In our house, everyone is always very happy when a wok is being heated, because it means something delicious is about to be made ;) We love Asian cuisine and love to prepare whatever we can at home. These delicious Stir-Fry Hoisin Chicken Noodles, for example. Great flavors and really easy to prepare. The perfect dish for a weeknight when time is limited, but you still want something tasty on your plates or in your bowls.
We’ve been fans of Asian cuisine for a long, long time – not just when we go out to eat, but also when we cook at home. This is not limited to dishes from one particular country. Somehow, almost everything from this corner of the world tastes delicious. That’s why we got ourselves a wok many years ago… or rather several of them, by now ;) It’s definitely not a bad idea for anyone who wants to cook Asian food more often. There are so many delicious meals you can cook with a wok!
Using a large pan is, of course, also fine if you want to prepare Asian dishes. Well, most of the time. Sometimes a wok just does a better job when you need high heat or when you want to »park« something on the side with less heat and continue cooking something in the center… I guess it’s the shape and size that makes it just easier sometimes ;)
Anyway. Back to the recipe. Hoisin sauce is a seasoning sauce from Chinese cuisine or better said Cantonese cuisine. It’s a dark, thick, and slightly sweet sauce made from fermented soybeans plus a few other ingredients and spices. The sauce is typically used in Chinese dishes, but the Vietnamese also like to use it to flavor their food.
Hoisin sauce is great for adding flavor to wok dishes like this one here, but it’s also ideal for dips or marinades. Peking duck, for example, tastes really good with a little hoisin sauce. Having a small (or bigger) bottle of it in your spice cabinet is not a bad idea. I speak from experience ;P
There’s not really much to say about the preparation of the dish itself. Soak the rice noodles well or pre-cook them (just follow the instructions on the packet), throw everything into the wok, stir-fry it well, add the sauce and you’re done ;P
OK, it may be a bit more complicated. There is also some preparation and chopping needed beforehand, but once that’s done, everything else is quite easy. Wok dishes are really perfect whenever you want to keep it simple and not use five pots or pans at the same time to prepare dinner. Easy-peasy ;)
We already got several stir-fry recipes here on the blog. All those woks in our cupboard need to be used regularly or they might start rusting ;P So in case you want to try other stir-fry recipes, you’ve come to the right place. My recipe for Stir-Fry Singapore Noodles with Pork is simply awesome, as well as my top-rated recipe for Veggie & Egg Fried Rice… both dishes are great, and I can only recommend preparing them.
(2 servings)
14 oz. (200g) rice noodles*
some roasted sesame oil*
1 medium-sized eggplant, diced
3.4 fl. oz. (100ml) water
10.6 oz. (300g) chicken breast, in strips
1 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 medium onion, sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 small piece of ginger, finely chopped
2 spring onions, in rings
3.5 oz. (100g) sugar snap peas, halved
salt, pepper
3-4 tbsp. hoisin sauce*
2 tbsp. soy sauce*
1 tbsp. dark soy sauce*
1 tsp. maple syrup
some crispy chili oil* (optional)
some water if necessary
a few chopped peanuts
(2 Personen)
200g Reisnudeln*
etwas geröstetes Sesamöl*
1 mittelgroße Aubergine, gewürfelt
100ml Wasser
300g Hähnchenbrust, in Streifen
1 EL Mehl (Type 405)
1 Zwiebel, in Spalten
2 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 kleines Stück Ingwer, fein gehackt
2 Lauchzwiebeln, in Ringen
100g Zuckererbsen, halbiert
Salz, Pfeffer
3-4 EL Hoisinsauce*
2 EL Sojasauce*
1 EL Dark Soy Sauce*
1 TL Ahornsirup
etwas Crispy Chili Oil* (optional)
ggf. etwas Wasser
einige gehackte Erdnüsse
1. Soak the rice noodles in warm water or cook according to the packet instructions – my noodles had to soak in warm water for 20 minutes.
2. Prepare the veggies – wash and dry the eggplant, and it cut into 0.4-inch (1 cm) cubes. Peel the onion and garlic cloves, cut the onion into thin slices, and finely chop the garlic. Peel the ginger and chop very finely. Clean the spring onions and cut them into rings – set some of the green rings to the side for decorations. Clean and half the sugar pea snaps. Keep everything ready for cooking. Clean the chicken breast, cut it into thin strips, and mix with the flour. Set aside.
3. Heat up a large wok* (or a large frying pan) with some sesame oil – you want the oil to get quite hot. Add the diced eggplant and sauté/fry for a few minutes, then add the water and cook until the eggplant has nicely browned and is soft. Season with some salt and pepper, then remove from the wok and set aside.
4. Place the wok back on the heat and add a bit more sesame oil. Fry the chicken breast strips in the hot oil for about 2-3 minutes until the meat has nicely browned. Add the onion, garlic, ginger, and spring onion rings (without the green parts for the decoration), as well as the sugar pea snaps, and fry everything for about 2-3 minutes until the onion is a bit softer.
5. Next, add the cooked eggplant and the soaked/cooked noodles to the wok, mix everything well, and continue frying everything for 2-3 minutes longer, stirring often.
6. Mix hoisin sauce, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, maple syrup, and a bit of crispy chili oil, then add to the wok and mix well. If the noodles have absorbed a lot of liquid, add a bit more water and mix again – the noodles, chicken, and veggies should be nicely coated with the sauce. Divide the stir-fry noodles between two bowls, sprinkle with a few chopped peanuts, and serve.
1. Die Reisnudeln nach Packungsanleitung in warmem Wasser einweichen oder kochen – meine Nudeln mussten 20 Minuten in warmem Wasser einweichen.
2. Das Gemüse vorbereiten – dazu die Aubergine waschen, trocknen und in etwa 1 cm große Würfel schneiden. Die Zwiebel und die Knoblauchzehen schälen – die Zwiebel in dünne Spalten schneiden, den Knoblauch fein hacken. Den Ingwer schälen und sehr fein hacken. Die Lauchzwiebeln säubern und in Ringe schneiden – einen Teil der grünen Ringe für die Dekoration zur Seite stellen. Die Zuckerschoten säubern und halbieren. Alles zum Kochen bereitstellen. Die Hähnchenbrust säubern, in Streifen schneiden und dann mit dem Mehl vermischen. Zur Seite stellen.
3. Einen großen Wok* (oder große Bratpfanne) mit etwas Sesamöl erhitzen – das Öl sollte recht heiß werden. Die gewürfelte Aubergine in den Wok geben und einige Minuten scharf anbraten, dann das Wasser dazugeben und die Aubergine so lange kochen lassen, bis sie schön gebräunt und weich ist. Mit etwas Salz und Pfeffer würzen, dann aus dem Wok nehmen und zur Seite stellen.
4. Den Wok wieder auf den Herd stellen und noch einmal etwas Sesamöl erhitzen. Die Hähnchenbruststreifen im heißen Öl etwa 2-3 Minuten anbraten, bis das Fleisch rundum etwas Farbe bekommen hat. Zwiebelspalten, gehackten Knoblauch, Ingwer, Frühlingszwiebelringe (ohne die grünen Teile für die Dekoration) und die Zuckerschoten dazugeben und alles weitere 2-3 Minuten anbraten, bis die Zwiebelspalten etwas weicher sind.
5. Die Aubergine und die vorbereiteten Nudeln zum Wok dazugeben, alles gut vermengen und weitere 2-3 Minuten anbraten – dabei immer wieder umrühren/wenden.
6. Hoisinsauce mit Sojasauce, dunkler Sojasauce, Ahornsirup und nach Belieben etwas Crispy Chili Oil verrühren, dann in den Wok dazugeben und alles gut vermengen. Sollten die Nudeln viel Flüssigkeit aufgesogen haben, noch ein wenig Wasser dazugeben und alles gut vermengen – Nudeln, Hühnchen und Gemüse sollten schön mit Sauce überzogen sein. Die Stir-Fry Nudeln auf zwei Schüsseln aufteilen, mit einigen gehackten Erdnüssen bestreuen und servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintStir-Fry Hoisin Chicken Noodles
- Prep Time: 00:15
- Cook Time: 00:20
- Total Time: 00:35
- Yield: 2 1x
- Category: Stir-fry
- Cuisine: China
A delicious dish that is easy and quick to prepare and perfect for a weeknight: Stir-Fry Hoisin Chicken Noodles. So good!
14 oz. (200g) rice noodles*
some roasted sesame oil*
1 medium-sized eggplant, diced
3.4 fl. oz. (100ml) water
10.6 oz. (300g) chicken breast, in strips
1 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 medium onion, sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 small piece of ginger, finely chopped
2 spring onions, in rings
3.5 oz. (100g) sugar snap peas, halved
salt, pepper
3–4 tbsp. hoisin sauce*
2 tbsp. soy sauce*
1 tbsp. dark soy sauce*
1 tsp. maple syrup
some crispy chili oil* (optional)
some water if necessary
a few chopped peanuts
1. Soak the rice noodles in warm water or cook according to the packet instructions – my noodles had to soak in warm water for 20 minutes.
2. Prepare the veggies – wash and dry the eggplant, and it cut into 0.4-inch (1 cm) cubes. Peel the onion and garlic cloves, cut the onion into thin slices, and finely chop the garlic. Peel the ginger and chop very finely. Clean the spring onions and cut them into rings – set some of the green rings to the side for decorations. Clean and half the sugar pea snaps. Keep everything ready for cooking. Clean the chicken breast, cut it into thin strips, and mix with the flour. Set aside.
3. Heat up a large wok* (or a large frying pan) with some sesame oil – you want the oil to get quite hot. Add the diced eggplant and sauté/fry for a few minutes, then add the water and cook until the eggplant has nicely browned and is soft. Season with some salt and pepper, then remove from the wok and set aside.
4. Place the wok back on the heat and add a bit more sesame oil. Fry the chicken breast strips in the hot oil for about 2-3 minutes until the meat has nicely browned. Add the onion, garlic, ginger, and spring onion rings (without the green parts for the decoration), as well as the sugar pea snaps, and fry everything for about 2-3 minutes until the onion is a bit softer.
5. Next, add the cooked eggplant and the soaked/cooked noodles to the wok, mix everything well, and continue frying everything for 2-3 minutes longer, stirring often.
6. Mix hoisin sauce, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, maple syrup, and a bit of crispy chili oil, then add to the wok and mix well. If the noodles have absorbed a lot of liquid, add a bit more water and mix again – the noodles, chicken, and veggies should be nicely coated with the sauce. Divide the stir-fry noodles between two bowls, sprinkle with a few chopped peanuts, and serve.
Make something delicious in the kitchen!
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