Come to the dark side – we have cookies! And cake! ;) You all know these words, right?! Darth Vader used them to lure people into his troops to fight for the Empire… or something like that. Or maybe that’s just my fantasy. Well… it would make sense – a delicious cake like this Black Out Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake would bring in the masses to join the dark side. Pretty sure about that! ;P
Well, all jokes aside – here is not the dark side of anything. The lights went off, that’s all. And if you take pictures of a black cake in a black pan… it looks very dark :P

Some of you probably think “WTH – this cake looks like charcoal! That was tidbit too long in the oven!”. Well, that was not the case. This bundt cake is baked to perfection – delicious, rich chocolate flavor and the perfect moist texture. Not dry or anything at all! It’s just a bit darker than other cakes. Without any food color mixed in, I have to add! The dark (ok – very dark) color comes from the cocoa powder I used. Some time ago I stumbled over some black cocoa powder* on Amazon and actually bought it to make Halloween cookies. That never happened (I was too busy last year) but I used the cocoa powder in several other bakes so far – for example in my birthday number cake to get pitch black cookie layers. It turned out soo good! On top, the flavor of the cake was great because of the cocoa powder. It tasted pretty much like Oreo cookies. They probably use the same cocoa for their products ;)

Well… the only thing I do not like that much about my Black Out Cake are the brown chocolate pieces within the cake. I used nice semi-sweet chocolate which looked pretty dark when chopped up, but after cutting the cake I realized, the blackness of the cake is so intense that the normally dark chocolate looks very light in comparison. Next time I have to find darker chocolate or switch to white chocolate instead to give the cake a black’n’white look inside ;)
If you can’t get hold of that intense colored cocoa powder, you can use regular baking cocoa instead. You will not get the pitch-black cake, but a delicious chocolate cake that looks a bit more like a chocolate cake (to be honest) ;)
1 cup (230g) butter, softened
3/4 cup (80g) black cocoa powder
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1/2 cup (120g) sour cream
2 cups (260g) all-purpose flour
1 cup (200g) brown sugar
3/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
3.5 oz. (100g) semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
3.5 oz. (100g) semi-sweet chocolate, melted (optional)
230g weiche Butter
80g schwarzes Kakaopulver*
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
2 Eier (L)
120g Schmand
260g Mehl (Type 550)
200g brauner Zucker
3/4 TL Backpulver
1/4 TL Natron
1/2 TL Salz
100g Zartbitterschokolade, gehackt
100g Zartbitterschokolade, geschmolzen (optional)

2. Add the coffee, butter, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract to a microwave-safe bowl and heat up until the butter has melted – it does not need long. You can do that in a pot on the stove as well. Mix until well combined and let cool down again for 5-10 Minutes.
3. Add the eggs and sour cream to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Add the cooled coffee mixture and mix until well combined. Mix the flour with sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and add to the bowl – mix until just combined. Add the chopped chocolate and fold in. Pour the batter into the prepared bundt pan and bake for 42-45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down in the pan for some time, then remove carefully and let cool down completely on a wire rack. Decorate the cake with melted chocolate (optional)
2. Den Espresso/Kaffee mit der Butter, Kakao und Vanille Extrakt in eine mikrowellensichere Schüssel geben und in der Mikrowelle so lange erhitzen, bis die Butter geschmolzen ist – dauert eigentlich nicht sehr lange. Die Mixture glattrühren. Ihr könnt das natürlich auch in einem Topf auf dem Herd machen. Das Ganze für 5-10 Minuten abkühlen lassen.
3. Die Eier mit dem Schmand in einer großen Schüssel hell und luftig aufschlagen. Die abgekühlte Espresso/Kaffee-Mischung dazugeben und gut unterrühren. Das Mehl mit Zucker, Backpulver, Natron und Salz vermischen und dann in die Schüssel dazugeben und nur kurz unterrühren. Die gehackte Schokolade dazugeben und unterheben. Den Teig dann in die vorbereitete Form füllen und für 42-45 Minuten backen – mit einem Holzspieß testen, ob noch Teig kleben bleibt und erst dann herausholen, wenn der Spieß sauber rauskommt. Den Kuchen in der Form etwas abkühlen lassen, dann vorsichtig herauslösen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett auskühlen lassen. Wer mag kann den Kuchen dann noch mit geschmolzener Schokolade dekorieren (optional).

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.

Black Out Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
- Prep Time: 20m
- Cook Time: 50m
- Total Time: 1h 20m
- Yield: 10
- Category: Cake
- Cuisine: American
Delicious and very dark chocolate cake – great texture and not too sweet. Definitely a winner!
Enjoy baking!
Links marked with an asterisk (*) are affiliate links (advertising/Werbung) from Amazon Germany. If you click on one of those links and buy something via this link, I will get a commission for that sale. The price of whatever you buy is not affected in any way by this.
the cake looks good but the only thing I would do is omit the coffee for hot chocolate