I think everyone is familiar with the term “ramen” these days. Many will probably associate it with the small noodle packages you can find in the supermarket section for convenient foods. Those curly noodles in a block, accompanied by a small packet of spices for the soup. They come in very handy if you are hungry but not willing to put in any effort to make food ;P If you have time and are willing to actually do some work, you can skip the packages and make a delicious Miso Ramen with Chicken Katsu. Better than anything from a package… but I assume you guessed that already ;P
Of course, I haven’t tried all the pre-packaged ramen you can buy. And of course, there can be something that is really delicious But I dare to say that those small packages will have a hard time competing with homemade ramen soup… not only this one here. Any homemade ramen soup ;)
Preparing ramen is an art in itself. If you really want to make everything from scratch it can take several hours to prepare all the components. From the broth to the veggie toppings, to the noodles – in theory, you can make it all yourself with your own two hands to create the perfect ramen ;)
Every now and then we take the time to cook a chicken broth or veggie broth for our ramen from scratch, but to be honest, a good, ready-made broth usually does the trick here, too. The veggies and other stuff you add to the broth, later on, can be just some chopped veggies or more elaborate stuff – that’s totally up to you. You can also make the noodles at home, but to be honest… I watched some videos on how to do it… I would gladly skip that part anytime when making ramen soup. That’s just too much work ;P
This dish here should be ready on the table in less than an hour. Probably a bit too much time if you are looking for a quick lunch but I think it’s doable if you want to prepare it for dinner after work. You can actually do some of the work in advance and prepare the miso broth the night before and do the rest on the following day. Means you can focus on the chicken katsu and the soup “toppings” ;) That’s not that complicated and does not take too much time…
If you want to save some time here you can easily switch some of the veggies and the mushrooms with something else. Corn from a can is a nice substitute as well as spinach leaves, bamboo sprouts, or maybe some dried seaweed. No need to sauté mushrooms or chop veggies. You can even use pre-cooked eggs from the supermarket if you want the soup to be ready more quickly. Just sayin’… ;)
For the ramen soup:
some vegetable oil for frying
1 medium shallot, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tbsp. ginger, grated (or finely chopped)
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds*
2 tbsp. white miso paste*
1 tbsp. hot chili paste (e.g. Gochujang*)
4 cups (900ml) chicken broth
1 cup (240ml) coconut milk
3.2 oz. (90g) ramen noodles (2 servings)
For the chicken katsu:
some vegetable oil for frying
1 medium chicken breast (boneless)
1 medium egg, lightly whisked
about 1/2 cup (50g) panko bread crumbs*
1 tbsp. toasted sesame seeds*
salt, pepper
For the toppings:
2-3 brown mushrooms, fried
2 soft boiled eggs
1 small bok choy (blanched)
1 spring onion, in rings
some toasted sesame oil* (optional)
some toasted sesame seeds* (optional)
crispy chili oil* or similar (optional)
Für die Ramen Suppe:
etwas Pflanzenöl zum Anbraten
1 mittelgroße Schalotte, fein gehackt
2 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 EL Ingwer, gerieben (oder fein gehackt)
2 EL geröstete Sesamsamen*
2 EL weiße Miso Paste*
1 EL scharfe Chilipaste (z. B. Gochujang*)
900ml Hühnerbrühe
160ml Kokosnussmilch
90g Ramen Nudeln (2 Portionen)
Für die Chicken Katsu:
etwas Pflanzenöl zum Anbraten
1 mittelgroße Hühnerbrust (ohne Knochen)
1 Ei (M), leicht verquirlt
etwa 50g Panko* (japanisches Paniermehl)
1 EL geröstete Sesamsamen*
Salz, Pfeffer
Für die Toppings:
2-3 braune Champignons, gebraten
2 Eier (M), weichgekocht
1 kleiner Pak Choi (blanchiert)
1 Frühlingszwiebel, in Ringen
etwas geröstetes Sesamöl* (optional)
einige geröstete Sesamsamen* (optional)
Crispy Chili Oil* o.ä. (optional)
2. Heat up some vegetable oil in a large (cast iron) pot. Add the chopped shallot and garlic and sauté until soft and glossy. Add the grated (or chopped) ginger, toasted sesame seeds, miso paste, and chili paste – mix everything, and let cook for a moment. Deglaze with the chicken broth, add the coconut milk, cover and let simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Continue with the chicken katsu and toppings while the soup is cooking.
3. For the chicken katsu clean the chicken breast and cut it in half so you get two flat pieces. Prepare a plate with the egg and a second one with the panko. Add sesame seeds, some salt, and pepper to the panko and mix. Heat up a frying pan with some oil. Place the chicken pieces in the egg first, then in the panko mix, press onto the chicken, and then fry from both sides until golden brown and done. Remove the chicken katsu from the pan and set it aside. Keep the pan on the stove for the mushrooms.
4. For the topping cut the mushrooms in thin slices and fry until nicely browned in the already hot pan. Add some more oil if needed. When done set aside.
5. Bring some water in a small pot to a boil and cook the eggs for about 6 minutes so the egg yolk is still a bit runny. Transfer to a bowl with cold water so you can peel them easier later on.
6. Add ramen noodles to the soup and cook for about 3 minutes (or whatever the package says). Add the bok choy to the simmering soup as well and let cook for a minute. Take out, rinse with some clean water and cut in half lengthwise. Peel the eggs and cut them in half.
7. To serve the soup get the noodles out of the pot with a slotted spoon and place them in two bowls. Fill up with the ramen soup. Cut the chicken katsu into strips and place it in the bowl on top of the noodles. Add the fried mushrooms, the halved bok choy, the halved eggs, and some spring onion rings. Optional you can also drizzle the soup with some toasted sesame oil, sprinkle with some sesame seeds and if you like it hot, you can also add some crispy chili oil (or similar). Serve immediately.
2. Etwas Pflanzenöl in einem großen (gusseisernen) Topf erhitzen. Schalotte und Knoblauch dazugeben und glasig andünsten. Ingwer, Sesamsamen, Miso Paste und Chilipaste dazugeben, alles kurz vermengen und kurz anrösten lassen. Mit der Hühnerbrühe ablöschen, die Kokosmilch dazugeben und dann zugedeckt etwa 10-15 Minuten köcheln lassen. Während die Suppe köchelt, mit dem Chicken Katsu und den Toppings weitermachen.
3. Für das Chicken Katsu die Hühnerbrust säubern und so halbieren, dass zwei große, flache Stücke (Schnitzel) entstehen. Eine Panierstation mit Ei und Panko einrichten – das Panko mit dem Sesam, etwas Salz und Pfeffer vermengen – dann die Hähnchenschnitzel panieren. Eine Pfanne mit etwas Öl erhitzen und die beiden Schnitzel darin von beiden Seiten goldbraun anbraten. Das Chicken Katsu aus der Pfanne nehmen und zur Seite stellen. Die Pfanne auf dem Herd lassen.
4. Die Pilze für das Topping in dünne Scheiben schneiden und in der bereits heißen Pfanne anbraten, bis sie schön braun sind. Bei Bedarf etwas mehr Öl hinzugeben. Zur Seite stellen.
5. Wasser in einem kleinen Topf aufkochen lassen und die Eier etwa 6 Minuten darin weichkochen – idealerweise ist das Eigelb noch leicht flüssig. Herausholen, abschrecken und etwas abkühlen lassen.
6. Die Ramen Nudeln mit in die Suppe geben und etwa 3 Minuten darin kochen lassen (achtet auf die Zeit in der Anleitung auf der Verpackung). Den Pak Choi ebenfalls in die köchelnde Suppe geben und etwa eine Minute blanchieren. Herausnehmen, mit klarem Wasser abspülen und dann der Länge nach halbieren. Die Eier vorsichtig schälen und halbieren.
7. Zum Servieren der Suppe die Nudeln mit einer Schaumkelle aus dem Topf fischen und auf zwei Schalen aufteilen. Mit der Suppe auffüllen. Das Chicken Katsu in Streifen schneiden und dann auf die Nudeln in der Suppe legen. Die Pilze, den Pak Choi, die halbierten Eier und einige Frühlingszwiebelringe dazugeben. Optional kann man die Suppe auch noch mit etwas geröstetem Sesamöl beträufeln, mit Sesamkörnern bestreuen und wer es scharf mag, darf auch noch mit Crispy Chili Oil (o.ä.) würzen. Sofort servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintCreamy Miso Ramen with Chicken Katsu
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: 00:20
- Total Time: 00:50
- Yield: 2 1x
- Category: Soup
- Cuisine: Japan
This is an easy version of ramen soup. It still takes some time to prepare but the flavor explosion is worth the time invested: Creamy Miso Ramen with Chicken Katsu.
For the ramen soup:
some vegetable oil for frying
1 medium shallot, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tbsp. ginger, grated (or finely chopped)
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds*
2 tbsp. white miso paste*
1 tbsp. hot chili paste (e.g. Gochujang*)
4 cups (900ml) chicken broth
1 cup (240ml) coconut milk
3.2 oz. (90g) ramen noodles (2 servings)
For the chicken katsu:
some vegetable oil for frying
1 medium chicken breast (boneless)
1 medium egg, lightly whisked
about 1/2 cup (50g) panko bread crumbs*
1 tbsp. toasted sesame seeds*
salt, pepper
For the toppings:
2–3 brown mushrooms, fried
2 soft boiled eggs
1 small bok choy (blanched)
1 spring onion, in rings
some toasted sesame oil* (optional)
some toasted sesame seeds* (optional)
crispy chili oil* or similar (optional)
1. For the ramen soup peel and finely chop the shallot and garlic. Peel and grate (or finely chop) a piece of ginger – you need about 1 tbsp. of grated/chopped ginger. Set aside.
2. Heat up some vegetable oil in a large (cast iron) pot. Add the chopped shallot and garlic and sauté until soft and glossy. Add the grated (or chopped) ginger, toasted sesame seeds, miso paste, and chili paste – mix everything, and let cook for a moment. Deglaze with the chicken broth, add the coconut milk, cover and let simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Continue with the chicken katsu and toppings while the soup is cooking.
3. For the chicken katsu clean the chicken breast and cut it in half so you get two flat pieces. Prepare a plate with the egg and a second one with the panko. Add sesame seeds, some salt, and pepper to the panko and mix. Heat up a frying pan with some oil. Place the chicken pieces in the egg first, then in the panko mix, press onto the chicken, and then fry from both sides until golden brown and done. Remove the chicken katsu from the pan and set it aside. Keep the pan on the stove for the mushrooms.
4. For the topping cut the mushrooms in thin slices and fry until nicely browned in the already hot pan. Add some more oil if needed. When done set aside.
5. Bring some water in a small pot to a boil and cook the eggs for about 6 minutes so the egg yolk is still a bit runny. Transfer to a bowl with cold water so you can peel them easier later on.
6. Add ramen noodles to the soup and cook for about 3 minutes (or whatever the package says). Add the bok choy to the simmering soup as well and let cook for a minute. Take out, rinse with some clean water and cut in half lengthwise. Peel the eggs and cut them in half.
7. To serve the soup get the noodles out of the pot with a slotted spoon and place them in two bowls. Fill up with the ramen soup. Cut the chicken katsu into strips and place it in the bowl on top of the noodles. Add the fried mushrooms, the halved bok choy, the halved eggs, and some spring onion rings. Optional you can also drizzle the soup with some toasted sesame oil, sprinkle with some sesame seeds and if you like it hot, you can also add some crispy chili oil (or similar). Serve immediately.
Enjoy cooking!
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10/10 I will make this again!
I used shitake instead of brown mushrooms and also chili garlic sauce instead of hot chili paste. All of the flavors and toppings came together so well. The broth was really rich and flavorful.