Happy New Year! I hope you are all doing well and had a good time! I was a bit knocked out over Christmas, that’s why there was no new recipe, but sometimes you just have to take a little break. New year new recipes. Let’s start with a very delicious one…!
Do you have some old bread rolls in your kitchen? Happens sometimes to me when I bought too many bread rolls on a Saturday morning for breakfast… maybe that happened to you too already. In case – I’ve got something for you: Kirschmichel!
Of course you can by bread just for this dessert and let it dry for a day, but to be honest – it would not be the same – it is a dish that is supposed to be made with leftover bread ;P But I won’t judge you if you buy the bread only to make this “Michel”. The bread has to be old btw. to suck up the milk from the recipe – does not work well with fresh bread rolls.
Where I’m coming from, this dish can be a dessert or a main dish. I loved it when I was a kid. Growing older I somehow “lost” this dish. Means it hasn’t been on my menu for let’s say 20 years? It’s a shame. The “Kirschmichel” is so good!
For the vanilla sauce:
2 cups (500ml) milk
2-3 tbsp. sugar
pinch of salt
1 vanilla bean pod
1 1/2 tbsp. cornstarch
1 egg yolk
For the Kirschmichel:
12.5 oz. (350g) morello cherries or sour cherries
3-4 bread rolls from the day before (about 6.5 oz.)
3/4 cup (180ml) milk
3.5 oz. (100g) butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
3 eggs, divided
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla paste
bread crumbs for the tin
1-2 tbsp. butter
2 EL brown sugar
2-3 tbsp. almonds, slivered
confectioner’s sugar for dusting
Für die Vanillesoße:
500ml Milch
2-3 EL Zucker
Prise Salz
1 Vanilleschote
1 1/2 EL Speisestärke
1 Eigelb
Für den Kirschmichel:
1 Glas (720ml) Schattenmorellen
3-4 Brötchen vom Vortag (ca. 180g)
180ml Milch
100g weiche Butter
100g Zucker
3 Eier, getrennt
Prise Salz
1/2 TL Vanillepaste
Paniermehl für die Form
1-2 EL Butter
2 EL brauner Zucker
2-3 EL Mandelblättchen
Puderzucker zum Bestäuben
2. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Dice the bread rolls and let soak in the milk for about 10 minutes – mix from time to time, so everything gets moist. Let the cherries drain. Set aside.
3. Add the butter and sugar to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Divide the eggs (set the egg whites aside) and add the egg yolks one after another, mixing well in between. Add the vanilla paste and mix in. Add the soaked bread and mix in – if you want the Kirschmichel to be chunky, do not stir much. Add the egg whites to a tall bowl and whisk with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form, add to the bowl with the batter and carefully fold in.
4. Grease a 9 inch (23cm) pie dish or any other baking pan of similar size and dust with the bread crumbs. Add some of the batter to the pie dish/pan and spread, add about half of the drained cherries on top, add some more of the batter, then cherries again and finish with a layer of batter. Bake for 50-55 minutes. Take out the Kirschmichel about 10 minutes before it is finished, add the butter, sugar and slivered almonds on top and finish baking. Take out and let cool down. Serve a bit warm or cold, dust with confectioner’s sugar and serve with the vanilla sauce.
2. Den Ofen auf 175°C (350°F) vorheizen. Die Brötchen in Würfel schneiden und für etwa 10 Minuten in der Milch einweichen lassen – ab und an umrühren, damit alles gleichmäßig einweichen kann. Die Kirschen abtropfen lassen und zur Seite stellen.
3. Die Butter zusammen mit dem Zucker in einer großen Schüssel hell und luftig aufschlagen. Die Eier trennen (Eiweiß zur Seite stellen) und dann die Eigelbe nacheinander zur Schüssel dazugeben und jeweils gut unterrühren. Vanillepaste zugeben und verrühren. Die eingeweichten Brötchen zugeben und unterrühren – wenn im Kirschmichel etwas größere Brötchenstücke zu sehen sein sollen, hier nicht mehr allzuviel rühren. Das Eiweiß mit einer Prise Salz steifschlagen und dann vorsichtig unter die Masse heben.
4. Eine runde Form (23cm/9inch) oder eckig in ähnlicher Größe einfetten und mit Semmelbröseln ausstreuen. Etwas Teig in der Form verstreichen, dann Kirschen darauf verteilen, wieder etwas Teig, die restlichen Kirschen und zum Schluss mit Teig abschließen. Für 50-55 Minuten backen. Etwa 10 Minuten, bevor der Kirschmichel fertig ist, Butterflöckchen, Zucker und gehobelte Mandeln darauf verteilen und weiterbacken. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und abkühlen lassen. Leicht warm oder kalt servieren, mit Puderzucker bestäuben und Vanillesoße dazu reichen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintKirschmichel with Vanilla Sauce
- Prep Time: 35
- Cook Time: 70
- Total Time: 120
For the vanilla sauce
- 2 cups (500ml) milk
- 2–3 tbsp. sugar
- pinch of salt
- 1 vanilla bean pod
- 1 1/2 tbsp. cornstarch
- 1 egg yolk
For the Kirschmichel
- 12.5 oz. (350g) morello cherries or sour cherries
- 3–4 bread rolls from the day before (about 6.5 oz.)
- 3/4 cup (180ml) milk
- 3.5 oz. (100g) butter, at room temperature
- 1/2 cup (100g) sugar
- 3 eggs, divided
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla paste
- bread crumbs for the tin
- 1–2 tbsp. butter
- 2 EL brown sugar
- 2–3 tbsp. almonds, slivered
- confectioner’s sugar for dusting
- Start with the vanilla sauce by taking about 1/4 cup (60ml) of the milk to the side for later. Add the milk together with the sugar and salt to a saucepan. Slit the vanilla bean pod lengthwise and remove the seeds. Add both to the milk and warm up. Let the vanilla soak in the warm milk for about 10 minutes – the milk should be warm, not hot or boiling. Mix the milk you kept on the side with the cornstarch and egg yolk. Heat up the milk until it starts boiling, remove the vanilla bean pod, then add the cornstarch mixture while stirring constantly until the sauce starts to thicken and bubble. Remove from the heat and let cool down while stirring from time to time to prevent the sauce getting a skin.
- Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Dice the bread rolls and let soak in the milk for about 10 minutes – mix from time to time, so everything gets moist. Let the cherries drain. Set aside.
- Add the butter and sugar to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Divide the eggs (set the egg whites aside) and add the egg yolks one after another, mixing well in between. Add the vanilla paste and mix in. Add the soaked bread and mix in – if you want the Kirschmichel to be chunky, do not stir much. Add the egg whites to a tall bowl and whisk with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form, add to the bowl with the batter and carefully fold in.
- Grease a 9 inch (23cm) pie dish or any other baking pan of similar size and dust with the bread crumbs. Add some of the batter to the pie dish/pan and spread, add about half of the drained cherries on top, add some more of the batter, then cherries again and finish with a layer of batter. Bake for 50-55 minutes. Take out the Kirschmichel about 10 minutes before it is finished, add the butter, sugar and slivered almonds on top and finish baking. Take out and let cool down. Serve a bit warm or cold, dust with confectioner’s sugar and serve with the vanilla sauce.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 5
Lieber Marc,
Den Kirschenmichel gab es bei uns einmal die Woche zum Mittagessen, allerdings in der Schwarzbrot Variante.
Was habe ich den gehasst ;-)
Als ich nun Deinen Post gelesen habe, dachte ich erst owe…
Aber Dein Kirschenmichel sieht sehr gut aus.
Also werde ich Dein Rezept gerne ausprobieren.
Herzliche Grüße,
Hallo Sabine,
Mit Schwarzbrot kenne ich den Michel garnicht – ich glaube da gebe ich der Brötchen Variante auch den Vorzug ;))
LG, Marc
Das sieht aber sehr köstlich aus;)