato-egg mix and let cook. Do not stir. The tortilla is ready for the turn, when the egg thickened and the whole tortilla starts moving when you shake the pan a bit. You can loosen it a bit with a wooden spoon on the sides if it is not coming off. Now comes the tricky part – take a plate slightly bigger than the pan and place on top – turn everything upside down. The tortilla should come off easily. Place the pan on the stove again, add another 1-2 teaspoons of the oil and let the tortilla slide back into the pan from the plate. Cook for couple more minutes so the bottom gets a bit of color – but don’t burn it!
4. Remove from the heat and let slide on a plate, cut into squares and serve on that plate or transfer to small bowls. Serve warm or cold.
2. Während die Kartoffeln kochen, kann man die Eier in eine Schüssel geben und kurz verquirlen. Mit Salz und Pfeffer (optional) würzen. Die fertigen Kartoffeln gut abtropfen lassen (das Öl dabei auffangen und für später zur Seite stellen) und zur Schüssel mit den Eiern zugeben und vermischen.
3. Vom zurückgehaltenen Öl 2-3 EL in die beschichtete Pfanne geben und erneut erhitzen. Die Ei-Kartoffelmischung zugeben und anbraten. Die Masse sollte dabei nicht gerührt werden. Die Tortilla ist bereit für das Wenden, wenn die Eimasse gestockt hat und sich alles in der Pfanne hin und her schieben lässt (ggf. mit einem Holzlöffel etwas nachhelfen und von den Seiten lösen). Jetzt kommt der etwas schwierige Teil – einen Teller nehmen, der etwas grösser ist als die Pfanne und darauf legen. Alles zusammen in einer schnellen Bewegung umdrehen – die Tortilla sollte sich leicht von der Pfanne gelöst haben. Die Pfanne zurück auf den Herd stellen und noch einmal 1-2 EL vom Öl zugeben. Die Tortilla vorsichtig vom Teller zurück in die Pfanne gleiten lassen und die zweite Seite wie die erste anbraten. Die Tortilla sollte etwas Farbe bekommen, aber nicht verbrennen!
4. Vom Herd nehmen und auf eine Platte gleiten lassen. In kleine Quadrate schneiden und auf der Platte oder in kleinen Schälchen servieren. Warm oder kalt.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintTortilla de Patatas
- Prep Time: 10
- Cook Time: 30
- Total Time: 40
- 4–5 medium potatoes
- 4 eggs
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- salt
- pepper (optional)
- 1/2 – 1 cup (120-240ml) olive oil for frying
- Peel the potatoes and cut into 0.2 inch (0,5cm) thick slices. Add the olive oil to a coated pan (about 9 inches/23cm diameter) and heat up to a medium heat. Add the potatoes and cook them – the oil should almost cover the potatoes. Add the chopped onion after 2 minutes and cook as well. The potatoes should be cooked and soft but not browned – takes about 10-15 minutes.
- While the potatoes are cooking whisk the eggs in a bowl and season with salt and pepper (optional). Drain the potatoes to remove almost all of the oil (keep some of the oil for later). Add to the the whisked eggs and mix well.
- Add 2-3 tablespoons of the oil to the coated pan again and heat up. Add the potato-egg mix and let cook. Do not stir. The tortilla is ready for the turn, when the egg thickened and the whole tortilla starts moving when you shake the pan a bit. You can loosen it a bit with a wooden spoon on the sides if it is not coming off. Now comes the tricky part – take a plate slightly bigger than the pan and place on top – turn everything upside down. The tortilla should come off easily. Place the pan on the stove again, add another 1-2 teaspoons of the oil and let the tortilla slide back into the pan from the plate. Cook for couple more minutes so the bottom gets a bit of color – but don’t burn it!
- Remove from the heat and let slide on a plate, cut into squares and serve on that plate or transfer to small bowls. Serve warm or cold.
- ¡Buen provecho!
- Serving Size: 4