Welcome to Bloody Winter Wonderland! ;)) It seems some cookies got… well, it is hard to describe… bitten? Yes bitten and died… or maybe not? It seems they turned into zombies – the Walking Dead Gingerbread. Delicious cookies but maybe contagious? :P

Welcome to Bloody Winter Wonderland! ;)) It seems some cookies got… well, it is hard to describe… bitten? Yes bitten and died… or maybe not? It seems they turned into zombies – the Walking Dead Gingerbread. Delicious cookies but maybe contagious? :P
Ho Ho Ho – Merry Christmas to all of you. This will be my last post before the Christmas Madness is taking over completely. It is time to end all of this ;)
What could be better to end the christmas baking marathon with some nice gingerbread cookies? A swirl of gingerbread combined with short pastry and some sweet jam – I have no idea who came up with this idea, but it is great! :) READ MORE
Lebkuchen is an absolute classic for the Christmas season aka. Advent season. It’s probably one of the most popular German sweets for Christmas (besides Christmas Stollen). The most known Lebkuchen is from Nuremberg – that’s why almost everyone calls them Nuremberg Lebkuchen aka. »Nürnberger Lebkuchen« ;P These often quite big and sweet treats have a long tradition and can be bought on Christmas markets, for example. But… you can make them at home, of course! This article will give you all the information you need to bake them at home.
Dominosteine (aka. Domino Cubes) are one thing that makes you realize Christmas Season has started the moment you see them in the supermarkets – and that is unfortunately already in September in some stores ;) And it feels like they start doing it earlier each year – soon you can get them in summer already…