As soon as the days get longer in spring and the temperatures rise there is one question that comes up instantly: »When do we do our first BBQ of the season?«. A legitimate question, in my opinion ;) Even though we have a nice indoor grill we can use all year round for grilling meat and veggies, doing it outside on a proper grill is so much better, isn’t it? Something you need on the side with your grilled meat or veggies (no matter if you did it inside or outside on the terrace) – is a nice salad. I think we can all agree. If you like it simple and uncomplicated you should take a look at this Easy Coleslaw with Bacon. The perfect side dish for a BBQ.

I have to admit – my coleslaw here looks a bit »simple« or you could say »plain«. It’s not as colorful as other coleslaw. It’s nothing fancy like Panzanella or Cobb Salad either, both of which you would serve and people probably say »looks great« ;P This coleslaw is a simple side salad. Not less delicious compared to other salads, just not as exciting. I guess that’s the word ;) But… it’s the perfect side for everything grilled (meaty or vegan). That’s what it was invented for, I assume.
Looking at the recipe (and pictures) you will notice that my coleslaw is slightly different from traditional American coleslaw. That one is often prepared with mayonnaise or something similar to give it a more »mushy« texture. I don’t know how to describe it better ;P I like coleslaw made like that as well, but similar to potato salad… it’s not needed to prepare something delicious. You also save some fatty calories if you skip the mayonnaise. The next vacation is hopefully coming up soon and if you want to stay in shape to look good at the beach… skip the mayo ;P

If you prefer eating vegetarian/vegan dishes you can skip the bacon here, no problem. I like the combination of the sweeter cabbage and carrots with the salty bacon – that’s why we like to add it to the slaw. If you want to get rid of the bacon but still want something salty you can add some feta cheese (regular or vegan) instead. That should give you the sweet/salty combination the bacon normally adds.
Unfortunately, like other barbecue side dishes, the coleslaw can’t be prepared right before you start your barbecue. You don’t need a lot of time preparing the slaw, but the ingredients need some time to get to know each other ;) About two hours should be allowed for that. So if your barbecue is in the evening I recommend preparing the coleslaw in the morning or early afternoon. If you give it more time it tastes actually better. Just not like 24h in advance ;P
(4 servings)
17.6 oz. (500g) pointed cabbage, sliced finely
4 tbsp. white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 medium carrot, coarsely grated
1 small onion, halved & sliced finely
1 tsp. sugar
2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower oil)
1 tsp. caraway seeds
salt, pepper
3.5 oz. (100g) bacon, finely diced & fried (optional)
0.7 oz. (20g) pine nuts, roasted (optional)
(4 Portionen)
500g Spitzkohl, gehobelt
4 EL Weißweinessig
1/2 TL Salz
1 Karotte, grob geraspelt
1 kleine Zwiebel, halbiert & in Scheiben
1 TL Zucker
2-3 EL Pflanzenöl (z.B. Sonnenblumenöl)
1 TL Kümmel
Salz, Pfeffer
100g Bacon, fein gewürfelt & angebraten (optional)
20g Pinienkerne, geröstet (optional)

1. Clean the pointed cabbage, quarter it, and remove the center. Slice finely with a sharp knife or use a veggie slicer*.
2. Add the cabbage to a large bowl, add the vinegar and salt, and mix/knead for a few minutes until the cabbage has lost about half its volume. Set aside for about 10 minutes.
3. Clean the carrot and grate coarsely. Peel and halve the onion, then slice very finely. Add both to the bowl with the cabbage and mix well. Sprinkle sugar over the veggies and mix everything. Add the oil and cumin and mix again. Cover the salad and let sit for at least 2 hours.
4. Season the slaw with some more salt and pepper before serving. If you like, you can also add some fried bacon and toasted pine nuts here (optional). The salad is perfect as a side dish for some grilled meat or veggies.
1. Den Spitzkohl säubern, vierteln und den Strunk jeweils keilförmig herausschneiden, dann mit einem scharfen Messer dünn schneiden oder mit einem Gemüsehobel* fein hobeln.
2. Den Kohl in eine große Schüssel geben, den Essig und das Salz dazugeben und alles für einige Minuten vermischen und kneten, bis der Kohl etwa die Hälfte an Volumen verloren hat. Für etwa 10 Minuten zur Seite stellen.
3. Die Karotte säubern und grob raspeln. Die Zwiebel schälen, halbieren und dann in sehr feine Scheiben schneiden oder hobeln. Beides zum Kohl dazugeben und gut vermengen. Zucker über das Gemüse streuen und alles gut vermischen. Das Öl und den Kümmel zur Schüssel dazugeben und alles gut vermengen. Den Salat abdecken und für mindestens 2 Stunden ziehen lassen.
4. Den Krautsalat vor dem Servieren noch mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Wer mag, kann hier auch noch etwas angebratenen Bacon und angeröstete Pinienkerne dazugeben (optional). Der Salat passt perfekt als Beilage zum Grillen.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Easy Coleslaw with Bacon
- Prep Time: 00:10
- Cook Time: 00:00
- Total Time: 02:10
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Salad
- Cuisine: United States
This one here is always a good idea when you need a nice side for some grilled meat or veggies – homemade coleslaw (with some bacon and pine nuts added). So good!
17.6 oz. (500g) pointed cabbage, sliced finely
4 tbsp. white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 medium carrot, coarsely grated
1 small onion, halved & sliced finely
1 tsp. sugar
2–3 tbsp. vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower oil)
1 tsp. caraway seeds
salt, pepper
3.5 oz. (100g) bacon, finely diced & fried (optional)
0.7 oz. (20g) pine nuts, roasted (optional)
1. Clean the pointed cabbage, quarter it, and remove the center. Slice finely with a sharp knife or use a veggie slicer*.
2. Add the cabbage to a large bowl, add the vinegar and salt, and mix/knead for a few minutes until the cabbage has lost about half its volume. Set aside for about 10 minutes.
3. Clean the carrot and grate coarsely. Peel and halve the onion, then slice very finely. Add both to the bowl with the cabbage and mix well. Sprinkle sugar over the veggies and mix everything. Add the oil and cumin and mix again. Cover the salad and let sit for at least 2 hours.
4. Season the slaw with some more salt and pepper before serving. If you like, you can also add some fried bacon and toasted pine nuts here (optional). The salad is perfect as a side dish for some grilled meat or veggies.
Enjoy cooking!
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