Fall is here. At least in Berlin. Temperatures dropped and it finally started to rain. Not sure if I like that. I appreciate the lower temperatures and the foggy mornings, but I do not like the rain and less light during the day… but it also means you can finally cook hearty meals again. Not only salad because it was too hot to do anything else. Time for stews and soups like this Creamy Potato Soup with Spinach, for example. Not yet a super heavy dish but we are getting there ;P

In recent years I really got into stews and soups. I always liked stews. Soups on the other hand could be easily a hit or miss with me. I like them creamy and packed with veggies, sausages, etc. A plain clear soup… meh! At least up until I discovered Phở for me. A clear soup/broth. But with loads of noodles, veggies, and other stuff. Guess I did not change that much after all ;P
Anyway. Today is not about Phở. The star of the day is this creamy potato soup. In Germany, potato soup looks a bit different normally. Very thick and most likely with pieces of sausages added. This one here is a bit lighter and creamier and made with fried potatoes and spinach. Yeah, fried potatoes. Not deep-fried like french fries… but fried in some fat to get crispy before they are added to the soup. You also add some nice roasting flavors to the soup by frying the potatoes in advance. Win win! The frying also helps the potatoes to keep their shape. If you cook potatoes for a long time they get a bit “mushy” ;)

Well. The soup is perfect on days you do not want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. The preparations for the soup are done in no time. For a big chunk of the preparation time, you do not even have to be in the kitchen… let the soup simmer and do other stuff around the house ;)
As mentioned above, the potatoes don’t really break down in this soup. If you like the soup to be a bit creamier you can mash some of the potatoes with a potato masher or immersion blender. But only a few. That’s enough to turn the soup into a creamy delicacy. Also – you want some larger pieces to bite into. Happy cooking y’all! ;)
some olive oil for frying
21 oz. (600g) small baby potatoes, halved
1 medium carrot, finely diced
1 piece of knob celery, finely diced
1 medium onion, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
4 cups (1l) vegetable broth
1 tsp. fresh rosemary, chopped
salt, pepper
7 oz. (200g) heavy cream
1.8 oz. (50g) parmesan, grated (plus some more for serving)
3.5 oz. (100g) baby spinach leaves
some lemon juice
etwas Olivenöl zum Anbraten
600g kleine neue Kartoffeln, halbiert
1 mittelgroße Karotte, fein gewürfelt
1 Stück Knollensellerie, fein gewürfelt
1 mittelgroße Zwiebel, fein gehackt
3 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1000ml Gemüsebrühe
1 TL frischer Rosmarin, gehackt
Salz, Pfeffer
200g Sahne
50g Parmesan, gerieben (plus etwas mehr zum Servieren)
100g Babyspinat
etwas Zitronensaft

2. Heat up a large dutch oven or pot with some olive oil. Add the halved potatoes and fry for about 5-6 Minutes. You want the cut sides of the potatoes to brown nicely. Add the diced carrot and knob celery and fry with the potatoes for about 2-3 minutes until slightly softened. Add the chopped onion and garlic, stir often, and continue frying/cooking for another 2 minutes or so. When the onion is soft and fragrant add the vegetable broth, rosemary, and season with some salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and let cook covered for about 15 minutes until the veggies are tender – stir from time to time.
3. Use a potato masher or immersion blender and mash a few of the potatoes to create a more creamy soup. Add the heavy cream and grated parmesan, stir in and let the soup simmer for another 10 minutes. Add the baby spinach leaves and let wilt for a minute in the hot soup. Serve in bowls, drizzle with some lemon juice and sprinkle with some more grated parmesan (optional).
2. Einen großen (gusseisernen) Topf mit etwas Olivenöl erhitzen. Die halbierten Kartoffeln dazugeben und etwa 5-6 Minuten im heißen Öl anbraten. Die Schnittflächen der Kartoffeln sollten dabei schön anbräunen. Dann Karotten- und Knollenselleriewürfel dazugeben und zusammen mit den Kartoffeln etwa 2-3 Minuten anbraten, bis das Gemüse etwas weicher geworden ist. Die gehackte Zwiebel und den Knoblauch dazugeben und etwa 2 Minuten mit anschwitzen. Wenn die Zwiebel & Knoblauch weich sind und duften, mit der Gemüsebrühe ablöschen und den Rosmarin hinzugeben. Mit etwas Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Alles einmal aufkochen lassen, dann die Hitzezufuhr reduzieren und die Suppe abgedeckt etwa 15 Minuten köcheln lassen – das Gemüse sollte weich geworden sein in der Zeit. Ab und an umrühren nicht vergessen.
3. Mit einem Kartoffelstampfer oder einem Stabmixer einige wenige Kartoffeln zerdrücken/pürieren, damit die Suppe etwas sämiger wird. Sahne und Parmesan dazugeben und die Suppe weitere 10 Minuten köcheln lassen. Dann den Babyspinat dazugeben und in der heißen Flüssigkeit zusammenfallen lassen. Die Suppe in Schüsseln servieren, mit etwas Zitronensaft beträufeln und mit etwas zusätzlichem geriebenem Parmesan bestreuen (optional).

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Creamy Potato Soup with Spinach
- Prep Time: 00:10
- Cook Time: 00:35
- Total Time: 00:45
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Soup
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegetarian
This delicious Creamy Potato Soup with Spinach is a dish you can make all year round – not only when it’s cold outside! Any day of the year super delicious!
some olive oil for frying
21 oz. (600g) small baby potatoes, halved
1 medium carrot, finely diced
1 piece of knob celery, finely diced
1 medium onion, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
4 cups (1l) vegetable broth
1 tsp. fresh rosemary, chopped
salt, pepper
7 oz. (200g) heavy cream
1.8 oz. (50g) parmesan, grated (plus some more for serving)
3.5 oz. (100g) baby spinach leaves
some lemon juice
1. Clean and dry the potatoes, do not remove the skins. Cut in half and set aside. Peel the carrot and knob celery and cut into small dice. Peel the onion and garlic and chop finely. Set aside.
2. Heat up a large dutch oven or pot with some olive oil. Add the halved potatoes and fry for about 5-6 Minutes. You want the cut sides of the potatoes to brown nicely. Add the diced carrot and knob celery and fry with the potatoes for about 2-3 minutes until slightly softened. Add the chopped onion and garlic, stir often, and continue frying/cooking for another 2 minutes or so. When the onion is soft and fragrant add the vegetable broth, rosemary, and season with some salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and let cook covered for about 15 minutes until the veggies are tender – stir from time to time.
3. Use a potato masher or immersion blender and mash a few of the potatoes to create a more creamy soup. Add the heavy cream and grated parmesan, stir in and let the soup simmer for another 10 minutes. Add the baby spinach leaves and let wilt for a minute in the hot soup. Serve in bowls, drizzle with some lemon juice and sprinkle with some more grated parmesan (optional).
Enjoy baking!
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