I got something low-carb again for you. And me, of course. Something I can eat right now without getting too worried if it’s good or bad for me cause I know it’s ok ;) So let’S have a coffee and one or two of these Coconut Balls aka. Bounty Balls!

Maybe I should explain something first. Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day… just kidding! Mentioning Christmas might seem a bit weird since Easter is coming up soon. Anyway. I bake a lot of cookies for Christmas and normally there are always Coconut Macaroons on my baking list – super delicious Christmas cookies, sweet and packed with shredded coconut flakes. Really great and everybody loves them at home. Well, last Christmas I did not make them. Can’t even remember why not – but all the ingredients were sitting in my cabinets up until now and waiting to be used. Since I am not incorporating shredded coconut that much in my day to day baking I needed to get rid of them before turning old and bad ;) So what else can you do? Coconut balls with chocolate – similar to the Bounty chocolate bars. Exactly ;)
Since I am trying to live the sugar-free and low-carb life right now, I wanted to try a version of these sweets without regular sugar. I used birch sugar instead and that works just as fine as white sugar… but is much better for your blood sugar. Means I can eat it – yay! ;)
If you do not have problems with white sugar or don’t like sugar replacements, just use good old sugar instead. Same amount and all will be fine. You also do not have to use sugar-free chocolate. That one is actually a bit tricky to get sometimes. Not all supermarkets have that I think. At least not here ;) So if you don’t need it, use something else.

No matter if you go low-carb or not – the coconut balls are delicious! Crunchy chocolate on the outside and a soft and creamy coconut filling on the inside. So good! To make sure they stay fresh, I recommend to store them in a cool place. Not necessarily the fridge, but that is also fine. Depending on how you temper the chocolate the balls might get some white lines in the fridge. It does not look that nice when that happens, but the chocolate and the coconut balls are still good. The quality is not affected by a change of color. Unless you leave them in the fridge for a year – then I would be worried about any changes in color… or in general ;P
7 oz. (200g) coconut shreds
1 1/2 tbsp. birch sugar (xylitol)
2.1 oz. (60g) coconut oil
4.2 oz. (180g) coconut milk
8 oz. (230g) semi-sweet chocolate (sugar-free)
1 tbsp. coconut oil
200g Kokosraspel
1 1/2 EL Birkenzucker (Xylit)
60g Kokosöl
180g Kokosmilch
230g Zartbitterschokolade (zuckerfrei)
1 EL Kokosöl oder Kokosfett (Palmin soft)

2. Form about 24 balls out of the mixture and place on a board lined with some baking parchment. Place in the freezer for about 1 hour.
3. Chop the chocolate and add half of it to a heatproof (or microwave-safe) bowl and melt over a pot with simmering water or in the microwave. Add the remaining chopped chocolate and coconut oil and stir in until melted completely. If there are some pieces that won’t melt, reheat a bit (not much) until that pieces are melted as well. Dunk the coconut balls in the chocolate, let excess chocolate drip off and then place on a wire rack or a piece of parchment paper to dry and harden. Store the finished coconut balls in a cool place.
2. Aus der Masse etwa 24 Kugeln formen und auf ein Brettchen mit Butterbrotpapier setzen. Die Kugeln dann für mind. 1 Stunde ins Gefrierfach stellen.
3. Die Schokolade hacken und die Hälfte davon schmelzen (in der Mikrowelle oder über einem Wasserbad). Die restliche gehackte Schokolade und das Kokosfett dazugeben und in der warmen Schokolade schmelzen lassen. Sollten nicht alle Schokoladenstücke schmelzen, noch einmal ganz kurz und wenig erwärmen, bis alles geschmolzen ist. Die Kokoskugeln in die Schokolade tauchen, abtropfen lassen und dann auf ein Gitter oder Stück Backpapier setzen und fest werden lassen. Die fertigen Kokoskugeln an einem kühlen Ort aufbewahren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
“Bounty” Coconut Balls (low-carb)
- Prep Time: 25m
- Total Time: 2h
- Yield: 24
- Category: Snack
- Cuisine: American
Delicious little coconut balls – free from refined sugar and low-carb. The perfect little snack.
Enjoy rollin’!
fattening but delicious
That’s correct ;))