Sometimes things have to happen quick – that applies to baking as well. Nobody has an infinite amount of time at their disposal, so it’s always good to have a few quick and easy cookie recipes up your sleeve, right? Delicious and Easy Hazelnut Butter Cookies, for example. They are in the oven in no time and just as quickly out and on the plate. Definitely a recipe for hazelnut fans to try!

I’m a really big fan of quick and easy cookies. One of the many reasons why there was a fresh batch of cookies on the blog every Friday for years… and why they are now back again. The perfect sweet treat for the weekend if you don’t want to put a lot of work in. Many cookie recipes are so simple that you can bake them while doing something else tbh. A minimal time of stirring and mixing, then everything goes off into the oven. Done. Perfect for every lazy baker! ;P
Of course, there are also more elaborate cookies where the dough has to be cooled before baking and stuff like that, or maybe the decoration takes a lot of time. So there are other cookies out there, but these here are really simple.

Anyway. These hazelnut cookies go straight into the oven after being mixed shortly. No cooling time needed. If you work quickly and preheat in advance, you can nibble on the first cookie after just 20 minutes. Ok… maybe you should let them cool down briefly so you won’t burn your tongue with a hot piece of dough. It would be a shame if you couldn’t taste the delicious cookies at the end, right? ;P
Well. The cookies are made with very little flour and no eggs – in case anyone is wondering. I sometimes get questions like that when not all the typical ingredients appear in the recipe ;)
In this cookie recipe, the hazelnut butter is the star that brings all the flavors to the cookies and keeps everything together. Unfortunately, hazelnut butter is not yet available in every supermarket here in Germany. However, a lot of organic supermarkets sell nut butter. In case your small supermarket around the corner doesn’t have any – check the organic supermarket or get it online…
Unfortunately, nut butter (all, except peanut butter) is not really cheap. I only buy something when stores have sales or special offers ;P A glass with (any type of) nut butter never lasts long here at home. You can use it for so many bakes or for your porridge or muesli in the morning… everything tastes better with nut butter ;P
(about 15 cookies)
5.3 oz. (150g) hazelnut butter (e.g. Cravers Hazelnut Butter*)
1/4 cup (50g) muscovado sugar
3 tbsp. oat milk (or similar)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2.5 oz. (70g) all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/8 tsp. salt
(etwa 15 Cookies)
150g Haselnussmus (z.B. Cravers Hazelnut Butter*)
50g Mascobado Zucker
3 EL Haferdrink (o.ä.)
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
70g Mehl (Type 405)
1/2 TL Backpulver
1/8 TL Salz

1. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and set aside.
2. Add the hazelnut butter, sugar, oat milk, and vanilla extract to a large bowl and mix until well combined. Add the flour, baking powder, and salt and fold/mix in (e.g., with a rubber spatula) – the dough will be quite thick. Use a small cookie scoop* or teaspoons and place about 15 dough portions (with a bit of space in between) on the prepared baking sheet. Flatten the dough portions slightly with a fork – this will also create a nice pattern on top of the cookies.
3. Bake the cookies for about 11-12 minutes. Take them out of the oven and let cool down for a moment on the baking sheet, then transfer to a wire rack and let cool down completely. Store the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature – they should be good for at least 4-5 days.
1. Den Ofen auf 200°C (390°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen und zur Seite stellen.
2. Das Haselnussmus mit Zucker, Haferdrink und Vanille Extrakt in einer großen Schüssel verrühren. Mehl, Backpulver und Salz dazugeben und mit einem Teigschaber unterheben. Der Teig wird recht fest sein. Mit einem kleinen Cookie Scoop* (Eisportionierer) oder zwei Teelöffeln etwa 15 Teigportionen (mit etwas Abstand zueinander) auf das vorbereitete Blech setzen. Den Teig mit einer Gabel etwas flach drücken – der Teig verläuft kaum.
3. Die Cookies für etwa 11-12 Minuten backen. Aus dem Ofen holen und für einige Zeit auf dem Blech abkühlen lassen, dann auf ein Kuchengitter setzen und komplett auskühlen lassen. Die Cookies in einer Keksdose aufbewahren – sie sollten bei richtiger Lagerung etwa 4-5 Tage durchhalten.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Easy Hazelnut Butter Cookies
- Prep Time: 00:05
- Cook Time: 00:12
- Total Time: 00:20
- Yield: 15 1x
- Category: Cookies
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegetarian
These easy Hazelnut Butter Cookies are done in no time. A quick fix whenever you want something sweet for you and friends or family.
5.3 oz. (150g) hazelnut butter (e.g. Cravers Hazelnut Butter*)
1/4 cup (50g) muscovado sugar
3 tbsp. oat milk (or similar)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2.5 oz. (70g) all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/8 tsp. salt
1. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and set aside.
2. Add the hazelnut butter, sugar, oat milk, and vanilla extract to a large bowl and mix until well combined. Add the flour, baking powder, and salt and fold/mix in (e.g., with a rubber spatula) – the dough will be quite thick. Use a small cookie scoop* or teaspoons and place about 15 dough portions (with a bit of space in between) on the prepared baking sheet. Flatten the dough portions slightly with a fork – this will also create a nice pattern on top of the cookies.
3. Bake the cookies for about 11-12 minutes. Take them out of the oven and let cool down for a moment on the baking sheet, then transfer to a wire rack and let cool down completely. Store the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature – they should be good for at least 4-5 days.
Happy Baking!
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