If you like chocolate as much as I do, you are probably one of those persons, that cannot resist a good chocolate cake. When I’m in line at a coffee shop to get a coffee, I can always hear the chocolate cakes on the counter saying to me “Hey there! I know you want me!” ;P
Well… similar situation happened to me the other day in a little café in Paris. I was standing in front of all the delicious stuff they had and a chocolate cake like this one really got all of my attention ;) Unfortunately, I already had reached my limit for sweets that day so I had to say no to that good looking fella. Well… happens. Lucky me, I know how to bake cakes and make them at home if I want to ;))
The most important thing when it comes to chocolate cake is… chocolate. Exactly. Some of you might have noticed already that I prefer a particular kind of chocolate Brand here on my blog. Ritter Sport is my „go-to-brand“ when I need good chocolate for baking. Well, and snacking. Limited but still doing it from time to time ;) Anyway. One of my favorite chocolate is called „Goldschatz“ – really nice flavor, not too sweet and not too bitter. Love it! But that one got some competition…
Ritter Sport* released three new chocolates which are quite special. They are each made with cocoa beans only coming from one specific country. There is a 55% chocolate with beans only from Ghana, a 61% chocolate with beans only from Nicaragua and one chocolate with 74% cocoa coming only from Peru. You can check them out on the Ritter Sport page*.
Well, the „mild one“ from Ghana kind of replaced „Goldschatz“ as my new favorite chocolate. It’s mild, also not too sweet and melts in your mouth. So good! So good I had to use it in this chocolate cake.
Normally I am using chocolate with a higher amount of cocoa – usually more than 60% – so the chocolate from Nicaragua ended up in the cake as well. All in all three chocolate bars… which is not much, right?! ;) Well, it was a good decision cause the cake turned out pretty good!
Oh and btw. – the cake is made without flour. Haven’t made many bakes without flour so far because I normally not getting them right somehow, but this one here was really easy to make. So in case you have problems with flour and gluten, this could be something for you.
My blogger colleague Andrea also made a nice cake the other day with the Ritter Sport chocolate. It’s a classic Sachertorte. So good. If you want to check it, here is the link: Classic Sachertorte (recipe is in German though).
3.5 oz. (100g) Ritter Sport “Die Milde” 55 %, chopped
5 oz. (140g) butter
8 medium eggs, divided
1.4 oz. (40g) cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup (200g) sugar
100g Ritter Sport “Die Milde” 55 %, chopped
140g Butter
8 Eier (M), getrennt
40g Kakaopulver
1/2 TL Salz
200g Zucker
2. Chop the chocolate and add together with the butter to a large heatproof bowl. Place that bowl over a pot with simmering water and melt. Mix until smooth. Take off the heat and let cool down a bit.
3. Add the egg yolks to the melted and cooled chocolate and mix until well combined. Add the cocoa powder and salt and mix in. Set aside.
4. Add the egg whites to a large bowl and mix on high speed until white and foamy. Gradually add the sugar and mix until the sugar has dissolved and stiff peaks form. Add about 1/4 of the whipped egg whites to the bowl with the chocolate and fold in. Gradually add more and gently fold in – you want to incorporate the whipped egg white so you do not see any streaks but you also want to keep as much volume as possible, so be very gentle ;) Pour the batter into the prepared springform tin and smooth out the top. Bake for about 30 minutes. Take out of the oven and let cool down in the baking tin for about 15 minutes, then loosen the sides and pull with the baking parchment onto a wire rack. Let cool down completely. Serve with some ice cream or whipped cream.
2. Die Schokoladensorten grob hacken und zusammen mit der Butter in einer großen, hitzebeständigen Schüssel über einem Topf mit köchelndem Wasser schmelzen lassen und verrühren. Vom Herd nehmen und etwas abkühlen lassen.
3. Die Eier trennen und die Eigelbe zur Schokolade dazugeben und gut unterrühren. Kakao und Salz ebenfalls dazugeben und unterrühren. Zur Seite stellen.
4. Das Eiweiß in einer zweiten Schüssel auf höchster Stufe aufschlagen, bis es schaumig und weiß wird, dann Den Zucker langsam einrieseln lassen und so lange aufschlagen, bis sich der Zucker aufgelöst hat und der Eischnee steif ist. Etwa 1/4 der Eischneemasse zur Schüssel mit der Schokolade dazugeben und vorsichtig unterrühren. Nach und nach mehr Eischnee dazugeben und sehr vorsichtig unterheben – es sollte so viel Volumen wie möglich erhalten bleiben. Achtet aber darauf, dass keine weißen Streifen vom Eiweiß mehr in der Masse zu sehen sind. Den Teig in die Form füllen und glattstreichen. Für etwa 30 Minuten backen. Aus dem Ofen holen und in der Form für etwa 15 Minuten abkühlen lassen, dann die Form öffnen und den Kuchen mit dem Backpapier auf ein Kuchengitter ziehen. Komplett abkühlen lassen und dann mit Eis oder Schlagsahne servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Flourless Chocolate Cake
- Prep Time: 20m
- Cook Time: 30m
- Total Time: 1h
- Yield: 12
- Category: Cake
- Cuisine: German
Delicious gluten-free chocolate cake that will melt in your mouth. It’s so good!
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a 9 inches (23cm) springform tin with baking parchment – bottom and sides. Works best if you grease the tin lightly before. Set aside.
2. Chop the chocolate and add together with the butter to a large heatproof bowl. Place that bowl over a pot with simmering water and melt. Mix until smooth. Take off the heat and let cool down a bit.
3. Add the egg yolks to the melted and cooled chocolate and mix until well combined. Add the cocoa powder and salt and mix in. Set aside.
4. Add the egg whites to a large bowl and mix on high speed until white and foamy. Gradually add the sugar and mix until the sugar has dissolved and stiff peaks form. Add about 1/4 of the whipped egg whites to the bowl with the chocolate and fold in. Gradually add more and gently fold in – you want to incorporate the whipped egg white so you do not see any streaks but you also want to keep as much volume as possible, so be very gentle ;) Pour the batter into the prepared springform tin and smooth out the top. Bake for about 30 minutes. Take out of the oven and let cool down in the baking tin for about 15 minutes, then loosen the sides and pull with the baking parchment onto a wire rack. Let cool down completely. Serve with some ice cream or whipped cream.
Enjoy baking!
*I have partnered with Ritter Sport to bring you this delicious chocolate cake. That’s why I have to declare this here in Germany as Advertising. All I wrote in this article is still based on my own opinion and has not been affected by anybody :)