It’s time again for a new “Bake Together – The baking surprise”! The month is almost over, which means Andrea from Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte and I have once again picked out a topic for our #BakeTogether and worked in the kitchen. You can see the result here – a delicious Mirabelle Filo Tarte. So good and refreshing on a hot summer day ;)

You know the game by now… once a month Andrea and I pick a topic and then bake together. Far away from each other because we do not live close by ;P When we created something we surprise each other with the results. Something we are doing every month (except in December) for several years already. I even got a category for all those recipes here on the blog if you are interested and got some time to go through ;P
Today is all about “mirabelles” – those little “wannabe plums”. I guess you got that one already from the title ;) They originate in Asia but became very popular in Europe around the 18th century. Mirabelles have clear connections to plums but they are smaller and yellow/orange or red instead of purple. They get often confused with cherry plums I think. If this happens to you – no problem. Those tiny plums can also be used in this recipe here. Big plums and damson plums as well tbh ;)
Anyway. There are many recipes out there for tarts like this. Most of the time with a classic shortcrust pastry or simple yeast dough. I thought – let’s make it super easy and use filo pastry. That one is pre-made available in supermarkets and super easy to work with. I love the look of the tart you can achieve with that type of dough. Super flaky and crunchy. In combination with the soft custardy filling and the mirabelles you can create a super tasty sweet treat ;)

As mentioned before already – if you don’t have mirabelles on hand, you can of course use plums and damson plums here as well. Same for cherries or other summer fruits and berries. Doesn’t matter if you use them fresh or frozen. Added to the filling you will not notice a big difference. Just saying in case you want to make this tart in the middle of winter…
When baking this tart, make sure that the filling sets well. The sour cream filling may still wobble a bit in the center, but if the entire surface of the tart is still moving after the end of the baking time, it’s better to leave it in the oven for a few extra minutes. Depending on how your oven is, this can vary quite a bit. But do not worry – even with a slight wobble and the tart looking a little underbaked in the center – with enough time in the fridge this wobble will disappear at some point ;)

For the base:
7-8 filo pastry sheets (approx. 300g)
1.8 oz. (50g) butter, melted
For the topping:
16 oz. (450g) mirabelles, pitted
14 oz. (400g) sour cream
1.8 oz. (50g) sugar (or xylitol)
4 medium eggs
1 tbsp. vanilla paste
1 tbsp. lime juice
2 tbsp. cornstarch
Für den Boden:
7-8 Filoteigblätter (ca. 300g)
50g Butter, geschmolzen
Für den Belag:
450g Mirabellen, entsteint
400g Schmand
50g Zucker (oder Xylit)
4 Eier (M)
1 EL Vanille Paste
1 EL Limettensaft
2 EL Speisestärke

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Lightly grease a 9 inches (23cm) pie dish (or tart pan) and set aside. Let your filo pastry come to room temperature in the package for about 10 minutes.
2. Wash, dry, halve and pit the mirabelles. Set aside. In a large bowl mix sour cream, sugar (or xylitol), and eggs. Add the vanilla paste, lime juice, and cornstarch and mix until well combined. Set aside.
3. Melt the butter and brush the filo pastry sheets one by one with it. Place the sheets in the prepared pie dish or tart pan, rotate the sheets each time a bit and slightly crumble them around the edges. Pour the sour cream mixture into the mold and distribute the mirabelles evenly on top. Bake in the preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes. The filo pastry sheets should look well colored and the sour cream filling should be firm – in the center the filling can still wobble a bit. Remove from the oven and let cool down completely. Place in the refrigerator for about 2 hours before serving. Dust with some confectioners’ sugar before serving (optional).
1. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Eine 23cm (9 inches) Pie Form (oder Tarte Form) leicht einfetten und zur Seite stellen. Dein Filoteig in der Packung etwa 10 Minuten auf Raumtemperatur kommen lassen.
2. Die Mirabellen waschen, trocknen, halbieren und entsteinen. Zur Seite stellen. Schmand, Zucker (oder Xylit) und die Eier in einer großen Schüssel verrühren. Vanille Paste, Limettensaft und Speisestärke dazugeben und alles gut verrühren. Zur Seite stellen.
3. Die Butter schmelzen, dann die Filoteigblätter nacheinander mit Butter bestreichen und in die vorbereitete Form legen – dabei die einzelnen Teigblätter jedes Mal ein wenig drehen und am Rand ein etwas zusammenknüllen. Die Schmandmasse in die Form füllen und die Mirabellen darauf verteilen. Im vorgeheizten Ofen etwa 40-45 Minuten backen. Die Filoteigblätter sollten gut Farbe bekommen haben und die Schmandfüllung sollte fest geworden sein – in der Mitte darf die Masse allerdings ruhig noch etwas “wobbeln”. Aus dem Ofen holen und komplett abkühlen lassen. Vor dem Servieren noch einmal etwa 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen. Wer mag, kann die Tarte noch mit etwas Puderzucker bestäuben.

Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Mirabelle Plum Filo Tart
- Prep Time: 00:20
- Cook Time: 00:45
- Total Time: 04:00
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Tarts
- Cuisine: Germany
Mirabelles are the little sisters of the bigger plums and are perfect for this Mirabelle Plum Filo Tart. Super creamy and delicious!
For the base:
7–8 filo pastry sheets (approx. 300g)
1.8 oz. (50g) butter, melted
For the topping:
16 oz. (450g) mirabelles, pitted
14 oz. (400g) sour cream
1.8 oz. (50g) sugar (or xylitol)
4 medium eggs
1 tbsp. vanilla paste
1 tbsp. lime juice
2 tbsp. cornstarch
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Lightly grease a 9 inches (23cm) pie dish (or tart pan) and set aside. Let your filo pastry come to room temperature in the package for about 10 minutes.
2. Wash, dry, halve and pit the mirabelles. Set aside. In a large bowl mix sour cream, sugar (or xylitol), and eggs. Add the vanilla paste, lime juice, and cornstarch and mix until well combined. Set aside.
3. Melt the butter and brush the filo pastry sheets one by one with it. Place the sheets in the prepared pie dish or tart pan, rotate the sheets each time a bit and slightly crumble them around the edges. Pour the sour cream mixture into the mold and distribute the mirabelles evenly on top. Bake in the preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes. The filo pastry sheets should look well colored and the sour cream filling should be firm – in the center the filling can still wobble a bit. Remove from the oven and let cool down completely. Place in the refrigerator for about 2 hours before serving. Dust with some confectioners’ sugar before serving (optional).
Enjoy baking!
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