Let’s get back to business! Bake to the roots is back with some changes! ;)
I hope everyone of you noticed that I or better said the blog was gone for some time – that would mean you wanted to reach the blog which means you are interested in my stuff which means I like you very much! :P
Just kidding – it was about time for some changes! As you might noticed the blog looks a bit different. If you’re here for the first time: Hello and don’t listen to what I am telling you now, because you don’t know the old blog… ;)
Anyways – new logo, new layout, new everything! I really liked my old blog back in the days – especially the front page grid with all the small pictures. What I did not like so much, was the header and the logo itself. The logo was done in 5 minutes when I started to think about this blog – and that’s how it looked like at the end ;) Ok the new one took only 5 minutes more, but there was some hard thinking involved – more or less :P
My goal was to get a more “blog-like” look & feel, where you can scroll down and get more information right away for every post – better than just a small picture and the recipe name… that is what you can see now when you go to the front page. I also think the menu is a bit more inviting than the old one…

Anyways – all is new, but all is not working 100% so far – still working backstage to fix things (if you ever have a blog and want to change your theme – take your time – actually a lot of time, a deep breath and 2-3 bottles of wine – and don’t shout at people around you – then all will be fine… eventually at some point ;)
Oh almost forgot one other big change! The blog is now available in German and English – not only the recipes – everything. Well almost everything – still working on translations, but one day it will be fully translated – I promise! If you want to change the language, there is a little flag on the top right – click it and you will see what happens ;) You can also click here ;)
Well – that’s all :)
Let me know what you think, if you find mistakes – there are a lot of German posts still in English – so that is not a mistake ;) But everything else – tell me, comment below. Oh and the loading times are not the best right now – hope I can fix that too soon! Cheers!
Oh and of course there is cake to celebrate – Orange Blossom Rice Pudding Cake with Fresh Berries

Your blog is so nice, i love it !!!
I wish I could fix my blog, and stay as nice as yours, someday I’ll make it :)
Thxs Silvia!
Happy you like the blog! Yours is also nice!
The great stuff you post is more important than a layout :)