It seems spring showed only up for a few days here in Germany and then winter (or whatever you want to call this nasty weather) took over again. I don’t know if starting to eat healthy for the perfect “beach bum” is already necessary – summer seems sooooo far away right now… maybe we can go back to big bowls of carb with a creamy sauce and maybe some meatballs? Noo… it is time to do something good for your body :P Well… or at least let’s give it a try. This delicious Quinoa Bowl with Chicken and Hummus is probably good for you in case you want to achieve that flawless beach body… unless you eat this like I do… two servings count as one because it is soooo healthy (and delicious) ;P

I think I should really pay more attention to what I am eating all day. I am skipping sugar almost completely in my diet – that’s already good – but I guess I should also keep an eye on the other things that end up on my plate. And especially the amount of food I eat on a normal day. Eating “healthy” stuff is not doing much if you eat too much of it ;P
Well… I did not want to bother you with my daily struggle with food. I wanted to show you one of our new favorite lunch/dinner recipes. We love quinoa because it is easy to prepare and can be used for many dishes once you cooked it. Perfect for meal prepping as well. You can make this bowl here for your next lunch or use the recipe for meal prepping. The dish can be enjoyed warm or cold. Prepare the dressing separately and add it right before serving and you are good to go.

This bowl can be made all year round since the ingredients are available all the time in supermarkets, but you could switch to some seasonal add-ons, of course, if you like. Right now some grilled Brussels sprouts would be nice instead of the tomatoes, for example. You could also replace the chicken with some grilled tofu if you want to go meatless. There is a lot you can do with a bowl of quinoa ;)
For the bowl:
4 pieces of chicken breast (boneless)
salt, pepper, cayenne pepper
3-4 tbsp. teriyaki sauce
7 oz. (200g) quinoa, uncooked
14 oz. (400g) water
1/2 tsp. vegetable stock powder
5.3 oz (150g) mushrooms, in quarters
10.6 oz. (300g) corn
olive oil for frying
5.3 oz (150g) cherry tomatoes, halved
1 ripe avocado, sliced
5.3 oz (150g) hummus
plus some cooked rice (optional)
For the dressing:
2 tbsp. lime juice
2 tbsp. olive oil
salt, pepper
lime wedges (optional)
Für die Bowls:
4 Hähnchenbrustfilets
Salz, Pfeffer, Cayennepfeffer
3-4 EL Teriyaki Sauce
200g Quinoa, ungekocht
400g Wasser
1/2 TL Gemüsebrühepulver
150g Champignons, geviertelt
300g Mais
Olivenöl zum Anbraten
150g Kirschtomaten, halbiert
1 reife Avocado, in Scheiben
150g Hummus
plus etwas gekochtem Reis (optional)
Für das Dressing:
2 EL Limettensaft
2 EL Olivenöl
Salz, Pfeffer
Limetten, geviertelt (optional)

2. Wash the quinoa with hot water, add together with the water and veggie stock powder to a small pot, and bring to a boil. Let simmer for 20-25 minutes until the quinoa is cooked and has soaked up all of the water. Set aside and keep warm when done.
3. While the quinoa is cooking clean the mushrooms and quarter. Heat up a frying pan with some olive oil and fry the mushrooms until nicely browned and crispy. Take out of the pan and place in a bowl. Add some more oil and fry the chicken until nicely browned from all sides. Brush with some more teriyaki sauce during the frying process to get a nice crust/flavor. Take out of the pan and place on a plate and let rest until needed. Clean the frying pan, if necessary, add some more oil and fry the corn until lightly browned. Remove from the heat when done.
4. Wash and dry the tomatoes and cut in half. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, remove the skin and cut into slices. Cut the chicken breasts into thick slices.
5. Divide the quinoa (and some rice if you want to) between four bowls. Add corn, mushrooms, tomato halves, and avocado slices to each bowl as well as the sliced chicken. Place some hummus to each bowl and season everything with some additional salt and pepper. Mix the lime juice and olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle over everything in the bowls. Serve with some additional lime wedges (optional).
2. Quinoa mit etwas heißem Wasser abspülen, dann zusammen mit dem Wasser und Gemüsebrühepulver in einen kleinen Topf geben und zum Kochen bringen – für etwa 20-25 Minuten köcheln lassen, bis die Quinoa gar ist und das gesamte Wasser aufgesogen hat. Zur Seite stellen, abdecken und warm halten.
3. Während die Quinoa kocht, die Pilze putzen und vierteln. Eine Pfanne mit etwas Olivenöl erhitzen und die Pilze darin anbraten, bis sie schön braun und knusprig sind. Herausholen und in eine Schüssel geben. Noch etwas Öl in die Pfanne geben und die Hähnchenbrustfilets von allen Seiten anbraten, bis sie schön gebräunt sind. Während des Bratvorgangs immer wieder mit etwas der verbliebenen Teriyaki Sauce einstreichen, damit sich eine schöne Kruste bildet. Die Filets aus der Pfanne nehmen, auf einen Teller legen und bis zur weiteren Verwendung ruhen lassen. Die Pfanne ggf. säubern, noch etwas Öl nachlegen und dann den Mais rundum leicht braun anbraten, dann vom Herd ziehen.
4. Die Kirschtomaten waschen, trocknen und halbieren. Die Avocado halbieren, den Kern entfernen, die Haut abziehen und dann in Scheiben schneiden. Die Hühnerbrust in dicke Scheiben schneiden.
5. Quinoa (und etwas Reis, falls man mag) auf vier Schüsseln verteilen. In jede Schüssel gebratenen Mais, Champignons, Tomatenhälften und Avocadoscheiben, sowie die in Scheiben geschnittenen Hähnchenbrustfilets geben. Etwas Hummus in die Schüsseln dazugeben und alles mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Den Limettensaft mit dem Olivenöl verquirlen, mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und dann über die Bowls träufeln. Mit einigen zusätzlichen Limettenspalten servieren (optional).

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Quinoa Bowl with Chicken and Hummus
- Prep Time: 00:40
- Cook Time: 00:25
- Total Time: 00:40
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Lunch
- Cuisine: International
A big bowl to make you happy – a delicious Quinoa Bowl with Chicken and Hummus!
For the bowl:
4 pieces of chicken breast (boneless)
salt, pepper, cayenne pepper
3–4 tbsp. teriyaki sauce
7 oz. (200g) quinoa, uncooked
14 oz. (400g) water
1/2 tsp. vegetable stock powder
5.3 oz (150g) mushrooms, in quarters
10.6 oz. (300g) corn
olive oil for frying
5.3 oz (150g) cherry tomatoes, halved
1 ripe avocado, sliced
5.3 oz (150g) hummus
plus some cooked rice (optional)
For the dressing:
2 tbsp. lime juice
2 tbsp. olive oil
salt, pepper
lime wedges (optional)
1. Wash, dry, and clean the chicken. Season with salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper. Place in a shallow bowl and brush several times with teriyaki sauce, keep some for later. Set aside.
2. Wash the quinoa with hot water, add together with the water and veggie stock powder to a small pot, and bring to a boil. Let simmer for 20-25 minutes until the quinoa is cooked and has soaked up all of the water. Set aside and keep warm when done.
3. While the quinoa is cooking clean the mushrooms and quarter. Heat up a frying pan with some olive oil and fry the mushrooms until nicely browned and crispy. Take out of the pan and place in a bowl. Add some more oil and fry the chicken until nicely browned from all sides. Brush with some more teriyaki sauce during the frying process to get a nice crust/flavor. Take out of the pan and place on a plate and let rest until needed. Clean the frying pan, if necessary, add some more oil and fry the corn until lightly browned. Remove from the heat when done.
4. Wash and dry the tomatoes and cut in half. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, remove the skin and cut into slices. Cut the chicken breasts into thick slices.
5. Divide the quinoa (and some rice if you want to) between four bowls. Add corn, mushrooms, tomato halves, and avocado slices to each bowl as well as the sliced chicken. Place some hummus to each bowl and season everything with some additional salt and pepper. Mix the lime juice and olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle over everything in the bowls. Serve with some additional lime wedges (optional).
Enjoy cooking!