Summer and coconut go together like peas and carrots, like bacon and eggs, like babies and boobies, like… I think you get the concept :P Coconut is something that gives me the feeling of summer, beach and a good time. Mostly because I get my cocktails served in coconuts at a beach bar… just kidding! I’m not an alcoholic! Even though there is some coconut liquor in this delicious Buttermilk Coconut Pound Cake… don’t judge me ;P
All jokes aside – coconut flavor is really one of my summer favorites! For this cake, I heat up the oven in my kitchen even though I do not like to do that when it’s hot outside and inside my apartment. In summer I prefer no-bake cakes that do not require additional heat in the kitchen. Same for cooking – summer is salad season! But for this delicious cake, I tolerate the additional heat in the kitchen. It’s too good not to bake it. Especially in summer ;)
Well… I did not want to bother you with my never-ending stories about a missing a/c in my apartment and me suffering in the heat. It should be all about this delicious cake! It is super fluffy – you probably see that already on the pictures – it’s full of flavors and just perfect for a nice picknick outside with some cold drinks. The (homemade) buttermilk gives the cake the perfect fluffy texture and enhances the coconut flavor along with the coconut liquor ;)
The liquor can be left out if you are baking with/for kids. It’s a nice addition but not necessary. If you want a stronger coconut flavor, you can also add some artificial flavor, but here as well – not necessary. The cake is very coconutty on its own already with the shredded coconuts in the batter and the toasted coconut flakes on top… and some minuature coconuts I still had from this also extremely delicious No-Bake Coconut Cheesecake ;)
Just click/tap on the pictures to get to the corresponding recipe – super easy ;)
For the batter:
1 cup (240ml) milk
1 tbsp. white vinegar
3/4 cup (170g) butter
1 cup (200g) sugar
3 large eggs
2 tbsp. coconut liquor (optional)
2 cups (260g) all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup (100g) shredded coconut, toasted
For the decoration:
1/4 cups (25g) shredded coconut, toasted
1 cup (130g) confectioners’ sugar
1-2 tbsp. heavy cream
Für den Teig:
240ml Milch
1 EL Weißweinessig
170g Butter
200g Zucker
3 Eier (L)
2 EL Kokosnusslikör (optional)
260g Mehl (Type 405)
1 1/2 TL Backpulver
1/2 TL Salz
100g Kokosraspeln, getoastet
Für die Dekoration:
25g Kokosraspeln, getoastet
130g Puderzucker
1-2 EL Sahne
1. Grease a 4.5×10 inches (11x25cm) loaf pan or line with baking parchment and set aside. Mix the milk with the vinegar and let sit for about 8-10 minutes so it can thicken. Add the shredded coconut (for the batter and decoration) to a coated pan and toast (without fat) until lightly browned – be careful not to burn it. Set aside to cool down.
2. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Add the butter and sugar to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one after another, mixing well after each addition. Add the coconut liquor (optional) and mix in. Mix the flour with baking powder, and salt and add alternating with the milk turned into buttermilk to the bowl and mix until just combined. Fold in one cup (100g) of the toasted coconut and keep the rest for the decoration. Pour the batter into the loaf pan, smooth out the top and bake for 55-60 minutes or until a wooden skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down in the pan for about 45-60 minutes, then remove carefully and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
3. Mix the confectioners’ sugar gradually with the milk until you get a nice thick glaze. Drizzle the cake and sprinkle with the remaining toasted coconut. Let dry before serving.
1. Eine 11x25cm (4.5×11 inches) Kastenform einfetten oder mit Backpapier auslegen und zur Seite stellen. Die Milch mit dem Essig vermischen und für etwa 8-10 Minuten andicken lassen. Die Kokosraspeln (für den Teig und die Dekoration zusammen) in einer beschichteten Pfanne ohne Fett leicht anrösten – dabei aufpassen, dass nichts anbrennt. Zur Seite stellen und abkühlen lassen.
2. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Die Butter und den Zucker in eine große Schüssel geben und beides hell und luftig aufschlagen. Die Eier einzeln dazugeben und jeweils gut unterrühren. Den Likör dazugeben und unterrühren (optional). Das Mehl mit Backpulver und Salz vermischen und dann abwechselnd mit der Milch (die jetzt Buttermilch ist) zur Schüssel dazugeben und nur kurz unterrühren. Von den Kokosraspeln jetzt eine Tasse (100g) zum Teig dazugeben und unterheben – der Rest ist für die Dekoration später. Den Teig in die vorbereitete Form füllen und glatt streichen. Für 55-60 Minuten backen – mit einem Holzspieß testen ob noch Teig kleben bleibt und erst herausnehmen, wenn dieser Sauber rauskommt. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und dann in der Form etwa 45-60 Minuten abkühlen lassen. Danach dann vorsichtig aus der Form lösen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett auskühlen lassen.
3. Den Puderzucker nach und nach mit der Sahne vermischen, bis eine dickflüssige Glasur entstanden ist. Den abgekühlten Kuchen damit dekorieren und die restlichen Kokosflocken darauf verteilen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintCoconut Buttermilk Pound Cake
- Prep Time: 30
- Cook Time: 60
- Total Time: 150
Delicious summer cake with coconut and buttermilk – easy to prepare.
For the batter
- 1 cup (240ml) milk
- 1 tbsp. white vinegar
- 3/4 cup (170g) butter
- 1 cup (200g) sugar
- 3 large eggs
- 2 tbsp. coconut liquor (optional)
- 2 cups (260g) all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1 cup (100g) shredded coconut, toasted
For the decoration
- 1/4 cups (25g) shredded coconut, toasted
- 1 cup (130g) confectioners’ sugar
- 1–2 tbsp. heavy cream
- Grease a 4.5×10 inches (11x25cm) loaf pan or line with baking parchment and set aside. Mix the milk with the vinegar and let sit for about 8-10 minutes so it can thicken. Add the shredded coconut (for the batter and decoration) to a coated pan and toast (without fat) until lightly browned – be careful not to burn it. Set aside to cool down.
- Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Add the butter and sugar to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one after another, mixing well after each addition. Add the coconut liquor (optional) and mix in. Mix the flour with baking powder, and salt and add alternating with the milk turned into buttermilk to the bowl and mix until just combined. Fold in one cup (100g) of the toasted coconut and keep the rest for the decoration. Pour the batter into the loaf pan, smooth out the top and bake for 55-60 minutes or until a wooden skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down in the pan for about 45-60 minutes, then remove carefully and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
- Mix the confectioners’ sugar gradually with the milk until you get a nice thick glaze. Drizzle the cake and sprinkle with the remaining toasted coconut. Let dry before serving.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 10
Looks really tasty. I will try this next weekend.
Where in Berlin can I find these mini-coconuts?
I have no idea if it’s sold in Berlin – I got them online. Haven’t seen them anywhere in shops so far.
Sounds like my type of cake! I will try the recipe and get back for commentary. Thanks for sharing.