What’s your favorite Pie? Apple pie? Cherry pie? Or maybe blueberry pie? There are so many delicious pies out there to choose from! One of my favorites in Winter: Blueberry Sour Cream Pie. You make it with frozen blueberries and it is divine! ;)
I am always telling you – use fresh ingredients, fresh fruits, and berries. It’s the best! Well… most of the time ;) Right now frozen blueberries are as good as the fresh ones – depending on what you want to do with them. For a pie like this one, frozen and thawed wild blueberries are great to use. I prefer them actually over the fresh ones you can get in stores here, cause the pie does get a much nicer color. The cultivated blueberries are bigger than the wild ones and are less colorful when baked. Outside the season it’s also much cheaper to use frozen ones ;)
I got the recipe for this pie from a nice lady in a restaurant in Canada. I’ve been on a tour with couple bloggers to visit wild blueberry farms and for one lunch back then we stopped in a cute little restaurant that was located in an old train station. We had his pie as a dessert and since it was so good I asked if I could get the recipe ;) I had to do some adjustments and figure out the baking time, but it worked out well..
If you want to know more about that trip, you can switch to the German version of the recipe. I wrote a bit about it. In German though ;)
1 1/4 cups (165g) all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/2 cup (115g) butter
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
up to 1/4 cup (60ml) ice water
For the streusel:
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
2/3 cup (90g) all-purpose flour
1/4 cup (60g) butter
For the filling:
2 1/2 cups (300g) fresh wild blueberries (or frozen and thawed)
2 medium eggs
1/2 cup (125g) sour cream (schmand)
1 cup (200g) sugar
1/3 cup (45g) all-purpose flour
zest of 1/2 lemon
pinch of salt
165g Mehl (Type 405)
1/2 TL Salz
1/2 TL Zucker
115g Butter
1 TL Apfelessig
bis zu 60ml Eiswasser
Für die Streusel:
100g Zucker
90g Mehl (Type 405)
60g Butter
Für die Füllung:
300g frische wilde Blaubeeren (oder gefroren und aufgetaut)
2 Eier (M)
125g Schmand
200g Zucker
45g Mehl (Type 405)
Prise Salz
Abrieb von 1/2 Zitrone
2. While the dough is cooling, prepare the streusel by mixing the flour with the sugar in a bowl. Add the butter in small pieces and mix. Use your fingers to form streusel. Place in the fridge until needed.
3. Roll out the dough on a floured surface slightly larger than a 9 inch (23cm) pie dish, then transfer to the pie dish and press to the bottom and sides. Tuck in the overlapping dough and form a nice edge. Place in the fridge for another 15 minutes.
4. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). For the filling add the eggs to a large bowl and whip until foamy. Add the sour cream and mix until smooth. Add the sugar, flour, lemon zest, and salt and mix in until well combined. Add the blueberries and fold in. Take the prepared pie crust out of the fridge and fill with the blueberry filling, sprinkle with the streusel and bake for about 45-55 minutes or until the filling is set but still a bit jiggly in the center. Cover with some aluminum foil if the top gets too dark. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely. Serve with some whipped cream.
2. Während der Teig ruht, die Streusel vorbereiten. Das Mehl mit dem Zucker in einer Schüssel vermischen, dann die Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und mit den Fingern dann alles zu Streuseln verarbeiten. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen.
3. Den Teig auf einer bemehlten Fläche etwas größer als die 23cm (9 inches) Pieform ausrollen, in die Form legen und festdrücken. Den überlappenden Teig nach innen einschlagen und einen schönen Rand formen (z.B. mit einer Gabel eindrücken). Für weitere 15 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen.
4. Den Ofen auf 200°C (390°F) vorheizen. Für die Füllung die Eier in einer großen Schüssel schaumig aufschlagen. Den Schmand (sour cream) dazugeben und glattrühren. Zucker, Mehl, Zitronenschale und Salz dazugeben und unterrühren. Die Blaubeeren unterheben. Die Form mit dem Teig aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen, die Füllung hineinschütten und mit den Streuseln bestreuen. Für 45-55 Minuten backen – der Pie sollte in der Mitte nur noch ein wenig wackeln, wenn man an der Form rüttelt. Sollte der Pie zu dunkel werden, mit etwas Alufolie abdecken. Den Pie aus dem Ofen nehmen und komplett abkühlen lassen. Mit etwas Schlagsahne servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Blueberry Sour Cream Pie
- Prep Time: 35
- Cook Time: 55
- Total Time: 210
Delicious and refreshing Blueberry Pie with Sour Cream Filling – Easy to prepare with fresh or frozen blueberries
For the crust
- 1 1/4 cups (165g) all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. sugar
- 1/2 cup (115g) butter
- 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
- up to 1/4 cup (60ml) ice water
For the streusel
- 1/2 cup (100g) sugar
- 2/3 cup (90g) all-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup (60g) butter
For the filling
- 2 1/2 cups (300g) fresh wild blueberries (or frozen and thawed)
- 2 medium eggs
- 1/2 cup (125g) sour cream (schmand)
- 1 cup (200g) sugar
- 1/3 cup (45g) all-purpose flour
- zest of 1/2 lemon
- pinch of salt
- For the dough mix the water with the apple cider vinegar. Place in the fridge for some time (or add an ice cube) to cool it down. Mix the flour with salt, and sugar in a large bowl, add the cold butter in small pieces and cut with a knife or pastry blender into pea-size pieces. Add some of the cold vinegar water mix and knead quickly with your hands until the dough starts coming together – add some more water if needed. The dough should not be sticky. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for about 45 minutes.
- While the dough is cooling, prepare the streusel by mixing the flour with the sugar in a bowl. Add the butter in small pieces and mix. Use your fingers to form streusel. Place in the fridge until needed.
- Roll out the dough on a floured surface slightly larger than a 9 inch (24cm) pie dish, then transfer to the pie dish and press to the bottom and sides. Tuck in the overlapping dough and form a nice edge. Place in the fridge for another 15 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). For the filling add the eggs to a large bowl and whip until foamy. Add the sour cream and mix until smooth. Add the sugar, flour, lemon zest, and salt and mix in until well combined. Add the blueberries and fold in. Take the prepared pie crust out of the fridge and fill with the blueberry filling, sprinkle with the streusel and bake for about 45-55 minutes or until the filling is set but still a bit jiggly in the center. Cover with some aluminum foil if the top gets too dark. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely. Serve with some whipped cream.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 10