It’s time to think about Christmas cookies, right? The Christmas season starts soon – well, in stores it already started some weeks ago ;) The 1st Advent is not far, so let’s talk Christmas cookies, shall we?! Are you the “classic type” that prefers old-fashioned cookies or do you also try “new things” like these Gingerbread Fruit Cake Cookies? If you just said “no” you should think again… these cookies are really delicious ;)
When it comes to Christmas cookies we have a “basic selection” in our house – all the time and basically always the same since… dunno… forever?! Probably. Most definitely. Basic shortbread cookies, vanilla crescent cookies, cookie sandwiches – all that delicious stuff everybody loves. There is nothing wrong with those cookies, but sometimes you want something new, right? These Gingerbread Fruit Cake Cookies are definitely something new. And delicious. The flavors scream Christmas ;)
I really love those “slice’n’bake” cookies. They are so easy to prepare – roll the dough into a log, cool/freeze it and then cut it into slices. If you make it correctly, you will get a perfectly round cookie with each cut. Just make sure the dough is cooled properly, otherwise, you will deform the log and the cookies when cutting. Still a perfectly fine cookie, just not as round anymore :P So better keep them in the fridge longer and maybe have a cup of tea, if you get nervous and have problems waiting for things :P
I used dried cherries and dates for the cookies, but you can use other dried fruits and berries if you want to. I think cranberries or dried apricots, for example, would work also well with the gingerbread flavor. Same for the coating – I used chopped pistachios because I like them and I think the green color is a nice addition to the overall look of the cookies. If you want to change that – feel free. I assume chopped almonds or hazelnuts work as good as the pistachios. I guess most nuts work well with the gingerbread flavor anyway ;)
So what “Christmas cookie type” are you? Do you prefer the classic ones or do you also try new things here and there? Maybe a “newbie” turns into a “classic” someday :P
5.3 oz. (150g) dried fruits (e.g. cherries, cranberries)
1.7 oz. (50g) dried dates
1/4 cup (60ml) Rum
2 cups (260g) all-purpose flour
1/2 cup (100g) brown sugar
2 tsp. gingerbread spice
1 tsp. baking powder
pinch of salt
2/3 cup (160ml) coconut oil
1.7 oz. (50g) pistachios, chopped
150g getrocknete Früchte (z.B Kirschen, Cranberries etc.)
50g getrocknete Datteln
60ml Rum
260g Mehl (Type 405)
100g brauner Zucker
2 TL Lebkuchengewürz
1 TL Backpulver
Prise Salz
160ml Kokosöl
50g Pistazien, gehackt
2. Add the flour, sugar, gingerbread spice, baking powder, and salt to a large bowl and mix. Warm up the coconut oil so it gets liquid and add together with the soaked dried fruits to the bowl and knead until you get a nice dough. Make two logs with a thickness of about 2 inches (5cm). Chop the pistachios and cover the logs with it. Wrap in plastic wrap and place on the fridge for about 1 hour to cool down.
3. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Cut the fist roll into (not too thick) slices and place them on the baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit on the baking sheet, then transfer to a wire rack and let cool down completely. Repeat with the remaining dough.
2. Mehl, Zucker, Lebkuchengewürz, Backpulver und Salz in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. Das Kokosöl leicht erwärmen, bis es flüssig ist und dann zusammen mit den eingelegten Früchten zur Schüssel dazugeben und alles zu einem Teig verkneten. Den Teig in zwei Rollen mit einem Durchmesser von etwa 5cm (2 inches) formen. Die Pistazien fein hacken und die Rollen damit bedecken. In Klarsichtfolie einschlagen und dann für etwa 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank legen.
2. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) vorheizen. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen. Die erste Rolle mit einem scharfen Messer in Scheiben schneiden und auf das Backblech setzen. Für 10-12 Minuten backen. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und ein paar Minuten auf dem Blech abkühlen lassen, dann auf einem Kuchengitter komplett auskühlen lassen. Mit dem restlichen Teig wiederholen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintFruit Cake Cookies (vegan)
- Prep Time: 20m
- Cook Time: 9m
- Total Time: 9h
- Yield: 35
- Category: Cookies
- Cuisine: German
Delicious Christmas cookies with dried fruits, pistachios, and gingerbread spices.
Enjoy baking!
Eine Frage aus Amerika …. Was wuerden Sie statt Rum benutzen? Die Kinder moegen den Geschmack von Alkohol nicht.
What would you recommend using instead of rum for families or kids who do not care for alcohol’s flavor?
Vielen Dank!
Hi Sandra,
almond extract or plain vanilla extract should work too. No Alcohol needed ;)